Coppercoat Antifouling este alternativa la vopseaua antifouling pe care am aplicat-o după o lucrare extinsă de reparare a blisterelor, care a renovat vechea noastră barca cu pânze Valiant 40 din 1976, apoi am ales și aplicat vopsea de jos pentru a preveni creșterea marină. NU am urmat 100% instrucțiunile pentru această aplicație Coppercoat și câteva lucruri au mers prost. Aplicația noastră Coppercoat pentru antifouling va fi un eșec total? Sau va reuși Coppercoat în ciuda unor modificări în timpul aplicării Coppercoat – un epoxidic antifouling cu pulbere de cupru în el? Dacă are succes, Coppercoat ne poate scuti de aplicarea vopselei antifouling timp de un deceniu sau mai mult. Vom trece în revistă următoarele puncte despre aplicarea Coppercoat în acest videoclip: 1: De ce Coppercoat 2: Greșeli la aplicarea Coppercoat 3: Complicații în timpul aplicării Coppercoat și cum le-am depășit 4: Îndepărtarea antifouling pentru a pregăti suprafața pentru Coppercoat: https://youtu .be/2Myy37X4hG8 5: Repararea blisterelor și aplicarea stratului de barieră cu rășină epoxidice 6: Amestecarea stratului de cupru, inclusiv adăugarea de alcool izopropilic, pulbere de cupru și strat de cupru 7: Rulare pe stratul de cupru (nu am pulverizat stratul de cupru) 8: Lustruirea/Șlefuirea stratului de cupru după aplicarea 9: Rezultate de la aplicarea Coppercoat – Eșec sau succes? 10: Revizuirea viitoare a Coppercoat Sperăm că aplicarea noastră Coppercoat va avea succes, dar poate fi doar un eșec, un alt coșmar antifouling. Toți cei pe care îi cunoaștem cu Coppercoat se bucură de asta, dar videoclipurile negative pe care le-am văzut ne îngrijorează în legătură cu propria noastră aplicație Coppercoat diy… sperăm că greșelile noastre nu se dovedesc a fi un eșec. Vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați peste ani dacă vizionați acest videoclip la ani după ce l-am lansat pentru a ne întreba despre el și vă vom oferi o referință la un videoclip ulterior sau vă vom trimite un e-mail personal dacă nu am făcut-o. unul încă. Aplicarea acestui Coppercoat Antifouling am făcut singuri, cu ajutorul unor muncitori necalificați de pe stradă, precum și a unor muncitori semicalificați și calificați de la Fleet Management la Zululand Yacht Club/Boatyard, mereu sub conducerea și supravegherea lui Patrick Childress. . Antifoulingul cu succes a carenei unei bărci cu pânze este o căutare constantă pentru noi… una pe care s-ar putea să nu o găsim niciodată! Credem că va trebui să continuăm curățarea fundului lunar pentru a elimina creșterea marine! De asemenea, pentru cei curioși… costul Coppercoat. Întotdeauna am crezut că este o muncă care a costat zeci de mii de dolari. Pentru că am făcut-o bricolaj și am angajat niște muncitori semicalificați, ne-a costat sub 2000 USD pentru tot, forță de muncă și materiale… deci nu mult mai mult decât o vopsea antifouling de bună calitate. L-am fi încercat cu zeci de ani în urmă dacă am fi știut că are un astfel de potențial pentru protecție pe termen foarte lung! Prețuri și cumpărare @ Instalații Coppercoat pe care le-am găsit interesante: Cel mai recent videoclip Coppercoat al britanicilor: Furia britanicilor pentru aplicarea necorespunzătoare a Coppercoat: /jVtzBenciz0 SV Totems Aplicare foarte reușită Coppercoat (realizată de adolescenți)! (Blog) Cum sperăm să arate corpul nostru după câțiva ani cu Coppercoat: (5 ani ) Sau (2 ani) Alte recenzii Coppercoat, aplicații Coppercoat, etc Videoclipuri: ▬▬ FOLLOW ALONG! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Blogul nostru: :http :// ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts și altele: UCC7DRvfDAoFn5eMyfTnaA8w/join (opțiune nouă de abonament… nici măcar nu suntem siguri cum funcționează!) (Tip Jar) DOUĂ CURSURI GRATUITE DE SAILING: http://whereisbrickhouse .com/sailing-school Începeți cumpărăturile pe Amazon aici: PATREON: Tricouri și altele: DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII Nu ne asumăm responsabilitatea pentru ceea ce faceți sau nu faceți în legătură cu ceea ce ați învățat în acest videoclip sau pe acest canal. Citiți toate manualele uneltei și înțelegeți bine utilizarea și măsurile de siguranță înainte de utilizare. Folosirea sculelor electrice, a energiei electrice și a substanțelor chimice de toate felurile prezintă un pericol semnificativ și dacă nu vă asumați toată responsabilitatea față de siguranța persoanei și a navei dumneavoastră, angajați un profesionist și încrucișați-vă degetele că acesta cunoaște detaliile unei aplicații Coppercoat! #Coppercoat #antifouling #PatrickChildressSailing
Aplicația noastră de antifouling Coppercoat – DEZASTRU sau SUCCES? (Patrick Childress Sailing #57)

39 thoughts on “Aplicația noastră de antifouling Coppercoat – DEZASTRU sau SUCCES? (Patrick Childress Sailing #57)”
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Do you agree that our Coppercoat application will be a success? Please leave a comment below…
Have you used Coppercoat antifouling?
Would you like to see video from one of the many guys we interviewed that have used Coppercoat happily for many years…it was too long and off topic to include that Coppercoat review in this diy video, but let us know if you would like to see that soon.
Please ask any question you have about our Coppercoat application or its future success if you are watching this months or years from now about whether it turned out a success or a failure…Certainly that will tell us if the application of Coppercoat can tolerate some variation in its application
Please let us know your vote…so you think we will have a failure or success with this application of Coppercoat?
Too late now, but, you could have sprayed the CC on. I'm guessing that tools for the job may not have been readily available.
Why it should be sanded at the end? Is it to remove glossy resin layer and expose copper particles to the water?
Item 8 has the explanation.
Such a great video. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I love hearing how you boss these guys around yet you can’t follow simple instructions when they are obvious to follow
Patrick, I really appreciate your honesty and the way you narrate your video. You did a great job. keep up the great work. Happy sailing
Having watched previous CopperCoat videos, and hearing their responses to your questions after you unilaterally made changes, why would you have not just followed their instructions? You increased the alcohol, left it out of the last coat, and changed the sandpaper grit. Don't know why you would take risks like that. I really hope you have good luck with it.
I've watched a bunch of your videos now, I can say while entertaining, making a conscious effort to haul out at the places where you can exploit the local labor is kinda messed up. South Africa, Columbia, etc, all these places have people normally minorities working pennies on the dollar because they are being treated poorly by their own governments. Maybe it's fine, I can see how it would be enticing to go where labor is cheap but your still exploiting these people… Just my opinion and you know how those are…
When you buy 90% alcohol at a pharmacy, what is the other 10%? And what residue is left when using pure alcohol?
natural mohair has natural oils in it. hence the lack of full compatibility. synthetic for water base products is the safe way to go.
now is a great time to buy copper since its down 4 points
It's a huge job you undertook; really daunting. But each time I look at the videos I cannot get over the impression that the boat is barely propped up with those poles and is in imminent danger of falling over. Eight months of equipment vibrations and moving poles to paint and work under. At a yacht club in Canada (at least the one I am in in Montreal) we would never be allowed to work under without a steel/wood cradle or belly bands and the big travel lift. Is the mast secured with guy cables out of camera view?
I’m a professional painter with decades of experience on a roller. Thinking I might try a system of application that, in my opinion, will probably be multiple times faster. It uses a 5 gallon bucket instead of a paint tray to work out of.
I would fill the working 5 with only a gallon at a time, keeping the material mixed by the roller itself as I dip into it to apply the copper coat. I would have a separate 5 gallon bucket containing 3 gallons of copper (constantly stirred by a helper) ready to pour, refilling my work bucket as needed.
Also, I would use a duel 9” roller system with 6 foot roller poles.
I would have one 9” typical paint roller with a 3/4” nap roller skin to apply a lot of gushing (but of course, being a professional, not dripping) material, then another 9” roller and roller skin – this one 1/4” nap – to lay it off with once the copper coat has been applied to a wide area. With that, I would have my helper (or helpers, however many are needed) mixing, stirring, and refilling new copper into my work bucket, holding one of the two rollers for me until it needs to be switched out. I think one could cover far more real estate in in a much, much shorter time frame that way.
Keep in mind, only a true, experienced professional painter with many years under his belt with a roller is capable of this.
I’ve done similar things with other challenging paints. Who knows, might work.
Thanks for the video, great job with it. But the reason I’m contacting you is to ask about the footblock (base?) that a keel-stepped mast sits on below the sole and above the keel. Got some questions. Do you have any writings on that? Maybe articles you know of? What is used as the block? Does it need to be faired to the bilge sides, bolted to the floor under the sole? Does it need to be just set in place without any structural fastening for movement of the mast? That sort of thing.
By the way, I have a Miller Marine, Ted Brewer designed 1983 (‘84?) Jason 35, S/V Jenna Simone.
Thanks guys, learning a lot from you.
I hope it works out for yall. I do wonder if the people that have issues with the copper coat are the ones that say " well copper coat instructions say not to or to do this …but we are going to do it this way"
Coppercoat Antifouling is a no go! Their marketing is very good, the product, not so good. Spoken to a few boat owners, some of them will say run! I hope it works out for you.
You probably should have used something less complicated for applications, I used VC OFFSHORE from INTERLUX, it’s also copper based ans should last 10-12 years , you don’t have to do it non stop .
And the best thing to do is the 2 first layers in a different color of the finish one , so when you see the different color appearing, you know you will need a bottom job soon.
Holaaaaa. Saludos
Looks amazing. But at this point… adding copper foil might have been quicker!
thanks for putting this up, very informative.
How do horseshoe crabs exist she wondered to herself. Whether it is less work bottom-scubbing or not, doesn't it look fabulous? And agonising whether it is worth the effort and expense is an age-old sailing tradition.
No experience with coppercoat . I am only learning glassfibre application now.
I love this blog, i left my native SA a long time ago, but in my student years i used to work in a factory building houseboats alongside incredibly skilled men who trained on the job and did an excellent job at fiberglass, cabinet making and vacuum press lamination and moulding. I miss those days and that awesome team
see @sailingbriticairn (I think that's how you spell it)
This was on my front page of youtube today..
I had copper coat but after a few months it was full of barnscles and calcium worms in the Mediterranean.
I cleaned, scratched and sanded the fuselage any four weeks but in vain.
We applied very carefully according to the manual with three people.
Nevertheless I exchsnged the voating with International WA which is now after 2 years still clear of anything. And it seems to last even one more year.
Never more copper coat!!!
Is Coppercoat better than normal antifouling bottom paint?
Could you not spray it on the boat the copper coat ?
Good to know boss lol
Unfortunately your valiant is most likely all blistered up again
Videoupdate on this?
I think you get it right there with water and alcohol cleansing, since indeed acetone is leaving a residue film afterward, and only water will not remove, but alcohol does. Since I have been working in the semiconductor industry to clean semiconductor wafers before processing, that is a susceptible process. Cheers.
I am a professional darts player for over 20 years and I can say in all honesty that broccoli is no good for replacing sprung springs on trampolines and associated ancillary mid-term treatment to yeast infections in high use collars and sleeves in relation to men's dress shirts.
I wonder why at 3:10 the epoxy coatings were left to dry, sanded by two methodes and cleaned, de-dusted and water-washed. Why didn't you start the application of coppercoat once the last coat of epoxy (at 3:10) had reached the end of its potlife and was still sticky, not completely dried ? Succesive layers of epoxy should always be applied in each other, not on top of each other. This can be done, of course, but then the sanding is necessary but should be avoided.
I think it is the right moment to start the application process. After that, keep applying it until the desired number of coatings are reached (can be up to 10 coatings). Or else, divide the boat into let's say two or thee zones. De first zone is treated until 10 coatings have been reached, then go to the next zone etc… One zone a a time, keep working until finished. It is very important to start the process and finish it in one long haul, so no stopping in between. It is a good thing to keep one person occupied with mixing and distributing the coating.
The finished product is very lightly sanded, pref by hand, as to expose as many copper particles as possible.
You also mentioned that coppercoat is water bases, which is not true, of course.
You should be good for the next 10 years, which is a good thought knowing that it would have costed you +/- 120 euro's per m² now.
Hello how are you?
I wanted to know how the coopercoat you applied 2 years ago has gone.
would you apply it again?
After 2 years, what results have you obtained? Are you happy?
Thank you very much and good winds
I think that the more alcohol you put in , the faster the copper will separate from the "paint"
Hi guys, she looks lush! What an amazing job you did! Especially with sanding out the blisters and filling them up and such, rebuilding your boat basially. We have some osmosis too and will go through the same process. Can I ask what product did you use before you applied the coppercoat and how many layers? Cheers!