Documentar care cronicizează viața și cariera lui Joshua Slocum, marinarul care a devenit primul circumnavigator solo al globului. De la nașterea sa în Nova Scoția în 1844 până la dispariția sa misterioasă pe mare în 1909, acest film oferă o viziune în profunzime asupra unui marinar, scriitor și aventurier neînfricat și carismatic. Este ca Netflix pentru istorie… Înscrieți-vă la History Hit, cel mai bun serviciu de documentare de istorie din lume, la o reducere uriașă folosind codul „TIMELINE” –ᐳ Puteți găsi mai multe de la noi pe: Acest canal face parte din History Hit Network. Pentru orice întrebări, vă rugăm să contactați
Dispariția misterioasă a unui pionier al mării | Joshua Slocum Documentar | Cronologie
28 thoughts on “Dispariția misterioasă a unui pionier al mării | Joshua Slocum Documentar | Cronologie”
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Definitely pretty neat seeing this video pop up. Joshua Slocum is my great great uncle. My grandmother used to talk about him pretty often when I was little.
I feel bad for people who have to imitate a life of someone who was just doing what they love. Be inspired but sail you own seas,find your own path, it will never be a waste of time.
Perhaps he was eaten by cannibal Pirates. He looks tasty enough.
He never learned to swim? I have such a difficult time understanding how this happened.
How ironic that the same sea that Joshua conquered is the same sea that devoured him. But he was a life-long sea-dog and I find it proper that the sea brought him back home to the only home he knew. Salute and RIP Joshua Slocum. Your journey is well preserved.
He sank like a rat.
A life well lived by a courage and far sighted seaman! 🌈
A whole different type of freedom I'm waiting on my book to understand more at my age I want to sail the seas hopefully soon.
I had a friend build a 42' Spray out of fiberglass in South Carolina
Beautifully written and narrated!
F**king commercials and merchandise cr*p. This 'channel' is 're-purposing' government-subsidised documentaries originally produced for public television to sell cars, T-shirts, and sanitary napkins.
Oh hey this guy is my great great great great grandfather
the audio version of his book is available on YT. while reading the letter Slocum wrote in his own hand i am impressed with his spelling given that he only had 2 yrs of formal education!
I don’t don’t think there is anything mysterious about his disappearance, I’m in the camp that thinks spray was not designed for this sort of venture and only Slocums skill as a a mariner prevented earlier disaster, I believe he was catching some sleep below (relying on sprays proven ability to self sail with a lashed helm) and was caught by a wave that put spray on her beam ends and before she could right herself got rolled by another
But it's a yawl not a sloop.
A great sailor,author,boat builder,navigator,adventurer and all round he man .He will always be remembered.(36 ft. boat).
Amazing story! Quite a character living in our hearts, Salut!!, dear Captain!!
The goat ate his Caribbean chart for lunch! Damn!
Joshua Slocum was a great, great…Uncle of mine. I remember my grandpa showing me and telling me about his book about Joshua Slocum, back in the sixties.
25 minutes in and I still don't know what he is so famous for but, I guess it will get to it.
He did have a fondness for young very young women. Sigh.
Very interesting. Thank you.
Efsane bir yaşam…👏⛵🗺🙂
My name is Luke VanDerburgh my grandmothers maiden Judy slocum so that means he was my ancestor
Am much as i enjoy westurns I never thought I would thank that. I would appecite, love to see this made into a movie even if it be a IFC film. I am sure there is a old Blue Wale that once seen Captain Joshua Slocum That is still alive or swam next to him. As a boy in the 80s i always loved seening old ships from 200 300+ yrs old in books. Thk u for this seems the older i get i pick up hobbies that i used to hat dislike not interested. As such writing. HOw ever i do have literature form the eraly 2000s was not not into writing back then as i was trying to win a scholarship but instead won publishing rights. anyways being inspired to write a book or two will be a challange there for i do not spell well was not taught in school in the 90s.
After hearing all about this man I am stronger this much now to grasp this knollage.
Thk u aging
What A Man , A TRUE SEA WARRIOR. 🤠🤙🌊🚣♂️
I watched the entire documentary with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.