Navigare rapidă peste noapte către Key West | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 50

Navigare rapidă peste noapte către Key West |  Sailing Soulianis - Ep.  50

Cel mai mic lucru aparent poate schimba drastic experiența unei călătorii pe mare. Ca și cum ai uitat să iei medicamente împotriva răului de mare. Atunci ce diferență fac câteva ore – de la noapte la zi, de la valurile întunecate și amenințătoare la marea albastră electrică calmă. Navigați cu noi la Key West! Sper sa iti placa! Lauren & Kirk *** Sailing Soulianis Shop // Tricouri create de Kirk și multe altele! *** Ne-ar plăcea dacă ne ajutați să susțineți producția noastră video 🧡 Săpați husele noastre Outland Hatch? Instagram: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: Facebook: Site: Muzică: „Adventures” de A Himitsu — Toate celelalte: ––– Utilizați acest link pentru a primi două luni gratuite! Subtitrări furnizate de REV: ––––– Utilizați acest link pentru a obține o reducere de 10 USD la prima comandă! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la Echipamentul nostru pentru cameră:


21 thoughts on “Navigare rapidă peste noapte către Key West | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 50

  1. 25knots is amazing wind for sailing. Depending on the character of wind of course, but if we have 25kts at Grömitz, we're the ones heading out with the Oceanis 423 and making around 9,5kts on average.
    Personally I think everything under 15kts is rather boring, but you can get your Gennaker out to comfortably cruise around 6-8kts.
    On the other hand, most sailors are there for an easy and comfortable sailing and not for a sporty and fast ride.

  2. What mountain bike trails were you on in this video? Trail names and general location please, if you can remember. Thx, great work on your channel!

  3. You docked at Stock Island, walked passed my old boat, "Bella Maggio" and swam in my old pool, hung out in my old captain lounge. Hopefully you did not eat at the restaurant which I got food posioning from the Seafood Gumbo.

  4. Key West is nowhere near the southernmost part of the USA! Guam, Puerto Rico, USVI, and Hawaii are much further South! And, if you try to exclude islands, remember that Key West IS AN ISLAND!!!

  5. I knew there had to be a reason for binginf y'alls videos. You're photographers! Great videos. It's a shame I didn't get here until the end. I retired as a photographer about 5 years ago.

  6. I was amazed when I heard that most of the people who became involved in the sailing lifestyle did so after watching YouTube. As a 15 year-old who went to sea on a shrimp boat for weeks at a time to earn college money in the 1960's, these videos had the opposite effect on me. I bought a farm in Kentucky and never looked back, lol.

  7. Great episode. I've been to Key West about a million times. I saw so many things in the episode that I've done. I've sailed "The When and If" and the "Key West Express." My favorite breakfast is Two Friends Patio. I recognized pretty much everything in the video. Thanks for making my day and taking me back to my second home.

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