O ZI DIN VIAȚA unei familii de navigatori (la mare): Școală acasă, Veghe de noapte, Evading Pirates (Ep 81)

O ZI DIN VIAȚA unei familii de navigatori (la mare): Școală acasă, Veghe de noapte, Evading Pirates (Ep 81)

Cum e cu adevărat să trăiești pe o barcă cu pânze? Spectacolul nostru este întotdeauna potrivit pentru familii și plin de aventurile scandaloase ale creșterii unei familii în timp ce navighează în jurul lumii. Este filmat, editat și produs exclusiv de noi șase de pe barca noastră, Privilege 585 Catamaran (și Anna încă gestionează biroul din camera ei de cămin al colegiului din Texas). Prin urmare, ia familia și adună-te în jurul televizorului și petrece ceva timp râzând și aventurându-te cu Z-Crew! ***DORIȚI SĂ SUSȚINEȚI Z-CREW?*** —DEVENI MEMBRU Obțineți acces anticipat, conținut exclusiv și multe altele! Faceți clic aici pentru a afla mai multe: https://sailingzatara.com/members — LUĂȚI UN BILET LA SHOW Donația ta unică este ingredientul principal pe care îl folosim pentru a continua să oferim filme fierbinți doar pentru tine! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets — SPORT SOME SWAG Arată-ți dragostea pentru z-crew purtând un tricou super moale sau o pălărie flex-fit: https://sailingzatara.com/shop — GĂȘIȚI TOATE PREFERATELE MELE ECHIPAMENT DE FILMARE AICI: Echipament de cameră, echipament de scufundări și faimoasele Ray-Ban ale lui Keith… și multe altele! Am făcut echipă cu Amazon pentru a vă oferi exact ceea ce căutați într-o pagină ușor de navigat: www.sailingzatara.com/gear Happy Sailing! Muzică Renee și Z-Crew în acest videoclip: Float Away – Grabbitz/Monstercat http://www.youtube.com/Monstercat #SailingZataraSeason3


41 thoughts on “O ZI DIN VIAȚA unei familii de navigatori (la mare): Școală acasă, Veghe de noapte, Evading Pirates (Ep 81)

  1. what an amazing family! You guys are all awesome!!! Thank you for letting us have a little view into your lives, that's very kind of you.

  2. This reminds me of a family I read about in our Seton homeschool magazine that sold their home and traveled the world in their sailboat while homeschooling their kids… As a boating (inland not ocean) and homeschooling family it’s been a bit of a fantasy since. However my job as an RN doesn’t translate to a work from home well😉

    Anyway love the videos! Take care🙏🏻❤️

  3. This is addictive viewing better than any docu-drama because you know for sure that this is real, live time drama. how do you cope with sea sickness if all all?. these kids have a strong constitution to travel so far and wide out at sea for weeks at a time .

  4. Everyone's hating and now the two boys have sponsorships and are pro-Kitesururfers. I would love to live on the sailboat with my family. It all depends on how you're raised. 💯

  5. You learn something new everyday. I understand concerns around modern day piracy but I was not aware piracy was much of an issue at all in the Pacific. That's news!

  6. This would get old for me reallllllllllllyyyyy quickly for me lol. These guys were covid lifestyle before covid started.

    There is more to life, then just vacationing all the damn time.

    I thought I would have been into this as a kid but as an adult this just seems like a nightmare of so many pointlesss scenarios I dont want to deal with.

  7. Hello everyone, I like what you are doing and how you have prepared, it is a big contract with a complete family.
    I like your moments of instruction on sailing or with your family, the shifts in navigation that you explain with understandable words. mdr Your Catamaran is great.
    Thank you for your videos and your fishing moments with beautiful catches.
    Good continuation and be careful on the waves.
    To you (good winds) from Quebec

  8. Loved the clips from Captain Ron, that was my favorite movie as a kid. Since I've been watching you all I wondered if the kids have ever watched that movie 😆. I could totally see Finn getting an eagle tattoo on his chest one day at Port lol.

  9. I am so fucking inspired… we’ve been looking into van/rv life the last 2 years but everything keeps falling through when we go to buy a camper… this is an amazing idea and I LOVE the ocean. Thank you for sharing your lives.!!!!!!!! Definitely subscribing

  10. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16

  11. I want to live on a boat with my fiancée and I’m struggling trying to figure out with my daughter she’s 12 almost and is part time my house part time her dads. She’s very attached to friends and electronics but I know this would be good for her it’s just her dad and the whole living situation

  12. We are watching this around 11pm. When Jack started yawning halfway through his shift, we all started yawning with him‼️🤣

  13. This channel is literally the only channel that has a tons of actual sailing.. other channels just have monologues and reflections and b roll.. this channel sets the bar very high this should be top 1 sailing channel.

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