Cele mai bune 4 noduri ale mele de barcă

Cele mai bune 4 noduri ale mele de barcă

Aici explic cele 4 cele mai bune noduri ale mele pe care cred că ar trebui să le cunoască toți proprietarii de bărci. Toate nodurile foarte simple și foarte utile. – Îndoirea foii, linia arcului, cârligul de cuișoare și nodul camionașilor. Vă explic cum să faceți nodurile, avantajele și dezavantajele lor și numeroasele lor utilizări. https://www.facebook.com/seafishingvi… https://www/instagram.com/thefishlocker/ #seafishinguk #knots #boatknots #boating #survival


29 thoughts on “Cele mai bune 4 noduri ale mele de barcă

  1. So good. Clear and listenable content. Brilliant video! (For trucker's hitch, maybe substitute an alpine butterfly for the overhand loop — it's easier to release.)

  2. The way I learned the bowline was the beaver came out of the hole, went around the tree and went back down the hole. I was taught how to tie it at night, Best knot for tieing a horse.. can always untie it.

  3. his bowline is wrong…. he wraps the tree on the wrong side so the tag in not in the middle of the loop…. wrong and could be more difficult to release.

  4. Great video! Those are the knots everyone shoud know, they are quick, strong and easy to relese (exept the fishermans knot, but is unbelivably strong). For the truckers knot i suggest to use the Alpine butterfly for the loop, is much easier to untie.

  5. Great video!
    It’s a pleasure to have an English bloke demonstrate in a simple and direct way.
    A rope, a knot, a purpose and then show us again SLOW – brilliant!
    And not a slick advertiser or shouty American in sight…
    Thank you.

  6. The truckers hitch is wrong. The overhand loop will never come undone. There is a better way to make the loop. I can't remember the name but you wrap around your hand three times, bottom loop to the middle then new bottom becomes the loop. You tube it. Pretty simple

  7. Thanks a couple of there I wasn’t too familiar with now. I am I see your little chip off the block sitting in the background there. Stay safe God bless.

  8. Very helpful instructions. You are a good teacher. The little guy in the background is quite cute and patient! PA USA

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