SAILING NORVEGIA l Suntem LEGALI… Haideți să explorăm! (MJ Sailing – Ep 121)

SAILING NORVEGIA l Suntem LEGALI... Haideți să explorăm!  (MJ Sailing - Ep 121)

Am avut acea mică problemă deranjantă că am navigat în Norvegia fără a putea vizita un agent vamal, așa că în episodul din această săptămână mai facem o trecere de o zi până în orașul Florø. Aici facem o vizită la secția de poliție pentru a intra, ceea ce înseamnă că în sfârșit suntem legali în țară și putem coborî de pe barcă pentru a explora. Chiar dacă ne aflăm într-un port industrial, orașul este incredibil de drăguț, iar chiar în afara lui găsim trasee de drumeții drăguțe care ne duc la un lac plin de rațe, cazărmi din Al Doilea Război Mondial și vederi uimitoare ale fiordurilor din jur. Adică… când ceața nu se rostogolește. Este grozav să vă împărtășim în sfârșit aventurile noastre norvegiene… sperăm că vă plac!


37 thoughts on “SAILING NORVEGIA l Suntem LEGALI… Haideți să explorăm! (MJ Sailing – Ep 121)

  1. Great video. Watching this fantastic video and wonderful views I can’t help but remember the video of you painting inside the crack where that flat thingy sticks down on the bottom of the boat flat on your back in the heat in the space suit with the roller and handle above your head. Wow. I’m assuming it was worth that horrible day of painting. 😀😀😀

  2. Cool, sitting here on Mindanao and see my hometown Florø.. And so cool that you did go outside the central Florø, and watch the nature. It is not many town with that industrial town it actual is, and I can tell you that under that place you were walking, there is several kilometers, like a labyrint og German bunkers, and some place you can se the entrances, there are many of them. A guy from Nyttingnes , Lars Nyttingnes where I come from travelled to US in 1870 wher he too the name Louis Foss, and was working with trading in US, and later he became a politican, as a Democrat, he was elected to represent his district in the state Senate in the state of Washington.
    Lars Nyttingnes/ Lois Foss was probably the first Norwegian to become a state senator in the United States.

  3. Yes, apparently if you are not paying $700 a litre for diesel, and holding your breath between meals, the world will indeed end in 12 years. The fjords will boil dry, apparently.

  4. Love Norway and have sailed there a bit, and down into the Baltic Sea via Sweden and the Gota Canal and then onto Finland and Latvia, but boy is Norway expensive! Food, fuel, eating out, etc are all very expensive, even by European standards – so save your sheckles before you head to Norway!

  5. I love the sound of cowbells – makes me think of Heidi. Good that you are getting out and exploring the countryside, it really looks so beautiful there.

  6. Okay, now I get why you blasted past Ireland, the Orkneys and Shetland. Norway seems to be very compelling in a very deep sense. I'm only a quarter Swede, have never set foot in Scandinavia but feel mythically drawn there.

  7. Love this place as you know. The port is fishing and for offshore oil support.Been there a few times for work and love it. The thing is this is just one off loads of lovely Noggie towns.

  8. I’ve been watching you guys for quite awhile and you’ve really grown on me lately. Tropical sailing is beautiful and all but I have really enjoyed those that visit other cooler climate places. My wife and I are recent into sailing and have had our 27’ sailboat for a little over 2 years. We live in Seattle and love our Salish sea playground. We had two lengthy vacations this summer where we cruised unite a bit. Our most recent cruise, we brought two of our three cats with us, so love that you travel with Georgie. I have a long history of making music as a singer and guitarist and your Pandemonium theme song music has me very intrigued. I’ve gotten fixated on it and have been learning it on Guitar. I am terribly curious to find out more about its creator. My internet research hasn’t uncovered much information. Norway strikes me as very similar to the inside passage of British Columbia Canada just to our north. I had no idea about the Caledonian canal in Scotland, a new inspiration of a place to visit.

  9. As always.. a beautiful presentation and video. You both bring a rest to the soul , in a busy life.
    I wonder what your next five year goal might be🤔

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