Tur super iaht de 19.500.000 USD: Gulf Craft Majesty 140

Tur super iaht de 19.500.000 USD: Gulf Craft Majesty 140

Gulf Craft 140 a câștigat premiul pentru cel mai bun aspect la World Yacht Trophies în 2018, premiul pentru cel mai bun design interior la categoria 30-50 m la World Yacht Trophies 2019 în timpul Festivalului de Yachting de la Cannes și Best In Show la Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2019. Vino la bord și îți voi arăta de ce. Cu mulțumiri lui Gulf Craft https://www.gulfcraftinc.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https ://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv


44 thoughts on “Tur super iaht de 19.500.000 USD: Gulf Craft Majesty 140

  1. the 125 you did had a real crew mess and this one only a tiny table in the galley for the crew to unwind……It seems some owners don t care much about the crew

  2. I sold my one, just wasn’t happy with the limited space, so I’ve ordered the next size up…. Pick it up in two weeks.!

  3. It's been a couple of years now… Is there a Majesty 175 available to tour yet? Been loving the idea since first time I saw this boat 🙂

  4. I absolutely love it! I don't own it but my OCD concern is, what do you do with all of those throw cushions when a rain storm pops up?

  5. Enjoyed this tour very much! Nice to have a succinct, efficient, to the point tour , keeping the emphasis on the boat and its main features, and not spending 10 minutes on every storage bin!

  6. Hey Nick, you should try and get a tour of the Phi by Royal Huisman in London. Its being held in Canary Wharf by UK customs, sure they have nothing to lose letting you tour it

  7. Would they take green shield stamps and a Tescos club card points😏. Just the right amount of beds for my family, just a tad over my price range😁😁. An absolute beaut of a yacht, thanks Nick again

  8. Question regarding crew quarters. I didn't see any quarters for the chief engineer in the engine room area? Is there any, or is he confined to one of the regular crew bunks?

  9. Even if I could afford it I don't get the need. I don't have enough friends to go on a boat with me. Max I would do is the 1.5 million size. But even the ones in the 500k-800k is all i would want. Any more space would be a detrement.

  10. Rewatching some of these to get my Aquaholic fix while awaiting new videos and can’t help wondering if the 175 ever made it into the water and what the chances of a tour are, Nick?

  11. Can I put down a deposit to buy this boat ( can I rename it )£5 deposit then a £5 a week for life 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍🍾just need to pick a name for it

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