Periculoasă Papua Noua Guinee – Port Moresby/ Sailing Aquarius #60

Periculoasă Papua Noua Guinee - Port Moresby/ Sailing Aquarius #60

Vă rugăm să ne susțineți pe Patreon Vă mulțumim! Am părăsit Vanuatu cu puțină îngrijorare cu privire la siguranța în Papua Noua Guinee, deoarece multe site-uri web guvernamentale au avertizat despre condițiile nesigure. Ne-am gândit și să trecem prin Australia, dar nu prea avea sens. Când am ajuns am fost plăcut surprinși de orizontul orașului Port Moresby și de frumosul Royal Papua Yacht Club. Scopul nostru principal a fost să obținem Viza indoneziană aici, deoarece într-o săptămână începe Raliul nostru indonezian. Între timp, am explorat împrejurimile – Plaja Ela, Parcul Natural, Muzeul Papua Noua Guinee și Port Moresby. Toți au fost foarte drăguți cu noi și fericiți să ne ajute, deși fiecare magazin avea multă siguranță și, în timp ce luam cina cu marinarii locali într-un club de iaht, am auzit multe povești incomplete că este într-adevăr periculos. Am obținut viză rapid și eram gata să plecăm, dar de îndată ce am părăsit Royal Papua Yacht Club am fost loviți de peste 30 de noduri de vânt chiar împotriva noastră! Nu este cel mai bun început pentru al doilea cel mai lung – navigație de 1.500 NM / 9 zile către Indonezia, Insula Timur… Alăturați-vă nouă! Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vinerea viitoare, la 12:00 EST, lansăm un nou videoclip! Facem tot posibilul pentru a vă distra și informați și, dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, – luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon: – doriți să ne susțineți, dar nu sunteți sigur despre angajamentul pe termen lung? Faceți o donație o singură dată pe PayPal: – distrați și informați și dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și ➡️ alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon: ➡️ doriți să ne susțineți, dar nu sunteți sigur pe termen lung angajament? Fă o donație o singură dată: Mai multe despre noi: Videoclipul nostru cu turul cu barca: YouTube este principalul nostru obiectiv, dar pe Instagram sau Facebook postăm actualizări mai frecvente: Facebook: Instagram:… #sailingaquarius


27 thoughts on “Periculoasă Papua Noua Guinee – Port Moresby/ Sailing Aquarius #60

  1. Great videos, you have learned a lot; I just finished watching all of them in 2 weeks. For some reason the videos after New Zealand did not come in the correct order, maybe the upload dates are not chronological (I watched "all videos," not a "playlist"). I've learned a thing or two as well, for instance, the models used by Predictwind are not to be used as gospel but you must FIRST learn the general wind and current patterns of the oceans, and THEN apply the models as "modifiers" to the general norm. But the main thing are the trade wind belts, the westerlies, the doldrums; the gyres, the equatorial counter current, and other persistent strong currents. To cross the ocean I'd also say it is imperative to understand how hurricanes work, how to detect one (even if not predicted by any model), and how to behave (what quadrant to stay in and what course to steer). I've seen hurricane force wind in a 20' sailboat, a boat can make a 360, as long as you stay aboard, the hatch is closed, you have free water ahead, and no heavy object gets loose and punctures the hull, you'll be fine. But stay on the boat, like the mermaid said. A harness is a thousand times more important than a life jacket.

  2. You have a pleasant voice. A pleasure to listen to. Try one suggestion: When you’re sailing, try NO music. Let the sea sounds serenade us. Save the music for the land touring. Your adventures were great to follow!

  3. Hello from western oklahoma. Love the durant jersy so far from okc. I have been sailing small boats and boards since 1978. I own a 1977 laser and 2 sailboards. Luv your boat and good luck.

  4. i find it so sad that people believe all those politically motivated 'travel warning' rubbish from countries like USA/UK/Canada . 99% of them are just politics! P New Guinea is a beautiful country with so much to see. Several other cruisers have visited there and all had a good, SAFE time. A lot safer than USA or London today! Great video guys!

  5. I lived in Port Moresby for 6 years back in the late 60's early 70's and found your video around the city very interesting although it now looks so different to what it did back then. I was constantly guessing where you were. I think even today the people are some of the friendliest and happiest you could ever hope to find. There are a very small number of what the locals know as rascals who cause all of the trouble. If you're looking for trouble then you'll probably find it. The city and its immediate area is affected by a rain shadow and a stark contrast to virtually the rest of the country. If you'd gone about 45 k's inland to Sogeri which I guess you didn't as you would have mentioned it, the vegetation is jungle in every sense of the word as it rains virtually every day. This is where the Kokoda track starts made famous in the ww2 and if you were game you could've walked a little of it. Not only does the track zig zag up and down the mountains but it very often has steps as well. On a clear morning looking inland from Moresby the first and closest mountain range is about 1500m and successive ranges behind rise like steps into the distance. It's a beautiful country with topography that has to be seen to be believed and then it's carpeted in the thickest jungle. Thanks for the video.

  6. Very nice video. Sp happy for Jack and Lilly. Btw,,if you are going to America Samoa with your cat on board you should be aware of this:
    All pets entering American Samoa have to be quarantined in Hawaii due to lack of facilities on the island. Further information can be obtained from:

    Office of Tourism, Department of Commerce

    PO Box 1147, Pago Pago, American Samoa, AS 96799

    Tel (684) 633 1093

    Cell (684) 733 5138

  7. Cassoulet, petit salé aux lentilles?? J'aime !!! Very nice video and as usual, very interesting. Bonne route les amis !!

  8. For the record it does not cost $400 USD to clear into Australia.
    The only department that charges a fee for services when you arrive in Australian by a privately owned vessel <25m is the department of Agriculture and this fee is for the pratique & initial timber inspection of the vessel.
    The manner in which the fee is charged is complicated and confusing however over the past 5 years the average cost for this fee for over well over 500 yachts that have cleared into Australia in Bundaberg has been $448 AUD – NOT USD.
    For those who are interested in the facts please go to:

  9. You could read the Bible and even download in audio and listen to Apostle Paul’s sail in the book of Acts chapter 27. Really like your videos …so far…🦋🌻

  10. Looking at taking down the ballooner… Maybe you don't use it that much (and maybe because of the burden of hoisting it and taking it down), but… Have you ever thought of a top-down ballooner furling system? Seems to be getting more common these days, but I don't know if it requires a special sail construction. But based on what I have seen, it eases a lot working with downwing assymetrical spinakkers

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