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Absolute Mad Lads – Uday Hussein

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I love freedom too man
Uday I admire him. Sems like the guy everyone deserved
Wtf is up with Switzerland? They took in saddams son, and Kim jong-il's son? What other monsters did they harbor
A buddy of mine from high scool who went into the military was part of that invasion and had those cards, we actually used them like fools and he lost them in one of his moves.
10:43 are you sure you arent talking about Handsome Jack?
Bro acted on his intrusive thoughts
Ah yes the religion of peace. Or pieces…
When you got to the part where latif laughed differently i hsd to check the time stamp to make sure that he still has some story left in him lmao
what a mad lad
Latif: sneezes
Uday: “so, I took that personally..”
The problem with a dictatorship is that the kind of person you want to be a dictator never wants to be a dictator. They’re being selfish in their selflessness.
Be nice if we could understand what is being said without a translator
Looks awfully similar to that other hateful dictator in recent history
Kind of messed up that most of the powers that be all supported Iraq against Iran in their war.
Was sent here by a dogelore post
May he burn in hell for eternity.
Damn..i never smiled as much before, hearing about someones death :/
I day was absolutely tapped, we can all agree, but one of the worst things the Americans did to the planet was overthrowing Saddam, along with Gaddafi
14:40 Imagine going on vacation to an expensive hotel and randomly seeing TWO Uday Huessin's just chilling and talking to each other by the pool
Correction, being an exact mirror image would actually mean you're the complete opposite
He was a very, very sick man. Was there any inbreeding down his family line? Just wondering. Don't know which was the sicker of the two..him or his dad?
R u sure Uday is worse than General Butt Naked? Since he was the son of a dictator, that might make him more dangerous, but in personality, I think General Butt Naked’s crimes make Uday look like an Adult Swim action cartoon villain.
Big man were you not the boy who stayed in C/brig when you had the wee dug nazi saluting for a laugh and we all stood up for you?

The guy sounds worse than Saddam.
Some where to take a piss was enough….
This is the biggest load of horse shit Ive ever heard.
Uday is a fallout raider forced into civilized society
It seems like it would be hell in a lot of ways to be him like a luxurious prison. I read that he was taught to kill at age 10 and encouraged to do it and that it was necessary and normal. So he would do all this damage before he knew any better and then people would be after him for the rest of his life. Also imagine being watched every moment and needing to be heavily guarded all your life and not being able to freely travel and being really insulated in this existence and trying to avoid an eventual apocalypse of your world all your life. It would drive you nuts. Actually in a lot of countries if there weren't people around watching or they couldn't get into trouble, many many people would do horrible and sadistic things. I question sometimes the truth of how history is told in te present. I don't really know and it's just a contemplation but Uday doesn't seem funny-looking and seems attractive and like a lot of people would think this and could even be jealous of him. I could be totally wrong but I read some comment somewhere that he was viewed almost like a pop star. I just started to be intrigued by this story recently. I just read a short book called Hypnotizing the Devil about a hypnotist from the US who travelled to Iraq to give Uday hypnosis treatments near the end of his life. I think people are naturally sadistic in the right circumstances. I was watching a YouTube documentary about how at the end of WWII Russian, British, French and American soldier mass raped German families for like a month because they had just been through extreme, sadistic and anarchic circumstances of the war. Many countries I travel to are only safe because there are a lot of people around.
I never heard of 'em until I saw this video
This whole video I was so upset, and thinking “man, isn’t there someone out there that would deal with horrible people like this?”

And then America kicked in the door!
Fuck yeah!
I used to believe this story i bought the books but I've never heard anyone else mention Latif in their accounts about Uday. That guy in the clip who was really close to Uday never mentions him when interviewed about Uday. I even a long time ago read an article about this story being false. Do your research and find out the truth.
Latif sounds like he put much more effort into being Uday's body double than Biden's guys have.
This was not 4 years ago… I remember watching this in 2016!
Two words: Hunter Biden
fuck i'm glad i'm not in the shithole that is the middle east
the uneven tache is bugging me!
Most sane NRA lifetime member 6:41
I think you have something in your nostrils
yeah mate lance stroll comes to mind xd
One of his best madlads
It's amazing the stories the muslim migrants make up to get a shitting visa.
The land of peaceful scholars and doctors everyone…
38:13 Say it with your chest and put some respect on that lol
Welcome btw!
A wonder that Kim in North Korea is not as hated in his country as Uday.
The way he says Qusay sounds like he’s saying Kusi which means “my pussy” in Arabic and that makes the video a whole lot more entertaining