Mulți dintre voi v-ați întrebat de ce ne plac iahturile Southerly cu pescaj variabil. La urma urmei, am deținut trei dintre ele de-a lungul celor 30 de ani în care am fost în croazieră. Așadar, în acest ultim videoclip, vă răspundem la întrebări, oferindu-vă viziunea noastră complet părtinitoare despre Southerlies 🙂 în timp ce navigam din Insulele Turks și Caicos pentru a naviga pe mările puțin adânci ale Bahamas, înainte ca uraganul Dorian să lovească. Navigam în companie cu alți 6 proprietari de iahturi Southerly și demonstrăm libertatea pe care ne oferă chilele cu pescaj variabil de a explora ancoraje și golfuri cu pescaj de mare adâncime la care iahturile cu pescaj mai adânc nu pot avea acces. În același timp, împărtășim tehnicile noastre pentru pilotarea cu pescaj redus în insule, indiferent de ce atrage barca dumneavoastră. Bahamas este unul dintre zonele noastre preferate de croazieră și în acest videoclip vă arătăm de ce. Capitole 00:00 Pilotaj în apă mică în Bahamas 07:31 Ridicarea chilei pentru a-și plaja barca 12:53 Navigarea Hog Cay Cut Exumas 18:18 Uraganul Dorian Actualizare Resurse pentru croazieră în Bahamas: .html Un rezumat al croazierelor noastre prin Bahamas de-a lungul anilor. „Explorer Chartbooks sunt cele mai bune ghiduri de croazieră pe care le-am găsit și sunt folosite de majoritatea navigatorilor de croazieră din Bahamas. Descărcări HD și DVD-uri ale numeroaselor programe de televiziune Distant Shores de jumătate de oră pe care le-am filmat despre croazierele în Bahamas pe care le-am făcut. #sailing #sailinglife #bahamas #exumas #hurricanedorian #Southerly480 #offshore Fotografie principală de Paul și Sheryl Shard. Fotografie suplimentară de Nick Gill. Barca actuală: Southerly 480 de Discovery cu chilă pivotantă cu pescaj variabil Discovery Yachts Group / Southerly Yachts: / Echipament: Brunton’s Propellers: Elvstrøm Sails: Epex Sail Technology: Seldén Mast / Furlex: Lewmar: Raymarine: Scanstrut: Navionics Diagrame: GN Espace Ocean Chef: Highfield Classic Gonflabil: http :// Outboard Honda: Generator Integral On-Engine: Ultra Anchor (35 kg): https://www. Asigurarea de iahturi Pantaenius: ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Obţine o introducere în viața de croazieră și alăturați-vă lui Paul și Sheryl într-o etapă a călătoriei lor în jurul lumii. Aflați mai multe despre Săptămânile lor Sail Away, inclusiv sudul Bahamas aici: Cadouri pentru marinari! Dețineți întreaga colecție Distant Shores: Toate cele 130 de episoade complete de jumătate de oră ale seriei TV Distant Shores Sailing Adventure sunt disponibile ca set de colecție ca descărcări HD și, de asemenea, pe DVD prin site-ul web Distant Shores. Setul de cutie Distant Shores DVD Super Pack include atât DVD-uri, cât și descărcări HD bonus. Este perfect pentru urmărirea excesivă și este un cadou grozav pentru marinarul din viața ta! Informații și comandă aici: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• Vă puteți conecta cu noi și pe: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram. com/distantshorestv/ TWITTER: INTREBĂRI DE AFACERI: Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Sheryl și Paul
Eşuat! Pilotaj cu apă mică în Bahamas
45 thoughts on “Eşuat! Pilotaj cu apă mică în Bahamas”
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Good info and lovely camera work. I like you guys and watch whenever I run across one of your vids. That being said, I get real tired of the word "Southerly". You like em, we get it. Stop making like Paul & Sheryl Mays.
You are the only people I have ever seen that purposely beach a mono-hull.
For me: Worst nightmare
For you: A parking spot while you take a walk on the beach 🙂
Guess I have some things to learn. Would love to sail the Exumas.
Great video.
You are the only people I have ever seen that purposely beach a mono-hull.
For me: Worst nightmare
For you: A parking spot while you take a walk on the beach 🙂
Guess I have some things to learn. Would love to sail the Exumas.
Great video.
Love the information in all your videos.
I would be very interested in a video about lightning protection for a sailboat.
amazing night sky shot
We can confirm firsthand that lightning damage can be extensive, even with a properly grounded boat. Lightning will find its own path to ground despite your best efforts to the contrary. We were struck 10nm south of Nassau in April 2016 and it destroyed all the electronics on the boat as well as caused delamination of the carbon fiber at the top of the D2s. It exited the boat down the backstay and out the hydraulic backstay adjuster, despite having a lightning rod and 6AWG wire to ground. the only electronics which survived were the handheld items- iPad and handheld radio and GPS which were placed in the microwave. Charger, inverter, and all lights were fried. Fortunately, were were able to travel by day back to Stuart, FL where we replaced the mast, standing rigging and all the electronics. Months after repairs were completed and we had spent the summer cruising, we also required a replacement of the engine wiring harness and panel. It pays to have good insurance.
Lift the keel half way going down wind and use a small spinnaker to keep the boat on an even keel….
Such a great boat… gives you so many more options and the ability to beach the boat is sure nice.
awesome footage!…tks for sharing.
Definitely would enjoy a video regarding how to ground a sailboat to combat lightening
Great video, guys. I hadn't really heard about Southerlys before I saw you using one (they are not common in the Mediterranean, as far as I can tell). But the lifting keel is an awesome thing to have. So many more options and flexibility. 🙂 Hi from Germany.
Definitely living the dream and to think in my youth I picked the army to become a tank jockey! Carry on guys getting me jealous.
Класс ) 👍
Wonderful work and videos. Calm well narrated and informative. As a commuter cruiser who has covered some of the same water it was a joy to view. Thank you so much. I’ve always admired Southerlies and this was an excellent reminder of why. Thank you.
Yes, a video on lightening protection would be great, fair winds and great sailing
One of my old boats was struck by lightning in 1997, it was a Tanzer 26 and the lightning fried everything including the mast. Upon close inspection the top of the mast had a maze of small holes burned into it. My wind indicator exploded. It was an interesting thing, especially since the whole boat was bonded. Some of the grounding wires also fizzed.
please yes
I've subscribed to your very very informative vids. I love the way you share your knowledge. Yes, I would like to know more about grounding against lightning strikes on a yacht please.
Well done.
One of your best episodes, the footage is just awesome, also so much to gain from your detailed narrative in navigating parts of your passages and anchorages. Truly one of your best!
Do you guys ever run a Spinnaker? Or is there no need with that downwind setup?
Yes how would you protect your boat. How would you ground your system on a boat?
May I ask, after 30 years do you lovely people suffer motion sickness?
Your videos are so lovely and instructive at same time!
Im really happy to "come across you" =)
I most certainly would be interested in a video on lightning protection for a sailboat
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.
Psalms 97:1
Should be F for Quarantine. Tell me about it…
Love your boat
The music reminds me of the famous session rhythm twins " Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare " …
The music reminds me of the famous session rhythm twins " Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare " …
Yellow Q flag very cool! =)
I had lightning strike near my boat and it fried the bow thruster.
I have never considered a swing keel vessel as I always felt that it is too vulnerable. That said, I find the variable-draft Southerly Yachts a very interesting design. The keel block looks very rugged. Not too comfortable with the unprotected rudders. Thanks for this video and I will be doing more research on this. I am intrigued.
I love the look of the blue hull ! There both beautiful yachts my favorite .⛵⚓
HI Paul, excellent video. What camera and editing software do you use? Thanks Peter
Definitely interested in a video on lightning strike protection for an aluminum hulled sailboat. Thanks.
If they're so great, why did you get rid of the first two? Just outgrew them?
I haven't had the experience of lightning but I'm getting my boat prepared since I hope to be in the Caribbean in two or three years. Beautiful boat, and love that keel. Fair winds
Nice lighting video.
I had lighting strike a steel hull commercial vessel is was operating. Lose all electronics..& the spin. & pointed N
Thanks. GREAT
Seems Ike a lot of risk to the yacht to get that extra 5% of nature experience. To each his own.
I would love to know about grounding my boat against lightning strikes
Beautifuly done. Congrat