GORGON CITY la The Yacht Week 2019

GORGON CITY la The Yacht Week 2019

Gorgon City aduce petrecerea la The Yacht Week, Croația. Săptămâna Yacht-ului este o serie de festivaluri plutitoare mobile tip boutique, organizate în 5 destinații din întreaga lume, făcând yachtingul accesibil pentru toată lumea. https://www.theyachtweek.com – Croația, Ruta originală – Grecia, Ruta Atena – Italia, Ruta Sicilia – Croația, Ruta Ultra Festival – Muntenegru, Ruta Adriatică


47 thoughts on “GORGON CITY la The Yacht Week 2019

  1. tellement malaisant lol ….. juste du monde qui a de l'argent et qui est juste là pour s'afficher …. ils sont sur une autre planète ces gens xD

  2. Awesome mixes. This music is making me rather naughty. I think I'll take some photos tonight hahahha. Why do I feel like a Diva tonight hahaa.

  3. Dam, what happened to house. It did not start out to become pretentious crap like this. Vapid souls listening to produced by rote bland safe tracks that all follow the same rule book.

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