COPII AHOY! Navigație cu copii // Croația Familii Partea I (Ep 83)

COPII AHOY!  Navigație cu copii // Croația Familii Partea I (Ep 83)

Cum e cu adevărat să trăiești pe o barcă cu pânze?! Pe măsură ce ajungem la uscat după o trecere de o lună, vă aducem cu voi pentru a explora Insulele Marquesas și Tuamotus. După munca obișnuită cu barca și timpul de joacă pe insula tropicală, ne așezăm și discutăm cu prima dintre mai multe familii de navigatori despre cum este pentru ei să navigheze cu copiii. Prezintă: Sailing Nikau: ***TOATE VIDEOCLIPILE NOASTRE sunt TV-PG și filmate, editate și produse exclusiv de noi șase pe barca noastră, Catamaranul Privilege 585. Așa că ia soția și copiii și adună-te în jurul televizorului și petrece o jumătate de oră în FIECARE JOI râzând și aventurându-te cu Z-Crew! ***DORIȚI SĂ SUSȚINEȚI Z-CREW?*** —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! Despre ce naiba vorbim? Faceți clic aici: –CUMPĂRĂ CEVA COOL Accesați site-ul nostru: și faceți clic pe Produse în colțul din dreapta sus. Faceți clic pe Z-Swag și luați o cană de cafea sau o cămașă! Favorita noastră este cămașa tri-blend în bleumarin cu sigla Float Away; îl vei vedea adesea pe Jack purtând această cămașă super comodă! Finn poartă logo-ul Float Away în culoarea regală, la fel ca pernele noastre! Sau faceți clic pe Gear și verificați toate echipamentele foto pe care le folosim, găsiți echipamentul nostru de scufundări preferat, luați o pereche de Ray-Bans Keith… și multe altele! Am făcut echipă cu Amazon pentru a vă oferi exact ceea ce căutați într-o pagină ușor de navigat: ________________________ ***UNDE SUNTEM ACUM?*** http:// .com/membership Navigare fericită! Muzică Renee și Z-Crew în acest videoclip: Float Away – Grabbitz/Monstercat Tupelo Train de Chris Haugen Ocean Beach, In the Distance – de Dan Lebowitz, oferit de biblioteca audio youtube The Times – furnizat de Envato Elements #SailingZataraSeason3


26 thoughts on “COPII AHOY! Navigație cu copii // Croația Familii Partea I (Ep 83)

  1. Society is blinding you to the danger of sharks. Ask some Florida swimmers and surfers. Ask the pilots from world war 2 about the shark attacks of crews downed in the sea. Ask the survivors of sunk fishing boats in Australia about how they felt as their crew mates were taken by sharks. Don't continue this false narrative.

  2. as my mother died of alcoholism when is was very young, ( grew up living with grandma out on the farm,) i do like that this family doesnt feel alcohol is a necessity. my dad and stepmom were the same after moms death no alcohol or ciggies allowed around us at all as well as foul language. This is a great wholesome family. refreshing to watch. stay blessed.

  3. That is interesting that they think parents know what is best for their children when it comes to education, presently here in the USA if parents disagree and voice their opinions on how and what their children are being taught they are labeled Domestic Terrorists and threatened by our government. God help us

  4. I'm from NZ, these people are bang on. I have two children, 20 nearly 4 and one 22. That happened for me exactly like that , word for word. Hardley ever hear from them now.

  5. I've loved your videos for a long time. it's good to see others play MTG (Jack). I've watched the benge series about 3 times total and finally decided to comment. thank you all for the journey, I feel like I was there with you. appreciate all the hard work you put into your videos. one day… I'll be out on the blue. just letting it float away.

  6. This has become my dream in life…id love to travel the world by ocean with my family …sadly I couldn't afford a rowing boat never mind a yacht …but I'm working on it 🙂 I love your videos…thanks…youre my inspiration

  7. No life jackets on the tube? Totally irresponsible. At 30mph. Lucky nobody broke their necks. Got away with it that time. Watersports are our business and we've seen life threatening injuries at half that speed on other boats.

  8. Min 8:00 that's how I broke 3 right lower ribs and bruised my right kidney when I was 35 years old.
    It took me 4 months for me to fully heal.

  9. This was a very special episode for me. To hear the Nihau kids talk of how their parents are now their best friends, really made my heart happy! I know your kids feel the same way as well. I see it more and more in every vlog. Fair Winds and Following Seas!!

  10. ¨what society is blinding us to¨ how retarded are you, no one ever lied or told u tropical islands and fish dont exist😂

  11. Such profound comments from those teenage girls. Well done ladies. I have a crazy dream of getting teens and young adults out on the water. I backpacked Europe at 19 and it changed me. Not everyone can take the whole family but maybe teens can get out and experience something like this. As a credentialed teacher I have this crazy dream of "school at sea."

  12. I wish all families could experience world travel with their children. It's the best education they could ever receive. This is coming from a retired teacher. 🙂

  13. I like the content. It's not Polynesia though which isn't a biggy. For a US soap you put a lot of effort into outside filming vs. studio only. Some of the clichees are hardcore but who am? Used to live in the US many years.

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