BENETEAU Oceanis Yacht 62 a inaugurat o nouă eră a eleganței și a performanței pe mare. Conceput pentru un echilibru și o manevrabilitate impecabile, carena ei curbată, cârmele duble și planul velei perfect centrat depășesc toate așteptările. ___ Despre BENETEAU Brandul francez, fondat în 1884, construiește o gamă completă de iahturi cu vele și bărci cu motor disponibile prin intermediul rețelei sale de dealeri la nivel mondial. De mai bine de 130 de ani, BENETEAU a fost pionier în progrese în arhitectură, design, tehnologie, materiale, procese, producție și servicii. De la modele de înaltă performanță pentru curse de top la iahturi de croazieră confortabile și elegante, iahturile cu vele și bărcile cu motor BENETEAU sunt renumite în întreaga lume pentru inovație, calitate și navigabilitate. Vizitați pentru a afla mai multe și pentru a găsi un dealer din apropiere. Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Beneteau America: Urmărește BENETEAU America pe Facebook: – BENETEAU Sail: – BENETEAU Power: Urmărește BENETEAU America pe Twitter:
BENETEAU Oceanis Yacht 62 Opinie

43 thoughts on “BENETEAU Oceanis Yacht 62 Opinie”
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For those wondering, hull designs are either short draught keel or deep draught bulb keel, both with dual spade rudders. Not sure why Beneteau decided to go with dual spades on a blue water cruiser of this size, but alright then.
How fast is this boat? Is it going to be 2x faster than a 45' cruising catamaran? I like Cats, but I don't like going too darn slow. I want to sail around the world, but not too darn slow! Can I lighten up this sort of design, and turn it into a fast moving sail boat for 2?
Poor owner when all these electrical systems get soaked in salty moisture…
I love this yacht …
i m 6ft 2in tall i like al th oceanis 62 headrm
Superb concise yet comprehensive exposition of this excellent sailing yacht; great job sir!
I know what to buy instead of trawler. I wonder if this is easy to shorthanded for long weekend trip.
i might be a minority of one, but i think beneteau has lost a few steps. i don't really know about their hull performance; or the quality of their build. but just as a matter of taste, their interior design sucks. the colors are drab. nothing really matches. it's just not a tight design.
I own a Beneteau 393 and will likely go for something in the 45 foot range next. But honestly, this Beneteau isn't very attractive and doesn't look like much fun to sail. The galley is a really bad idea, unless you only use it at the dock. Nav station and cabins look okay, but the headroom over the master cabin bed is too short. The boat doesn't have great lines, so you're buying this for a lot of comfort. Absolutely not a sailors boat, but they'll sell a few.
Hey, why this guy sounds like the lawyer Howard Hamlin from HHM in Better Call Saul? so funny
Not a fan. Prefer center cockpit
I wonder if this yacht can be manned by one?
nice video
Nul, demasiado aparatos eléctricos
Beatyfull boat
Les couleurs sont affreuses, on dirait un oreo!
For some years iv been asking B to come up with a solid doger as an option . We dont all sail in the sun & warm climate . It should be an option for all there range from say 39 ft. upwards .
All I can say is ……WOW!
Looks more like something to show off in port.
How much is that ??
Just like the 1% have gotten x100 richer in the last 20 years the yachts have gone up in size and price to accommodate them. First boat show I went to in 1981, a big boat was 30+ feet and there were lots under 25'. Last boat show I went to, the smallest yacht was 30' and £100,000. (not counting dinghy's). A friend of mine with more money than me thought he was lucky and clever buying a 25 year old Westerly 41 Oceanlord for a good price before he had sold his older 31' moody. Anyway he put the Moody up for sale and got little response but as he was still paying marina fees for it he had to let it go for what would be termed a bargain. The fact is, I would have bought it for what he sold it for, circa £15K as I knew the boat well and it had a newish engine and sails, however the cost of keeping it was insane. The way it is today, the rich can buy these new 50'+ yachts as a matter of course but the people buying them later in the second hand market are up to their necks in mortgages and student debt etc so the market for them is almost dead.
J'aime pas car c'est un voilier de mouillage je préfère un voilier baroudeur avec en plus le confort comme exploration 51
How to pull out a dinghy off the bay in case of electric failure due to a hull breach? There's just too much electrics around asking for a trouble in a salt waters
This is boat porn for my poor self. Ive sailed 4 continents on an Oceanis 45 though. Just an outstanding cruiser.
stunning boat.)
She’s stunning but the bench style galley feels like your living in the kitchen of a small flat/apartment
When I see this kind of yachts, the first thing that comes to my mind is how many hookers could I possibly fit in
Wonderful boat! Though The boat I really want is an Aluminum Pilot house version of a Southerly 37/38 for a liveaboard and equipped for extended off-grid adventures and single handed sailing…..both out of my financial reach.
Ok its a beautiful boat but how does she handle ?
Quanto costa?
what a nice boot!
Esplique, en español,, por fabor !!!
This is not a test/review, it’s advertising!
I really hate the stripe on the outside. Seems like a throwback to motorboats from the 80s, who knows what it is doing here!
Inside helm missing. I don’t believe it. Designers my backside.
The crew cabin toilet right next to the bunk, just like in prison.
This boat is a dream for repair shops. After a few years, if not from the beginning this boat will see mechanics on a monthly basis. Though it is really beautiful.
I WANT ONE! The only question or concern I have pertains to the main sail. I’m undecided on mast furling vs boom furling, especially on a boat this beautiful with such clean lines from the water line.
Gorgeous boat
I get the feeling the Beneteau is more made for a good time in the harbour, not so much for long-range sailing. Many things which can break and which are difficult to repair if you are somewhere at an ocean…
Jeanneau looks very nice however the 3 year world wide coverage is misleading. I bought 410 and within 6 months had problem with the engine. I wrote emails after emails to Jeanneau and did not receive any response. The dealer just stated that my expectations were too high it usually takes many days to fix a problem like this. That is world wide coverage.
What if F was with that crew cabin. Thats worse than a jail cell. A toilet next to a bed. Horrible feature on an otherwise amazing vessel