Ne-am vândut barca – Ep. 171 RAN Sailing

Ne-am vândut barca - Ep.  171 RAN Sailing

Încheiem un capitol și începem unul nou! Ran a vândut și ne împachetăm toate lucrurile pentru a le expedia în Suedia și ne pregătim să părăsim ceea ce a fost casa noastră în ultimii aproape 5 ani. Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul navei noastre Ran, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu și am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze în ianuarie 2016. Nu există nicio rută stabilită și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: http:// Un mare mulțumire patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să vă împărtășim aventura noastră. Cu sprijinul dumneavoastră, putem continua să producem în propriile noastre condiții. PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:06 Streak of Luck – Walt Adams 04:53 Meander – Jobii 20:10 Tequila Tourist – Sixteen Wheelers Love, Malin & Johan


46 thoughts on “Ne-am vândut barca – Ep. 171 RAN Sailing

  1. I'm sure the main selling point was the new stove. Congrats, can't wait to see what your future holds.

  2. First off Congrats on selling ! And best od luck with the little one ! I have a 13 YO and that has been an around the world adveture of its own! I Have been following you for years and your videos actually inspired me to take he plunge and buy a 37 Cruiser Racer boat (C&C) ! Curious Johan on any thoughts for your next boat? Will you keep the current go fast design or favor the safer full keel family ocean going cruiser ? Valient / Pacific Seacraft style maybe pilot house? Please no catamaran you dont need that much room (yet:)!) and we need to heel when watching. Thanksagain for the great top notch videos !!

  3. Im new to you channel that being said i read in a post that you should contact a boat builder in sweden to sail there boat and at the same time advertize that company i think if you pick that right company thats a great idea i know they might go for it so why not give it some thought regards

  4. Grattis.. Will you live back in Malmö for a while? And how long until you leave again.? I’m guessing you’ll stay here in Sweden until after the baby has come.. Good luck anyway
    Warren s/y Legend

  5. Ran, and you two wonderful guys who have melted our hearts with your sailing videos will be sadly missed. I’m not surprised Ran sold so quick. Johan with all his regular maintenance of the boat and Malin always ready to roll her sleeves up and do what was necessary to make sure the boat was “Ship Shape” were there on video for all to see.
    Johan, I guess you’ll be undertaking the roll of crew member, to Captain Malin when the baby is born. Learning new skills along the way, changing nappies, feeding, training in getting the new baby to sleep. All the best with that mate😃.
    I will miss you both, so “Bon voyage “ on your new journey. ⛵️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  6. I have enjoyed watching your film clips and how well you looked after Ran. Good luck for the future, especially with the arrival of your new crew member. Cheers Ian Langley, New Zealand

  7. Hello and congratulations! One question: can you please speak more about how you organized the LCL intercontinental shipment? My wife & I are cruisers, too (and live on 2 continents), and we would LOVE to know how you got it going. It's easy to ship a parcel, and it's easy to ship a full container. But how, exactly, did you manage this mid-sized shipment? Many thanks in advance!

  8. How goes your new boat hunt? Windwalker's crew is visiting Annapolis for the U.S. Sailboat Show soon. We'll send you some photos.

    Affections and regards, S/V "Windwalker" – John 3:5-8

  9. I live in Alabama , and l have watched everyone of your videos and just wanted to say good luck with your baby and l hope to see y'all soon . To me y'all are the best ………

  10. What a lowerly private "milestone" yours years trawel worldwide "menony or backflach" there give when you prepere new lifestyle á while with new family member home-base. And new side of trawel in in furture beside. Same "us" there only have space in lifetime for 2 or maby 3 mdr. at year – even whith some national roules to figth with. The cost house or else same price even not home. And know the mind .. of beloing things at roof – from old family past away too. Tank´s for oben you mind in this video too <3

  11. that smoothy reminds me to baby poop from my 2 month old son you will maybe see by yourself soon 😉 Wish you both all the best for your future. love your videos so much!

  12. You know it just dawned on me. Your wife is remembering all the experiences that she had below deck. The one’s that you remember but not the way she does. You need to star thinking the way your wife is thinking only now you need to add your infant daughter. All those times you looked down below because the sea was rough and your wife was trying to maneuver around while hanging on so she didn’t fall over. She is seeing herself but wondering how she will do it with your daughter in her arms. It’s time for you to move on in your life, the next step is your family life. This boat needs to be as stable a boat you can buy, your fast boat days are over. You need to see everything your wife will be doing with your daughter and put yourself in that position. If you really want to stay on the water mono hulls are in your retirement years. You now have to see what’s going to be best for the one person that is about to change everything thing you thought you knew. I hope this makes sense because you two are great and this daughter your about to have will be great also. I only know one thing I’m 70 and wish I was in your spot.

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