Eșecul raidului la birou (bărbat care ucide femei)

Eșecul raidului la birou (bărbat care ucide femei)

Tacticile surpriză pot eșua, mai ales dacă nu arăți suficient pielea.


30 thoughts on “Eșecul raidului la birou (bărbat care ucide femei)

  1. Tonight was a special night, one of our girls had managed to find and confirm the location of a Mafia controlled office building. The mission was simple, go in, kill any disgusting pigs that were there and ransack the place for any useful intelligence on Mafia operations. Since it was expected that there would be little to no resistance during our raid, this mission was left to us rank and file Valkyrie soldiers where it might have been left to one of the Lanas or a Night Amazon unit.

    We were a team of 8 in total. There was no standard uniform for this mission, there wasn't any time to worry about that. Our squad of soldiers was assembled from girls who had happened to be the closest to the area at the time. This was a mission of opportunity, so there wasn't much in the way of any planning we could do. Our only choice was to go in and force a solution if we had to. I was in command of this operation.

    Before the girls at the top gave me this mission, I was in for another night of spying on the nightlife, my shoulder length black hair with faded light blue and purple highlights was immaculate, and I was wearing my favorite outfit, my flowy black crop top with grey low waist jeans that I cheekily had my black thong exposed from as I wore my panties high on my hips. Dressed as I was, I could get into any Los Santos nightclub I wanted and see what the local gossip was. They were fun missions, but they rarely produced any results, but this mission; I had the opportunity to actually make a difference for the Valkyries and I wasn't about to waste it.

    Eight girls would be plenty for the job, we were all just intelligence gatherers, there wasn't a real fighter between us, but I had just gotten intel that we only had to deal with one guy. And I was urged to hurry, there wasn't any guarantee on how long our opportunity would last.

    Our initial staging area would be a parking facility that was usually empty. Here we would await for transport that the Valkyries would provide. Luckily we wouldn't have to wait for anyone. Everyone arrived well before our ride would. Waiting for me in the garage would be six girls, all of them dressed in athletic clothing, tight yoga pants and sports bras, or a crop top, something that would show off their flat tummies, full asses and toned legs I knew they all worked hard for. Their job before tonight had been to pose as innocent joggers and gather intel on points of interest or see if they could overhear a slip of Mafia tongue as they were planted in gyms that we knew Mafia members frequented. Since they were dressed sporty already, no one would ever bat an eye as they no doubt ran here to the meeting place. That would leave just one straggler, and I couldn't believe my eyes, I was slightly embarrassed as our last girl reported in. We were both wearing the same outfit, granted with different colors, but I saw her cheeks blush as we both made that realization. Still, comedy of errors aside, looking at our rag tag squad, I thought our chances were looking good.

    Valkyrie command arranged for a van to come by and pick us all up. The Driver would be added to our squad, giving us a total of Nine girls for this mission. She was a nice looking girl by the name of Delilah, she had a cute face, short red brown hair that came down just past her jawline on both sides of her face and it complimented her similarly light brown eyes beautifully, she was really cute. I was quite jealous of her red shoulderless blouse, matching black skirt, and amazing high heel boots. After this mission, I would have to find out where it was she got all that.

    The van comfortably sat all of us and would come in handy if there was anything bulky in that office to loot. But, most importantly, this van was equipped with far more powerful weaponry than was usually afforded to standard Valkyries. That meaning: two tactical short shotguns and two Uzi SMGs. Of course, none of us had any experience with these weapons, hell, most of us hadn't shot at all since our initial training with handguns. But Delilah had some combat experience and experience using the Uzis, so, with no objections, she would be getting one. I myself would take a shotgun since I thought I'd be able to handle it better and use it effectively when we went inside the building. It just made sense to take it. The last Uzi would be given to a fiery Blonde named Elaine. We decided to leave the last shotgun in the van, for the two we would leave behind to act as lookouts and guard the van, just in case. With that, we had given out all the heavy weapons we were given, everyone else would just have to make do with the standard issue Valkyrie Handguns. I thought this was plenty of firepower.

    Seven of us would go into that office and two would stay behind. Everyone was eager to go up that office building, But I ordered two girls to stay behind, a young cute Asian girl named Daiyu and an older Blonde girl named Alexis. The rest of us would go up that building and face whatever we would find up there. We were given the door codes for this place and also told which floor our target was on, so getting in was a cinch. We all conveniently fit in one elevator, and went up.

    I took a deep breath, as I clutched my shotgun, this would be my first real mission with actual combat. I felt butterflies in my stomach and it made me feel an excitement like none other. The elevator stopped and all of us would exit out. So far so good, we didn't see or hear a thing. We had some strategy going into this raid, one or two girls would venture forth ahead and we would all come up from behind them, with how narrow the office hallways were, we could all see the wisdom in actively avoiding getting trapped in a choke point. The first girl, Evelyn, was a hung-ho long haired brunette wearing a galaxy pattern sports bra and tight grey sports pants that really showed off her tight and firm ass as she took point going in first into the office building. Following her would be Delilah with her Uzi ready to shred anything at a moment's notice with a burst of fire.

    Evelyn would go in, one careful step at a time, every step jiggling her firm yoga pants clad ass, and after determining that all was well, she would give the signal for Evelyn to come up behind her. So far, so good. We were taking our time, this was a mission that could not be allowed to be botched over rushed action..

    With the initial way clear, and unless this building somehow did not obey the laws of nature, Evelyn had scouted out to the end of the building, Delilah would then go in to sweep the room and shower anything that moved in hot lead.

    There was a tension, a tension if Delilah would say that all was clear, or if we would next hear gunshots, either her's or Mafia……

    Every second seemed like hours. Then, gunshots. A scream. I hadn't known her for very long, but I knew that was Delilah I had just heard. Her sexy body was being filled with lead and all I could do was stand where I was. But soon we would all be pouring in after her. Her sacrifice would not be in vain as she had just revealed the position of the pig that dared oppose us.

    Still, we still had to take things slow, overlap our fire and not rush in like fools to this Mafia goon, inside this building, despite our firepower, he had the upper hand. Then, Evelyn's firm ass would disappear as she would round the same corner as Delilah, our point woman moving to engage as the we all came up behind her and then:

    **bang, bang, bang, bang**
    **Rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat **

    There was a gunfight. Evelyn sounded like she had gotten the first shots off, but I could only imagine how severe things had gotten when the next thing I heard was a feminine scream followed by the thud of a body hitting hard wooden furniture. Evelyn was gone, but that didn't matter, we would be coming to avenge her and Delilah !

    **rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat**

    Another burst. These pigs thought that by utterly destroying our sexy bodies with bullets, shooting off our tits and destroying our womanhoods with hot lead that they were humiliating us and demoralizing us. No, this only made me and my sisters angry, we would destroy this pig starting with that damn meat stick between his legs !

    Elaine with her powerful uzi would be the next on the scene, that mafia pig would pay for his barbarity !

    **rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat !!!!**

    Elaine and that goon were exchanging equal fire ! Elaine would surely-

    Then I heard the scream. He had bested another of our girls ! This could not stand, I and the remaining three would finish this mission, hell or high water ! I even ordered Daiyu and Alexis up.

    Full commitment ! It's him or us !

    It was my turn. I usually never wore a bra under my outfit, I felt so free when I felt my perky tits bouncing in my shirt. I clutched my shotgun and stepped forward, my tits bouncing with each of my steps. I would finally use this powerful weapon !

    I rounded the final corner

    **blam, blam, blam !!!**

    Every powerful blast reverberated throughout my entire body. It jostled my tits and made my pussy feel excited as I shot at the pig. But the blasts were loud and powerful, I couldn't see if I at all hit him. But that didn't matter as one of my girls came from behind to assist me. We had him, he would not survive-

    Then, I saw a figure emerge.

    **bang, bang, bang, bang**

    I immediately screamed ! My tits were being ripped apart by mafia bullets ! I felt myself being pushed back as even my poor pussy was blasted with hot lead !

    I felt my head hit something soft. I remembered….Elaine. My head was resting on her firm, pillowy ass.

    My guts were being filled with hot lead and as my vision faded to blackness- Elaine's ass would be my final resting place.

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