Dispariția misterioasă a unui pionier al mării | Joshua Slocum Documentar | Cronologie

Dispariția misterioasă a unui pionier al mării |  Joshua Slocum Documentar |  Cronologie

Documentar care cronicizează viața și cariera lui Joshua Slocum, marinarul care a devenit primul circumnavigator solo al globului. De la nașterea sa în Nova Scoția în 1844 până la dispariția sa misterioasă pe mare în 1909, acest film oferă o viziune în profunzime asupra unui marinar, scriitor și aventurier neînfricat și carismatic. Este ca Netflix pentru istorie… Înscrieți-vă la History Hit, cel mai bun serviciu de documentare de istorie din lume, la o reducere uriașă folosind codul „TIMELINE” –ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu Puteți găsi mai multe de la noi pe: https://www.facebook.com/timelineWH https://www.instagram.com/timelineWH Acest canal face parte din History Hit Network. Pentru orice întrebări, vă rugăm să contactați owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com


28 thoughts on “Dispariția misterioasă a unui pionier al mării | Joshua Slocum Documentar | Cronologie

  1. Definitely pretty neat seeing this video pop up. Joshua Slocum is my great great uncle. My grandmother used to talk about him pretty often when I was little.

  2. How ironic that the same sea that Joshua conquered is the same sea that devoured him. But he was a life-long sea-dog and I find it proper that the sea brought him back home to the only home he knew. Salute and RIP Joshua Slocum. Your journey is well preserved.

  3. F**king commercials and merchandise cr*p. This 'channel' is 're-purposing' government-subsidised documentaries originally produced for public television to sell cars, T-shirts, and sanitary napkins.

  4. the audio version of his book is available on YT. while reading the letter Slocum wrote in his own hand i am impressed with his spelling given that he only had 2 yrs of formal education!

  5. I don’t don’t think there is anything mysterious about his disappearance, I’m in the camp that thinks spray was not designed for this sort of venture and only Slocums skill as a a mariner prevented earlier disaster, I believe he was catching some sleep below (relying on sprays proven ability to self sail with a lashed helm) and was caught by a wave that put spray on her beam ends and before she could right herself got rolled by another

  6. Am much as i enjoy westurns I never thought I would thank that. I would appecite, love to see this made into a movie even if it be a IFC film. I am sure there is a old Blue Wale that once seen Captain Joshua Slocum That is still alive or swam next to him. As a boy in the 80s i always loved seening old ships from 200 300+ yrs old in books. Thk u for this seems the older i get i pick up hobbies that i used to hat dislike not interested. As such writing. HOw ever i do have literature form the eraly 2000s was not not into writing back then as i was trying to win a scholarship but instead won publishing rights. anyways being inspired to write a book or two will be a challange there for i do not spell well was not taught in school in the 90s.
    After hearing all about this man I am stronger this much now to grasp this knollage. 
    Thk u aging

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