Deși poate părea o nebunie să navighezi în jurul lumii, odată ce analizezi diferitele modele ale vântului și sezoanele uraganelor și cu puțină planificare, este destul de rezonabil ca oricine cu simțul aventurii să facă același lucru. Există o mulțime de moduri de a naviga în jurul lumii. Dacă faci curse, folosești adesea furtunile din oceanul sudic pentru a te propulsa. Este o abordare complet diferită. Una care necesită bărci serioase care sunt construite pentru acele condiții. Pe de altă parte, navigăm în jurul lumii, rămânând mai mult sau mai puțin în curelele alizei. Acest lucru pune șansele în favoarea noastră. Adesea avem vântul și valurile în spate, împingându-ne și ne menținem cald în condițiile tropicale non-stop. FII CURAJOS. BE BLACK, Ben & Ash ȚINE ACEST SHOW VIE: UNDE SUNTEM ACUM? ECHIPAMENT CAMERA: DRONE (ușor de prins pe barca cu pânze): CAMERA PRINCIPALA: MIC: http:/ / *INVIZIBIL* ECRĂ SOLARĂ DE ZINC: UTILIZAȚI ACESTEA PENTRU A PRIMA MAI MULTI PEȘTI: NOLI PREFERATE: ESENTIAL CĂRȚI PENTRU VĂJĂTORII MONDIALE:



  1. Love your videos. Would love it if you could explain in detail how you stay entire year in warm part, north & south hemisphere, which month exactly you star going toward south & which to north. And maybe explain more about where & when can you run into those hurricanes & stuff like that. I’m looking to buy a sailboat next year & live a board, but it would be nice if I could be in a warm/summer parts entire year. Also is it possible to fish tuna & other fish in international waters & sell it in harbors of different countries if I have a small fishing company opened in Panama for sailing under the flag of convenience?? I hope I gave you a good idea for a video it would be helpful. Also I’m thinking about buying a ketch made of steel with full keel. In my opinion that’s the best for blue waters(safest).

  2. Cool video! I subscribed !

    May I recommend using other words to describe other cultures, people or event; other than “CRAZY” “PRETTY CRAZY”

    (amazing, unbelievable, remarkable, unusual, unfamiliar, unique) is more respectful, welcoming and most important you don’t sound too crazy!

  3. Have you had bird's nest soup? It's not that big a deal, of course if your host has just spent a lot of money…. And shark's fin soup? Besides being an ecological atrocity, having had both real and fake, there's no difference between fake shark's fin and real shark's fin. I think the Chinese really know their food, more so than the French. And I love Japan and Japanese food, but 'best food in the world?' Not even close.
    Cool, video. I look forward to seeing more of your videos even if they don't have references to bird spit in them.

  4. I was in Trinidad last time I wrote to you guys. Ended up in Pakistan and now, because of the pandemic,I’m back in Ottawa. So glad to see you’re continuing your journey!

  5. Aye m8’s, there must be a reason but it looks like you fly the spinnaker backwards? Are the clew colours mixed? (I know you're into all the prep work now, but I really wonder)

  6. Thank you! For the first time (that I have found) someone addressed my question – "Why not pop across the equator when Cyclone Season arrives?"
    Thank you for covering that.

  7. That's as I am chief officer on oil tanker the people who believe that earth is not a round make crazy you make it so easy for them to understand and even check it by themselves lol nice job bro

  8. What about Pirates all over! Frozen seas + crazy winds like going around South America. Only 3 boats have gone through the Magellan Straits! Most get 😠 lost!

  9. Awesome adventure! 🙂 Can you guy put these flat earther morons in their place by posting a complete fast forward version of your trip around the world? Lol 😉 Thank you and good luck on yuh our adventures.

  10. "We have to get out of the cyclone belt for insurance"….. Will the insurance companies deny your claim if you are sailing in those areas in the wrong seasons???

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