Croazieră în Marea Mediterană a lui Rick Steves

Croazieră în Marea Mediterană a lui Rick Steves

Verificați postul public local de televiziune pentru acest episod din Europa al lui Rick Steves sau urmăriți-l pe #ricksteves #ricksteveseurope #mediterraneansea În această specială de o oră, Rick navighează de la Barcelona la Atena, cu escale în Riviera Franceză, Roma și multe altele. Scopul nostru: să explorăm dezavantajele și avantajele și dezavantajele croazierei. Vom învăța cum să profităm la maximum de experiența de croazieră, de la petrecerea timpului pe navă până la exercitarea independenței pe țărm – savurând priveliști emblematice și escapade romantice pe insulă.


27 thoughts on “Croazieră în Marea Mediterană a lui Rick Steves

  1. Rick why haven't you traveled to western Caribbean…honduras, belize, mexico…or anywhere in central america? We've booked and are cruising there in a year, was hoping to see your videos for places to see but found nothing. Not talking about cruising videos, just tours of these countries.

  2. I travelled to Alasks on Norwegian. Nightmare. It was post pandemic, no masks, but what a hassle just getting around probably because we were in Canada. I would like to try Alaska again but not with Norwegian, but may try the Mediterranean. Cruising is really cramped but the one thing I really hated was the guest people barely spoke any english. I now know to get everything prepared and dont rely on guest services for anything. I will say there is something for everybody and we really loved Alaska. I'm sure post pandemic had a lot to do with it. We plan on going to Niagara Falls and stay on the Canadian side but not until the Pandemic has subsided in Canada

  3. If you travel to Rome by cruise ship, shore excursion from ship cost you $399, if you do on your own that cost you $60 same as tour from ship

  4. I didn't realize how badly I wanted to see the Mediterranean until a few years ago. Sadly I probably will never get to. What a mistake not having this on my bucket list when I was younger..Thank you for taking me vicariously. What a trip.

  5. For me cruise ships are like a way of never leaving home. Is mainly cater to Americans they will never experience the culture of a country, is like when Americans travel to Cancun and are in an all inclusive resort all day never leaving only at night, they go back home thinking of knowing México.

  6. 38 countries around the world now and many with Rick Steve’s travel books in hand!! He made me the ultimate traveler, and I keep enjoying his videos over and over!

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