Stați pe loc, relaxați-vă și bucurați-vă de cele mai incredibile fotografii cu drone de la cel mai dur test al unei echipe în sport – The Ocean Race! Iată un cadou de la noi pentru tine – 10 minute de filmări epice, spate la spate, cu dronă, pentru plăcerea ta! PISTE MUZICALE (pentru cei care au întrebat: Fierce – MNWS Marionette – How Great Were the Robins One Million – UTAH #TheOceanRace #sailing #drones #DJI Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https:// Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: Urmărește pe Twitter: https://twitter. com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Instagram: Citește mai mult: SyncID: MB01UWLNKTOZLAQ
Cele mai incredibile fotografii cu drone din The Ocean Race

40 thoughts on “Cele mai incredibile fotografii cu drone din The Ocean Race”
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WOW !!
it is my dream i sail in the pico less cool
Great drone footage!
Nearly all the yachts have slogans like “Turn the tide on Plastic” “ CleanSeas” What is this race actually contributing to saving the planet. Most of the materials needed to make these yachts have a massive carbon foot print. I feel we are just kidding ourselves and actually contributing nothing other that words.
what is that music bed? Beautiful, I would definitely like to download. These Volvo ocean racing videos are amazingly breathtaking!
Nossa muito incrível
Vídeo super incrível
Incrivel: super incriveis
Cudowne ujęcia i pewnie super dron!!! Gratuluję!!!
Wow! Amazing drone footage! Love it!!!
oh, beautiful.
8:12 “turn the tide on plastic” by building a great big carbon fiber monstrosity instead!
Absolutely stunning! Love it!
incredible indeed. Very very well flown. So close to ships going that fast…. yes, thats awesome!
@ 3:00 Don't shoot the albatross!
Sailyatchs are the most efficient and enviroment neutral stuff ever made by humans :- 1
What happened to that red one? Mapfre?
cant wait for this years event!!!
Fantastic job, footage and music and Fierce is super matching …….Bravo !
Easily one of the best videos I’ve ever seen
Fantastic shots
Miss this in high resolution.Bit grainy now but used to be sunning.
A fan Made Video
looking forward to ,

5:48 is so cool
Hey there, what kind of drone did you use for this one? i'm looking at buying a DJI mini
Jeez do i miss that race. Very nostalgic watching this viideo.
The day Brunel & then akzonobel broke the distance record was beyond awesome. Brilliant footage from the drone
Fantastic video! Good job. Thanks. Many sponsors
You want to be a sailor? Take a cold shower and tear up 100 dollar bills while you are in there.
Hard to believe drone keeps up
Wow. Imagine still weather so total, even those ultralight racing machines can't move.
Brunel ???
c'est pas le nom du collaborateur français de Epstein????
Plus c'est gros plus ça passe.
Wow! Inspiring view!
If there is a drone malfunction….can't see them stopping the boat….