BOREN – Un film despre navigație și bărci din lemn.

BOREN - Un film despre navigație și bărci din lemn.

Boren, barca are o poveste incredibilă. De la coasta de est până la Bahama și până în Alaska, ea a văzut totul. Ea a navigat prin uragane, a dat peste un recif de corali, a spart boma și chila și totuși supraviețuiește în toată frumusețea ei artistică. Boren locuiește acum cu un marinar viclean în insulele San Juan din nord-vestul Pacificului. Aceasta este povestea ei. O poveste despre navigație. Produs de: Mountain Grown Media Filmat și regizat de: Bevan Waite Editare/Culoare/Sunet de: Bevan Waite Filmat și montat în 10 zile. Multe mulțumiri familiei Waite pentru participare. Tatăl tatălui fericit, tată. La multi ani mama.


50 thoughts on “BOREN – Un film despre navigație și bărci din lemn.

  1. I watched this because it made me think of my Granp's 10m Plan Cornu. The film and story are awesome. I'm not that far from getting tears. All my childhood on a boat like that that is coming back.

  2. OM off the hook G, Bevan Waite, you’ve created a tribute here that is unfathomably glorious! It spans generations, of family and sailors.

  3. Great video, and nice boat!
    In Norwegian "Børen" may mean two things:
    1 A burden, to carry something heavy, have a heave load, either physically or mentally.
    2. Sail wind, where we say "motbør" which means wind against you. Or "medbør" which means wind with you. Motbør and medbør, can also be used to describe how life is going.

  4. Beautiful film about a beautiful boat that is being well taken care of! I can see the same joy in his eyes when he's talking about the boat as I feel more mine, great work from everyone involved in the making of this piece. I'm really surprised at the size of the interior of the boat, head room most of all which wasn't all that common in those days.

  5. Cheesy crap. Takes nothing but money to sit down on Orcas and buy a beautiful boat and while away the summers. Not impressed lol

  6. Wonderful footage! I see in the credits that we share the same last name…Greetings from the Chesapeake Bay
    " Beyond All Things Is The Sea"

  7. A beautiful Yacht! And especially beautiful, is the mindset of a wooden sailing yachtsmen! Thanks for sharing the story of Boren. Stay healthy and fair winds! Greetings from the archipelago of Sweden. 🇸🇪

  8. A masterpiece of a boat! The boat itself stands as a living character itself. Every men would dream of venturing with her.

  9. "…in 100 foot waves…" I call bullshit! In order to have 100 foot waves you would need 120 knt winds sustained from the same direction for a duration of 72 hours. Never happened in the north Atlantic. Maybe in the western Pacific. NOT anywhere near Bermuda.
    This guy is either naive or hyperbolic. Either way, I don't believe a word he says now.

  10. Wonderful story, captivating story telling. I am thankful you shared the story of Boren and your own personal story. The editing and music are a perfect compliment to this rich and beautiful story. Thank you and best wishes.

  11. I’m from the piglet sound, I’ve been here my whole life. I’m a welder and have welded for many shipyards here in WA, Everett naval, psns, vigor Seattle, nichol brothers boat builders. It’s my dream to save up for a boat and sail the world

  12. Outstanding video. I couldn't agree more- the PNW is fabulous. I also sail the west coast out of Vancouver, BC. As you mentioned, there are so many beautiful places to sail and drop the hook.
    Vancouver, BC.

  13. Explaining sailing and the feeling it gives is not easy but you did it perfectly with a beautiful boat and even beautiful heart. Just whoow, and keep sailing BOREN

  14. What is that LGBT flag got to do with anything. You flash that rag and instantly make it political. So stupid. Keep that crap to your self.

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