Pierderea controlului în MASSIVE Tides! Navigați pe Kimberleys Australia!

Pierderea controlului în MASSIVE Tides!  Navigați pe Kimberleys Australia!

Pe măsură ce ne îndreptăm tot mai adânc în îndepărtata regiune West Kimberley din Australia, mareele continuă să devină din ce în ce mai mari până la 12 metri! Regula de bază nu merge niciodată împotriva curentului și nu am făcut-o niciodată și încă pierdem controlul în curentii hardcore! Acesta este un loc cu care nu te încurci și avem o plimbare al naibii! Abonează-te la canalul nostru și urmărește-ne aventurile! TISA. Dacă sunteți interesat să deveniți un patron (poate fi de până la 1 USD per videoclip) De obicei, postăm 2 videoclipuri pe lună – vizitați http://www.patreon.com/sailingtangaroa Urmărește-ne pe INSTAGRAM http://www.instagram .com/sailing_tangaroa Credite muzicale The Nomadics http://www.thenomadics.com.au Wil Thomas https://www.pozible.com/project/189226 Tanya Ransom https://tanyaransommusic.com.au


45 thoughts on “Pierderea controlului în MASSIVE Tides! Navigați pe Kimberleys Australia!

  1. Amazing to get a glimpse into this part of the world and these places you travel. Great work on the video and editing and the narration which really fleshes out what its really like out there, like the temperature and how the large tides affect progress and all that. Great work folks.

  2. This is just awesome you two. Big tides like that are the bomb to run in. I was doing it in Alaska in powerboats. Sailing in circles and sideways is just rich. I can see having a few beers and making the jokes up; so pissed/drunk you’re sailing sideways. So…. you’re fishing in circles and sideways. Thank you! Subscribed and ticked the bell.

  3. Wow Hanna. Totally amazing. Those petroglyphs are in such good condition . I am assuming that they are still maintained? Do you know?? Thanks for the totally awesome video.

  4. Hey you Two…..Loved this video……subscribed immediately…….is that a Wharram catamaran?….if so…it struck me that it's the perfect design for where you are…..he's such a good designer. I like the straight up video style….real Aussie…….those tidal variations look insane!! Keep up the channel….I'm super interested as a Victorian yachtie in Westernport bay……we get 6 knot tides here occasionally…..I've done involuntary 360s too….in a 7 ton Ketch…..Good Fun hey??……..The rock art was absolutely Brilliant…..I believe the phrase is "Grouse"………good work! If I could upvote twice….I would

  5. Please help me find the Kimberly Islands. I opened google maps and went to Australia and google couldn't find the Kimberly Islands? Which corner or province should I be looking at?

  6. HELP ! Great video, amazing place. Bit of a long shot but here goes. I'm searching for a book that may only have been published in Aus or NZ (I'm in the UK) that I can't find. Its by an English guy living in NZ about the difficulty of leaving the Pacific by boat, he sailed half way around the world but met a NZ girl and got no further ! He also talks about castaways and the attitudes toward them at the time, in that they were seen as trouble and ignored, the Torres Islanders, and other stuff. I think his name may have been Nick. I can find no trace of this book but would like to read it again. Sound familiar to anyone ? Grateful for any clues, cheers

  7. Thanks for making and sharing the video, the Kimerley's look amazing!, I love your boat and that you can basically moor anywhere like right on the beach not having to worry about the tide!

  8. Ciaoa tutti vi prego qualcuno mi dica il nome dell'artista e del brano musicale che si sente in sottofondo nel video e che si sente in e dopo 2:00 minuti?
    Grazie mille in anticipo

  9. I love what you guys do.. No million dollar plastic toy with insta pix. .. Just a great old wharram and a wonderful series of adventures.

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