Navigand și explorând Filipine cu sora mea! – Ep #55

Navigand și explorând Filipine cu sora mea!  - Ep #55

Sora mea mi se alătură pentru o navigație prin centrul Filipinelor! După ce Dave și cu mine navighez din Palau, mă întâlnesc cu prietenul meu Trevor și apoi cu sora mea Tamsin. Găsim niște mări agitate și insule frumoase. Muzica: Ash Ainsworth – ► Credit muzical: DJ Quads Numele piesei: „just roll with it” Muzica: Dj Quads @ Canalul oficial YouTube AICI: SoundCloud AICI: Twitter AICI : Spotify AICI: Instagram AICI: Bună, sunt Markus și acesta este al meu Seria de vloguri de călătorie de aventură. Călătoresc în jurul planetei fără să folosesc vreodată transportul motorizat. Am început această călătorie în Toronto, Canada, în iulie 2015 și intenționez să mă întorc unde am început. În această serie săptămânală pe youtube (în fiecare duminică la ora 16:00 EST) îmi voi împărtăși experiențele de zi cu zi despre cum este să călătorești în jurul pământului cu propria mea putere (cu ajutorul unor vânturi și curenți!). O mulțime de videoclipuri epice de aventură pe care sunt bucuros să le împărtășesc cu tine. Deveniți un patron și alăturați-vă echipei Routes of Change aici pentru acces exclusiv în culise: SPOILER ALERT:!! Am început călătoria într-o canoe și de atunci am făcut trimarane, pedalat manual, pogostick, tricicleat, schi, rafting, caiac, SUP, vâslit, mers cu bicicleta, navigat, mers pe jos și dansat la jumătatea planetei. Alăturați-mi pe planetă: Patreon: Website/Blog: Youtube: Instagram: https://www. Facebook: Twitter: Acesta este linkul meu afiliat către pantofii și sandalele pe care le port: https://xeroshoes .com/go/routesofchange Mi-ar plăcea să distribui aceste videoclipuri în mai multe limbi, așa că nu ezitați să vă ajutați la transcriere făcând clic pe acest link. Mulțumiri! Acest videoclip este despre navigarea și explorarea Filipinelor cu sora mea! – Ep #55 –


33 thoughts on “Navigand și explorând Filipine cu sora mea! – Ep #55

  1. Nice videos man. Can you do a video at some point about what kind of preparations you did before starting your journey around the world? Also, how much the whole journey has cost you etc. Peace and love.

  2. Those native plants whose sap they applied to the wound, get a bunch of that. They probably get those infections all the time, medicinal plant knowledge is what modern medicine is based upon. They get the plants then derive the key ingredient synthetically. Like aspirin comes from the root of the willow tree, you can just chew the willow root.

  3. Did you get that in the Philippines? I got the same thing and it was a bitch. I have not been sick for 25 years then I got this staph infection and all sort of crap coughing till I blacked out, strep throat, crazy canker sores on my tongue.

  4. You are one helluva courageous young man. If only there were more young people like you in the world, then mother earth is in safe hands. Take care, stay safe and hoping your health has improved since filming this episode.

  5. Dude you got some balls man… I want to do something like this so bad. Are you going to try to circumnavigate the Earth?

  6. Nice Videos! Been watching your solo trip episodes.. Nice to see that you've visited our country, PH. I'm from Dumaguete City. 😀

  7. you need to visit Camiguin Island next time, southern part of bohol it has cold spring hot spring falls hiking clear water you can explore for one day because it only have 64km in circumference

  8. It is possible you have MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) which is a terrible bug to eradicate. Requires IV antibiotics. At the very least, you should seek out a competent infectious disease specialist and get cultures and a diagnosis. That way you can attack with appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, swimming in the ocean is probably not a good idea with open sores due to the microorganisms in the seawater. Best of luck to you! Carry on!

  9. You know if you would have fallen in the water with that bike on your back. It would have taken you down like a anchor. Not smart.

  10. I'm planning some trips out of San Francisco Bay south… everything thing I read tells me not to go north from San Francisco…
    San Francisco to Westport washington is my goal .. just because I have family there… if you have any advice on the trip, any advice is welcome… I'm sailing a 1971 Tartan 30… atomic 4 engine.. the rigging is good, I do need a auto pilot…. and will get one soon. .

  11. Did you ever fear dropping your cleaver while brandishing it for the viewers? Knowing you, you'd probably swim to the bottom of the ocean to get it and return to sailing like nothing ever happened 🙂 Great videos, I am completely encapsulated by your drive!

  12. I watched Philippino kids breaking antibiotic tablets into powder and applying the powder directly to the wound. Then putting on bedadine solution. later while sailing on a merchant ship was about to be discharged for medical reasons because of an antibiotic resistant infected foot wound. And I remembered those kids.
    I did the same. Infection was gone in 2 days. My theory was that it's difficult for the antibiotics to reach the extremelys. And local application seemed to be the trick. Good luck

  13. what is this @11:01 ?

    and i just followed your channel and back viewing. is this the same boat from san fransico to hawaii. then 3 months rest. hawaii to oceana islands you rent agreement?

    man. i wish i found your channel earlier. i binged watching it right now

  14. The Philippines was and still is a United States influenced area of Commonwealth and SPHERE of influence and Interest of influence EVER AND ALWAYS.

  15. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude what I would've given to also swing down there in … was that 2016? Missed opportunity alas. Awesome to see Trev.

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