Garcia Exploration 45: Un tur complet cu barca de Pete Goss

Garcia Exploration 45: Un tur complet cu barca de Pete Goss

Celebrul iahtman britanic Pete Goss a navigat peste 250000 de mile marine pe mare. Pete Goss a devenit un erou la Vendee Globe din 1996 pentru că l-a salvat pe concurentul francez Raphaël Dinelli. Acum, că s-a retras din competițiile de navigație oceanică, acest specialist în navigație, caiac de mare și explorare polară trăiește diferite tipuri de aventuri. Pete și soția lui Tracey petrec acum mult timp la bordul navei Garcia Exploration 45 „Pearl of Penzance”. Pete ne ghidează în timpul unui tur complet al acestui centreboarder din aluminiu cu apă albastră la Salonul de barca cu vele de la Annapolis din 2019. Bucurați-vă de această vizită completă și nu ezitați să cereți mai multe detalii


29 thoughts on “Garcia Exploration 45: Un tur complet cu barca de Pete Goss

  1. What i wonder, how good does it steer on engine? Considering you got twin rudders, the water jet would pass inbetween, making slow marine/harbor movements slugish, no?

  2. despite the awesome features and all attention to details, the main problem of this boat is its FORM and obviously its sailings carachteristics in rough watters and winds. i doubt it behave like easy to drive in rough conditions ! more its like an elefant heavy and difficult to controll. but i know boat that can all things and have a good form.

  3. All Ballast is only 3.5 feet down? That doesn’t sound good to me. I would prefer weight as low as possible. I do understand that all designs are a compromise.

  4. So much wisdom from both Jimmy Cornell and Pete Goss for your contributions to the sailing world. 💡 I need to remember to get a boat that serves me and no the other way around. ⛵ 🍹 🌴 not 🔧

  5. I've seen so many boat videos, this was really well made. Always nice to watch an owner's walk through, with great attention to detail, made even more compelling when delivered by an accomplished sailor. Of all the DS sailboats, this one is definitely my favorite.

  6. That’s a fantastic review. But I do have a question. How tall is Pete? (ie do I cross the Garcia off the shopping list or not)

  7. How does a center board be better to a swing keel? because it has balast …. what? the swing keel weight still is attached to the boat acting as a balast. the only diference is when its lowered is that the center of gravity lowers also with the swinging keel being better when lowered than the center board. otherwise considering the keel and balast to be the same weight while retracted they should the same. I might be wrong but i would apreciate if someone could explain me the statement of the center board being better. apart from cheaper and simpler design

  8. Considering that I have never even heard of this amazing yacht/brand before I was sold on it half way through the video. I like my Beneteau but this is whole different level. 
    Oh and Pete is amazing. Thank you for the awesome video.

  9. I understand that with this centerboard boat, you do not lower the righting moment unlike the lifting keel ones when they keels are in lifted position. But the real issue is, when you build the ballast in the hull like in this boat, the ballast is not as deep as the lifting keel ones (when down) hence the righting moment is already lower when you need it most, like in the middle of high seas?
    This is a question…

  10. A perfect yacht, a yacht for life. Garcia make a really solid, well thought out, a very safe yacht. With variable draft you could even use it for rivers.

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