Navigați prin mări perfidă către cei mai înalți copaci de pe pământ – Ep. 159 RAN Sailing

Navigați prin mări perfidă către cei mai înalți copaci de pe pământ - Ep.  159 RAN Sailing

Ne îndreptăm spre larg în ceață și, în ciuda rotunjirii a două pelerine cu vânt, ajungem la Fort Bragg, California. Când suntem aici, în nordul Californiei, nu putem rata să vizităm Redwoods, cei mai mari copaci din lume! Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul navei noastre Ran, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu și am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze în ianuarie 2016. Nu există nicio rută stabilită și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: Urmărește-l pe Ran și pe noi aici: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: Un mare mulțumire patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să vă împărtășim aventura noastră. Cu sprijinul dumneavoastră, putem continua să producem în propriile noastre condiții. PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:04 The Warm And Absolute – By Lotus 03:51 Creepy (Versiune instrumentală) – Frigga 07:25 Song For Saul – They Dream By Day 13:07 he Light In You (Versiune instrumentală) – Martin Hall 17:21 River Words – Alan Ellis 23:06 Lens Flare 3 – Peter Sandberg Moon of Endor foto: Fort Bragg vreme grea: https:/ / Dragoste, Malin și Johan


31 thoughts on “Navigați prin mări perfidă către cei mai înalți copaci de pe pământ – Ep. 159 RAN Sailing

  1. I take my eye off you two for a few episodes… and look what happens, congratulations on the soon to be new crew member! I agree with one of the previous comments… you videography is the best. But, what I like even better is your approach to exploring and sailing – you go everywhere. Your experience shines through without a lot of the psychobabble dialogue we get from some other channels. With that said… I'd love to hear a little more sometimes, on for example, the planning that went into your approach for Fort Bragg Harbor. Like how tide, currents, charts were explored (what are your preferred weather modeling sources for the Pacific) and how you knew from the initial approach that the conditions were safe enough to enter. I value your judgement and experience more than some of the folks on Youtube that share their planning frequently. Just a thought. I am signing up as a Patron today and will be happy enough supporting the three of you and your videos without my personal wants being met as I understand the videos take a lot of time, effort and cost to produce!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey through the magnificent sequoia with us in such an artistic way. The drone shots and music at the end were so beautiful.

  3. Hi you two,
    Malin, sweetheart you would most likely fell a bit if not a lot better laying out in the open where you can see what is happening. Down in the cuts of the boat your brain and eyes cannot understand what motion is, that is what causers seasickness plus with morning sickness that does not help. I had the same problem when I went to sea in 1980's in the navy. I was down in the boiler room in rough seas. That's how I got my sea legs as they say.
    BTW, those trees you said was around 300 feet. That was the same size as the destroyer I served on, unreal.
    Take care you two. Lars.

  4. Top rate video. Fantastic production quality. Your videos make me want to travel more which means you are doing a great job. Thanks for publishing them.

  5. Be careful of wishing dinosaurs were around, because they’re are some scientists trying to do just that…bring back dinosaurs. Some things are best to stay in the past.

  6. hope you guys are OK as i'm just concerned that you haven't been posting on Instagram for a few days and you are really missed

  7. As a born Dutchman, I have mixed feeling about what "our" women did to yours in the Women's World Cup. Glad for our ladies, but sad it had to be Sweden. You folks are so nice! Good luck with your crew expansion project, Malin, and hope you feel better soon.

  8. Thank you for another very enjoyable video, we do love them so much. So glad Malin is feeling a bit better. Your drone shots were Amazing! Safe travels.

  9. Seeing a sperm whale is epic, walking under redwoods is epic, and so was sunrise through the Golden Gate come your arrival to San Francisco! It's nice to see you're feeling better, Malin.

    Suggest Malin please check this channel out, considering the source is a new mom afloat:

    The Chatham Bars on Cape Cod's elbow can get just as rough as Coos Bay, and one can't trust the chart for the area because the sand is always moving. That area was hit with an extremely rare tornado today. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH….!!!

  10. Actually just had an idea to understand the height. Flew the Mavic Air to its max altitude of 100m. It's just unbelievable and I can feel why you are so impressed. Somehow mankind is just a speck in history & nature.

  11. I absolutely love how you called ewoks “ Wookie bears”. Thank you for your wonderful channel. My favorite YouTube channel.

  12. I once went to the Eureka, Arcata area to see the Big Redwood trees 🌲 I was with my sister and Mom. We drove dawn from Hoodriver Oregon where we stayed for the summer of 1963, it was So Beautiful up in Northern California 😱😍🤩. 14:00 🕑

  13. Kudos for renting a car a checking out the redwoods. You can see pictures and have it described but it’s nothing like experiencing it. You seem to have caught the perfect time. Sometimes it can get a little crowded, especially the chandelier tree. You will and most likely have seen many places in the world but nothing like that I am sure. For some people it’s not much. For others it’s a deep experience. Very glad to see that it was a deep experience for you.

    Safe journeys and happy travels to you.

  14. The trees have seen so much , it makes one feel as though man is only playing at it for a very short time . You both have a unique way of looking at nature and tell a very good story long the way

  15. Thankfully you are getting to see some of the nice areas along your route, but there were many more. Sorry for the Visa deadline. You haven't said how you managed to single hand the boat on your watches. I think that would be a significant problem being so close to land and having fishing and cruisng traffic all around.

  16. I know this is an old post but I couldn’t help but comment. The Redwoods are my favorite part of the country. I’ve been going back to Northern California every few years to see them Highway 101 and Avenue of the Giants since I was 20. Last year I took my girlfriend from Italy to see them. I’m glad you guys stopped in and went to see them.

  17. Amazing trees, have always wanted to see them and when this covid calms down, hopefully will be able to travel again.

  18. You guys are awesome . I've really been trying to slow down my life and sail I own a 30ft tartan and plan soon to head out. Getting the boat ready is a challenge. Your videos help me to be mire confident and not in such a hurry about thing. You two seem to enjoy life as it comes..

  19. It’s so neat seeing others explore your home area, us locals take it for granted sometimes. The redwoods are definitely special. Headed that way myself in a couple days for a little get away.

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