Cele mai frumoase insule din Caraibe – Grenadine – S4:E32

Cele mai frumoase insule din Caraibe - Grenadine - S4:E32

Navigam cu 2 Bali 40 Catamarans în jurul insulelor Grenadine, care sunt unele dintre cele mai frumoase insule din Caraibe! Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal creând conținut grozav devenind un patron http://www.patreon.com/sailingdoodles Donați prin Paypal pentru a ne ajuta să obținem o nouă dronă: http://www.paypal.me/sailingdoodles Rezervați-vă propria aventură cu Sailogy!: https://www.sailogy.com/en/ Utilizați codul de cupon sd200 pentru o reducere de 200 USD la rezervare!


40 thoughts on “Cele mai frumoase insule din Caraibe – Grenadine – S4:E32

  1. Wow, looking back at this episode with everyone happy and carefree, little did we all know what awaited us all just around the corner. You went from dive masks to N95 masks and a worldwide shutdown in just a few short months. Two years later and there is no definitive end in sight.

  2. Don't sweat getting sick. I go out all the time sound Florida. One time I went out fishing in California, I could have painted the whole side of the boat.

  3. Nice video. Glad you enjoyed the Grenadines. That's where I grew up. My nickname comes from a beach on Union Island. Surprisingly, more people from abroad have seen the beauty of the Grenadines than the inhabitants of SVG.

  4. Diese Steinmänchen zerstören das Eco-System, für ein Foto gefährdet Ihr Leben. Nich so gut, meine ich. Good Luck
    With these stone puppets you are destroying an Eco-System, just for a pic you put lives in danger.
    Not so good I guess. Good Luck

  5. Monnaie, servitude et liberté. La. répression monétaire en Afrique.
    (Tchundang Pouemi Joseph).
    Main basse sur le Cameroun  (Mongo Béti)
    Nations Nègres et Culture (Cheik Anta Diop)
    Remember Ruben. (Mongo Béti)

    L'Afrique centrale insurgée. (La guerre du Congo-Wara. 1928-1930) Raphaël Nzabakomada-Yakoma.

    Une critique doit être positive, constructive. C'est-à-dire : proposer poliment des solutions pour mieux vivre : âme, esprit, coeur, corps, etc.
    Critiquer pour critiquer est le lot des sots et des médiocres. (Élie)

    • Sans haine et sans amour, 1953

    • Ville cruelle (publié sous le pseudonyme Eza Boto), 1954 [7]

    • Le Pauvre Christ de Bomba, 1956.

    • Mission terminée, 1957.

    • Le Roi miraculé : chronique des Essazam, 1958.

    • Main basse sur le Cameroun : autopsie d’une décolonisation, 1972 (ISBN 2-7071-4172-0).

    • Perpétue et Biographie du malheur, 1974.

    • Remember Ruben, 1974.

    • Peuples noirs, peuples africains, 1978 – 1991

    • La Ruine presque cocasse d’un polichinelle : Remember Ruben 2, 1979.

    • Les Deux Mères de Guillaume Ismaël Dzewatama, futur camionneur, 1983.

    • La Revanche de Guillaume Ismael Dzewatama, 1984.

    • Lettre ouverte aux Camerounais, ou, La deuxième mort de Ruben Um Nyobé, 1986 (ISBN 9782864410065)

    • Dictionnaire de la négritude avec Odile Tobner et la participation de collab. de la revue Peuples noirs – Peuples africains, 1989 (ISBN 2738404944)

    • La France contre l’Afrique : retour au Cameroun, 1993 (ISBN 2707149780)

    • L’Histoire du fou, 1994.

    • Trop de soleil tue l’amour, 1999 (ISBN 2266101919)

    • Branle-bas en noir et blanc, 2000.

    • Mongo Beti à Yaoundé, textes réunis et présentés par Philippe Bissek, 2005 (ISBN 9782864410041)

    • Africains si vous parliez, 2005 (ISBN 2-915129-08-8)

    • Mongo Beti parle : Testament d'un esprit rebelle, 2006 (ISBN 2915129169)

  6. Food poisoning does not happen 1 hour after you eat, except for things like raw oysters… Usually, it's more in the range of 12 – 24 hours.

  7. Thank you …there’s an independence struggle on the male side….but as young kids, it’s understandable….the ladies need to focus on themselves and follow their passions, then the right one will appear , it;s Law of the Universe. It;s all just a 3D game….we came here to create and learn and raise the vibe of this beautiful planet, not for our selfish reasons, actually…much obliged! All the best! 🍀 🐝 🌞

  8. Would love to get back to the Grenadines. Last time was a deployment with the 82nd Airborne Division in 1983. Hard to believe it’s it’s been 39 years!

  9. Hi there. This may be a strange request but please bear with me. My neighbor is elderly and not doing very well. He’s currently in the hospital and may not get to leave any time soon or at all. Over the last year or so I’ve become close friends with him. We have an unusual friendship as I am in my 30s and he is in his late 70s. We make a point to get together weekly for morning coffee or for fried fish lunches at our favorite food truck. Anyway, in getting to know him I’ve learned that he has spent many years sailing the San Francisco Bay area and has participated in many sailboat races. In recent years he’s spent a great deal of his time watching sailing videos on YouTube. He mentioned yours specifically. Among a long list of other things his eyesight is all but gone so watching videos is not something he’s able to do anymore. I am purchasing him a vintage looking am/fm and Bluetooth radio for his room. I am hoping to get him a few sailing related audio books. I know nothing about sailing. Again, I know this is a strange request but I was wondering if you might be able to recommend some ebooks? Are there any fiction adventure books that might stand out to you? Or anything that comes to mind related to sailing? Thanks in advance!!

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