Videoclipul de azi este unul special! În iarna trecută, înapoi în Suedia, am înregistrat o discuție între Johan și tovarășul său de navigație, Kristian, despre expediția lor în Antarctica din 2005-2007. Sper să vă placă și să nu ratați mini-seria Antarctica pe care am făcut-o despre călătoria lor: Harta peste Insula Înșelăciunii: http://www. Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul navei noastre Ran, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu și am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze în ianuarie 2016. Nu există nicio rută stabilită și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: Urmărește-l pe Ran și pe noi aici: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: Un mare mulțumire patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să vă împărtășim aventura noastră. Cu sprijinul dumneavoastră, putem continua să producem în propriile noastre condiții. PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:00 Beyond Words – Many Moons Ago Love, Malin & Johan
Navigarea pe cel mai periculos OCEAN din lume – Sailors Talk – RAN Sailing

45 thoughts on “Navigarea pe cel mai periculos OCEAN din lume – Sailors Talk – RAN Sailing”
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Hope you guys are ok with this subtitled episode. It just felt more natural for us to make the talk in Swedish, and this way you also get to hear our super broad southern accents
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Mini Series set to watch later! Should be fabulous. Ummmm- can we have the hair back?? Thumbed
What I get from this episode is Johan's blond mop…
This video truly shows the seamanship and competence of Johen. Accomplished with humility and character. Keep the dream alive……
Dra mig baklänges! Awesome to hear about the adventure from both of you!
you guys were young and NUTS! Would you do it again knowing what you do? That is HARD CORE sailing for sure! Respect!
thank you, not only interesting but a very heartwarming story, being a non sailor it is nice to hear about the sea from the sailors viewpoint
Johan & Kristan … what an enjoyable episode … two friends reminiscing about a life-altering sailing trip that, by chance, started out on a whim shared between two acquaintances … and not just a 'simple' sailing trip like navigating around the world … you two decide to venture to Antarctica in the most challenging way possible … not by a cruise ship … or guided & supported 'expedition' … nope … you do it by way of a rather modest but ocean-worthy sailboat … without testosterone-fueled bravado … just simple level-headed determination & confidence in your abilities … you're the type of guys I'd want on my wing when I was a USAF pilot … Skål! …
Great Story and you tell it anyway you need to
lol great Vlog
this was an incredible story CHeers!
Titans of the sea!! WOW!!! Thank you so much for sharing that brilliant, brave, singularly rare voyage with us mere mortals!

Awesome, lunatics i
Wow! Looking at the footage and listening to the chat it is very apparent that you two blokes are the masters of the understatement….laughing and joking about some really tight and almost fatal incidents! Talk about being laid back…..great work and I enjoyed the Swedish banter, it made me pay attention to what was being said even more! Two very braves sailors but it MUST be in the blood. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Have you ever purified ocean water ? And if yes how long and what methods ?
Johan, a great video, thanks to you both for sharing your memories.
Screw you if you thumbed down this one.
Who does young, hairy Johan look like? Hmmm… LoL
Thinking of you guys. Hope all is well with you.
Very nice and I’d rather in Swedish ! Is your blog still online ?
This is why most explorer are young man, they just crazy enough to go to follow their dream to sail to the unknown. You guys are very are very lucky for the whole trip because it is only one step away from disaster..just like the astronauts who goes to the moon..only step away from disaster.
Houston, TX. Holy Crap! Tripped across two Vikings shooting the shit about the glory days!!!
Wow. Amazing story! Glad you have remained friends but I'm sure you're both more brothers than friends(who doesn't fight with a brother?). Nothing like regular folks doing amazing things and that is what life is for! You only get one life, make it amazing. Good job both of you doing just that!
P.S. Glad I'm not the only one scared to pieces when things get crazy out there but if you weren't scared you'd be stupid!
This is one of my faves…. I really want to sail that path…
Really enjoyed listening to the two of you reminiscing about your adventures (thanks for the subtitles). That Kristian must have thought, what the hell have l gottin into during the iceberg sail, great story, old memories with friends will become one of the most important things you have on your list of values as you get older, you, Johan will have a full list.
“So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?”
― Hunter S. Thompson
Great experience guys .Got do these things when you are young.
The most fascinating conversation in a strait forward format! You provided lots of insight into this hair-raising corner of the world. I'm looking forward to the next segment. Thanks.
Fantastic conversation! You guys are an inspiration. Also, great to hear such an honest recap of your feelings from being scared to feeling unprepared. Ah, but then it would not be an adventure if such feelings and circumstances were not experienced.
I can’t believe there is 89 thumbs down – are those danish people ?
I could watch an entire series just on your Antarctica trip. Sensational!
Fantastic video! One of the main reasons I did my own trip a few years after. And I must say it was a lot that took me back there in memory from seeing this; Antarctica, the Horn, storms, failures, South America and friendships that lasts.
I really enjoyed the chat with Kristian. The subtitle were fine and it was great to hear you speak it in your native language. That was one amazing and sketchy adventure. Thanks for sharing!
Ciao Johan, i'd like to drop you some lines here in..the Vikings Bar! Great friendship with Kristian. You both are great men. That adventure to Antartica was…amazing. My very best compliments. Then, please let me say that I followed you and Malin since the first sail with Ran…then i was busy with my own sailing projects…than i got to know about your new born kid, Vera, if my memory is still right. Then Ran nr2, yr faboulous Najad. Again in this "man corner" i'd like to say something like.. "god bless you all". Such a nice family. And Johan, my compliment for your sailing status, i mean, you're a true viking sailor! In my own language i'd like to say Buon Vento (Fair Winds)
W O W . . . What a great story,
not at all,
hats off to you Mr Hammerland…!!

Glad you are still friends, after seeing the videos of the trip a year ago, I keep thinking
Every time I watch any of your latest videos that… No Many people can say they have done what
You have done in the Sailing World
Much respect.
Again, I love your shows!! Relaxing and informative! Keep up the great job!
Write a book! ….please!
Fuld respekt. Ungdommens mod
Great story guys! Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous episode! You guys are hilarious together and very enjoyable to watch. Let your hair grow long again and have a reunion on your new boat on a short sail with your families. Maybe you already did, i just haven't caught up yet. Lol. Blessings to you all from the USA!
man this is awesome. Thanks for letting us listen in.
Awesome, I have no other ward! Dream to do the same.
awesome sea stories! a couple modern Vikings out for a sail… hard to believe that boat could carry two dudes + their huge brass balls!