În timp ce mergem spre sud de-a lungul potecii spinoase, realizăm că va trebui să ne oprim undeva în Republica Dominicană. Există doar câteva ancorari decente de-a lungul țărmului de nord al RD și decidem să sărim peste Luperon în favoarea Samana, deoarece aveam o fereastră meteo suficient de mare pentru a ajunge. Când ajungem, câteva păstăi de balene ne întâmpină! Ne cazăm, explorăm orașul și ne cazăm la un port de agrement al stațiunii. Luăm un despacho în Parcul Național Los Haitises și vedem primul nostru cal de mare, explorăm câteva peșteri minunate și mangrove masive. Obțineți un TRIOC (sau 3!): https://teespring.com/stores/honu-brand Produse care ne plac în MAGAZINUL nostru AMAZON: www.amazon.com/shop/jandradventures Sprijină-ne pe PATREON?!: http: //bit.ly/jandr-patreon INSTAGRAM-ul nostru: @jessicaandryanadventures Instagram-ul Arya: @arya.samoyed Pagina noastră de FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jessicaandryanadventures EMAIL- Simțiți-vă liber să ne trimiteți orice întrebări la: jessicaandryanadventures@gmail .com Instrument GRATUIT Floorplan: http://bit.ly/floorplantool
Navigați prin Samana, Republica Dominicană!

19 thoughts on “Navigați prin Samana, Republica Dominicană!”
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Big thanks guys!! Nice to start my day with an adventure with ya. Hey from Arkansas. thumbs up…BIG THUMBS UP!!!
Awesome, love it!
Love me some whales
Your child needs to be wearing a life jacket at all times on the water
Fun video! Y'all are a hoot!
Don't remember if you said what you do for work. I must of missed it.
That was nice of you to take the homeless guy to the water falls for a shower.
Thank you for the video. Safe travels.
Thank you for coming to my country!! Love your videos!! DR is awesome!!
Hi guys, great video as always. Kira is such a little gem. Just one comment, not a criticism, try levelling out the sound level throughout the videos. Often it is up and down alot and requires some continual volume adjustments while watching, especially if you must watch in a more quiet environment. Keep em coming!
From the Star Trek Voyage Home… "there be whales here Captain!!! "
We rented a huge oceanfront home for 4 days with 3 other couples in Samana a few years ago. It was very humbling to see how the locals live, as we were not in a touristy part of town. We had a woman that was cooking for us daily & we tipped her far more than was required. She was so grateful and beside herself due to her being able to put her daughters' through school as it is not free there. We were honored to have experienced the culture and warmth there ! Also, Thanks for another great escape especially for those of us who are staying home as much as possible! Safe sailing!

Keep the vids coming! It lets us escape ourselves for a short while!!
Beautiful couple, beautiful baby, beautiful crew mate, in beautiful places.
Samaná ( Saw/ma/nawww) You got it right at the end! And Puerto Bahia (Ba/hee/ah) It means Bay port.
Oh yeah, you have to watch out for us French Canadians. We have a crazy side.
Hi again guys. This was far one of the best videos. I loved everything about it. Kira is super cute and Aria is smarter than any 5th grader out there…
The legend you speak of are called Ciguapa(see gwa pah). They can be old and ugly or young and beautiful. The story is they lure you in with gold, food, beads or their beauty. Then they drown you or beat you to death with their hands or weapons. In some stories they have superhuman strength and speed. They live deep in the jungle usually around rivers and caves. One story I was told is they carry a golden comb and will sit by the river and ask strangers to help them comb their hair. When you agree and they hand you the comb they accuse you of trying to steal their gold and will attack.
But did you run to the bow and scream there she blows
I love your whale footage. Reminded me of when i have seen them in cabo the first time