Royal Huisman’s Sea Eagle II a ieșit ieri din magazie. Goeleta cu trei catarge a fost dezvăluită la Monaco Yacht Show 2016, iar construcția a început în iunie 2017. Sea Eagle II din aluminiu, cel mai mare iaht cu vele din aluminiu din lume, a venit de la planșele Dykstra Naval Architects și Mark Whiteley Design cu arhitectură navală de Dykstra Naval Architects. Cu lungimea corpului său de 81 m/ 266 ft, Sea Eagle II este cu 2 m/ 6’7 inch mai lung decât cel mai lung iaht anterior al Royal Huisman Athena și conține 50 GT mai mult. Sea Eagle II poate găzdui 12 oaspeți și 13 membri ai echipajului. După ce trei catarge din fibră de carbon de 60 m/ 196’1” sunt călcate la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie și după testele maritime de succes, iahtul este de așteptat să fie livrat clientului taiwanez care revine Royal Huisman la sfârșitul lunii aprilie. Videoclip de The Nautical Lady & Dutch Yachting. Pentru fotografii, vă rugăm să vizitați
Cel mai mare iaht al Royal Huisman de până acum, Sea Eagle II de 81 m/266 ft.

32 thoughts on “Cel mai mare iaht al Royal Huisman de până acum, Sea Eagle II de 81 m/266 ft.”
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Sickening what people do with their money, how many people could this feed or house????
Looks good even with no launch ..Another video they suck us into watching.
Legend says it is still happening. Go and watch live people
Got to love our electronic toys as well as these " Boats" the people with money , oooooooh well it's theirs spend

Lol they went to lunch instead
These inlet shipyards are ridiculous. Look how difficult it is to get the hull out.
It’s a boy!!! Was that a launch or lunch video?
The owner must be compensating for something…
Very nice lux schooner Long Dutch sailing tradition dating back dutch East India company till present day!!!
I am Elmer J. Rudd, Millionaire, I own a Mansion and a Yacht.
Sure is Big!
That is beautiful, must be difficult to have that type of money, would like to see it cruising, I hope my invite is in the post.
Very nice video!!!!!!
I have a Hobie PA 14ft.with reverse!
Will this be used for fishing?
Oh, so the economy's doing bad ? Well I never….
Meh … compensating much???
Great Yacht …….
Sitting on oil has really paid off for those camel riders
I. Hate. Rich. People.
The hull has such good finish work you can see a detailed reflection of the interior of the shed during that night photo.
The bigger the boat, the smaller the dock.
Puts our 120-tonne hoist to shame! What a beautiful vessel though
That is a big yacht alright or maybe a small ship
Unser grosses Kompliment an unsere niederländischen Freunde! Ein solch wunderschönes Schiff zu bauen. ist eine grandiose Leistung!
Wie schön muss sie erst einmal ausschauen, wenn das Rigg steht.
Wahrlich ein Traum.
Benno + Helga
Eh Boss, we're gonna need a bigger warehouse.
Might be big but does she posses the character of Ngoni?
Wow !