Ep 4: Învață să navighezi: Partea 1: Părți ale bărcii și terminologia navigației

Ep 4: Învață să navighezi: Partea 1: Părți ale bărcii și terminologia navigației

Bun venit la episodul 4 din Carpe Diem Sailing și partea 1 a noii noastre serii: Învață să navighezi. În acest videoclip, vă prezentăm terminologia navigației și părțile de bază ale ambarcațiunii, cu o introducere în tachetul în picioare și alergare folosind animații, diagrame și imagini live. Explicat în mod clar, acest videoclip va fi grozav pentru oamenii nou în navigație sau pentru marinarii cu echipaj care doresc să învețe și să-și îmbunătățească abilitățile și cunoștințele. Sper că îți place! ANTRENAMENTUL CARPE DIEM SAIL https://www.carpediemsailing.com ÎNVĂȚAȚI SĂ NAVIGAȚI LISTĂ DE REDARE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ZXXuQk__sjlIDC-o-8v4evqHkaHqze5


29 thoughts on “Ep 4: Învață să navighezi: Partea 1: Părți ale bărcii și terminologia navigației

  1. Loved the video, we hope to get into sailing in the near future, so this real basic level of teaching is what we are looking for.

    One Life, One Search,

  2. Just came back from my first weekend under sails and it was AMAZING!!! A beginning of new adventure.
    Thank you Marco for great videos, after watching a few of them beforehand I was more confident about what is going on around the yacht and it made understanding the commands from instructor so much easier. Keep it going 🙂

  3. I helped sail a boat from Hawaii to Fiji once when I was younger. The cap'n promised to teach me to sail. Instead, he screamed at me the whole month. Yelling, cussing. I was so scared and abused I learned little. He got drunk in Western Samoa and cut his hand on the anchor. We kept going. He got gangrene and couldn't captain. I took over, knowing little, although I had learned to navigate. I got us into Suva. The cap'n took over right as we got into Suva, delirious, and put us on a reef there. He was nuts. So mean. Anyway, I plan on buying a boat, God willing, and learning to sail again. I would give anything for a teacher like you, calm, natural, slow, decent. thanks

  4. Wow I am writing down all the terminology (4 pages of notes) but cant keep up as Marco runs through the graphics so fast. I had to rewind and rewatch dozens of times which likely helped to learn. Thanks, "Seas the day"

  5. Superbly done. I just have a little sailing skiff now but my parents used to own a family cruiser. I forgot how wonderfully complex a family sloop is! Beautiful teaching craft!

  6. Dude, need to watch this about 10 times and learn everything. Simple, potent, and good for beginners like me. I'll definitely share it with relevant people.

  7. I am so looking forward to watching this series. I really want to learn to sail and this is a great place to start. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in such a calm and informative way. Fair winds from the UK

  8. Stumbled across this learn to sail series a few days ago. Thanks so much for putting this together. The video quality is excellent, the instructions clear and concise, and the editing detail is first rate. If you are new to cruising (which I am) these videos are a big help in understanding the basic cruising course material. Thanks again.

  9. Thank you for this series. I have learned a lot from you, and I feel confident about passing my test.

  10. Wow, this video is super helpful! How does it not have millions of views? I have started studying the sailing theory in my native language, but I don't even live or plan on sailing in my country, so knowing the English terminology is a must and that's how I came across this gem. Hoping to utilize the knowledge from this channel on my upcoming vacation which will include a sailing trip!

  11. I don't recognize the difference at 2:02. Both boats are facing the same way and the wind is coming from the same direction. I feel like maybe the one on the right should be flipped 180 degrees but maybe I'm missing something.

  12. Love the video. It is VERY helpful. Just one question, is the windward / leeward graphic correct? It seems to me both boats are sailing windward.

  13. This is very clear and concise! five decades sailing here but I took a 3 + year break and this is a great refresher, not only for me but in communicating with some inevitably novice crew.

  14. Thank you for the informative video. As a non native speaker I find nautical terms particularly difficult to remember and to some extend even unnecessarily complicated. I wonder if these terms will be changed to something simpler for the next generation to easily learn? I mean many are from 18th century Dutch

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