Bun venit pe canalul nostru YouTube, unde vom explora cele 3 precauții înainte de a cumpăra un iaht cu trauler. haideți să explorăm precauțiile iahturilor înainte de a cumpăra. Nu uitați să vă abonați la canalul meu. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9irZSOLlJXTkGr9pycZh9Q
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00:00 Introducere 00:42 Traulerii nu se mișcă rapid 02:30 Siguranța iahtului dvs.: 07 Pasagerii sunt de tipul Trawlerului dvs. de navă cu motor concepută pentru croazieră pe distanțe lungi și viață confortabilă pe apă. Ele sunt de obicei mai mari și mai grele decât alte tipuri de bărci de agrement, iar designul lor accentuează stabilitatea, confortul și eficiența consumului de combustibil în detrimentul vitezei. Ori de câte ori doriți să cumpărați un iaht cu trauler de lux, în primul rând, verificați corect trei lucruri. Vreau doar să vă avertizez că ar trebui să fiți conștient de câteva lucruri. Cele 3 probleme cu Trawler pe care ți le arăt în acest videoclip te vor face să te simți mai încrezător și mai confortabil atunci când negociezi, deoarece toate sunt lucruri pe care vânzătorul tău de iahturi nu vrea să le știi! Deci cauți să cumperi un iaht cu trauler. Trebuie să auzi aceste 3 avertismente pe care le am pentru tine înainte de a-ți cumpăra iahtul cu trauler! Când cumpărați un iaht cu trauler, este important să faceți cercetări și să nu vă bazați doar pe sfaturile unui vânzător. Fie că te-am asigurat că ești un marinar experimentat sau un cumpărător pentru prima dată de barcă, acest videoclip este o resursă valoroasă pentru oricine dorește să cumpere un iaht cu trauler. Vă rugăm să vă abonați acum
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Trawler Yachts: 3 PRECAUȚII înainte de a cumpăra un Trawler Yacht

40 thoughts on “Trawler Yachts: 3 PRECAUȚII înainte de a cumpăra un Trawler Yacht”
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Here's what yacht sellers are not telling you! https://youtu.be/ftJqMy3B21w
So obviously a salesman for non-trawler style. I don't have a dog in this hunt but this guy was too pathetically obvious.
Crap advice!……….on the positive side….where not to go to buy a yacht now sorted.
Lived on a trawler for 16 years. The man is right, slow , long days, like watching paint dry. Doesn't matter if you have developed a migraine, or something else, a long slow slog, to the next stop. Doesn't have to be on plane, but 12 knots, is really nice, to catch a bridge , or end the day at a better time.
So your only point is speed
which comes in three different versions. But I fully agree on your point. I love cruising at 8 knots, but I also had some situations where I was happy that I could cruise with 20 knots. Especially bad weather events.
This sounds like don't buy a trawler if you are a newb advise to me. This was the most simplistic advise ever. I was expecting a dissertation about full displacement versus planed hull design, fuel use differentials etc… What I got was one antidote about an unqualified watch stander panicking about one of the most common encounters in the Bahamas or Virgin Island areas (The Virgin passage at night between Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands is one long line of cruise ships anchoring out to time their port entry time in the morning or steaming through the channel one after the other all night long) and a platitude about staying ahead of the weather. Yes it can be nice to avoid bad weather but never count on it for an open ocean transit. Plan for the worst and tie down everything prior to leaving port.
LOL Troller
You make some valid points for nubies. Another important consideration is trying to take a trawler up a river. Under certain conditions, a large river can flow a a velocity greater than a trawler is able to may way against. As a former US Aux Coastie, we have seen trawlers actually pushed backwards by sudden river floods and dashed against the riverbank or severely grounded. Trawlers are excellent vessels but the lack of speed can be serious against fast flowing tides. They can also require expert handing in following seas to avoid being pushed sideways and swamped. They are serious vessels that require serious seamanship. The inability to outrun an approaching storm is to be seriously considered. I am sure I don't have to tell any mariner the folly of relying on weather forecasts.
Yea, a cruise ship isn't going to bother a full displacement hull done right. It's a boat, there's wakes.
What boats have radar
In my book, 7-9 knots makes you a speed demon. If you are in a hurry, just fly or drive. At 20 knots, i have a range of 125 miles. At 5 knots i can go 1600 miles in my trawler.
title change: 3 thing i personally hate about trawlers
A trawler is designed to go virtually anywhere and even a smaller one about 61 feet like the Ocean lass by Greenline or even the 50 foot Fleming and Nordhavn Yachts can handle that wake from a cruise ship, or anything else. Most of them are small yet carry a category A rating. Whereas a Sanlorenzo SD122, a Mangusta 140, AB 125 or some of these other faster yachts are rated for offshore use only. So you spend a bunch of money on a yacht that is limited to 50 miles offshore. But it can go really fast…woo-hoo. Yeah. You miss the point on why a trawler yacht is so popular and why expedition yachts are the hottest thing on the market right now amd places like Numarine, Alia, Alpha, CmD and Ava are all booked up for build slots. People want to go places where assholes like you in your flashy speedboat aren't. Acting like frat boys on a drunken Binger all night and zipping up and down to St.Tropez and Ibiza. Yeah it might take a while to get there, but at least we can get there and best of all, idiots like you aren't there cause your boat can't make it. 'AHHHHN cwuise sip wake scawed da person on da boat. Hahaha. Don't get twaller yacht. Get bigga fasta boat.'
You revealed yourself as a lounge lizard yacht salesman who does not like to sell ugly inexpensive slow moving yachts because there is very little upside to explorer yacht repeat business because they are so well built that they are passed from generation to generation.
I knew as soon as you said yacht salesman were "good people".
No, they are greedy used car salesman who never post the price– "POA" is your favorite acronym.
What is the name of the yacht in the thumbnail?
you are wrong about the speed ….sailing is about relaxing …!!! period
Are you Trawlering us?
This guy is a idiot, If you wish to cross oceans you will be on a trawler/expedition yacht. He is correct in the statement you will go 8-9kts max on most "trawler" yachts. Only a few LWL yachts that can travel in the low teens are out there and they are all totally custom builds. The largest name in true "ocean capable" yachts is Nordhavn, they have been successful for a reason. In my 20000+ blue water miles Nordhavn and a few others are the only boats truely capable of serious blue water crossings. The short Florida to Bahamas run can be made on a much less serious vessel. This guy seems like the typical sleazy broker everybody has heard of.
You obviously don’t sail. 7 knots is sailing speed on a good day. A trawler will allow a direct crossing instead of having to adjust for wind. Radar should have let whomever was on night watch know there was an approaching vessel at least 45 minutes out. I’m sorry but that was poor seamanship on the part of the lookout.
There is a reason why people like trawlers and there is also a reason why people don't like them. If you only have a couple of days holiday each year you probably want to get somewhere fast, enjoy it and go home again. The moment you have more time on your hand, you don't need to go anywhere fast and you want to do it in a economical and safe way……….the trawler is the way to go. They are made to go places, they can handle rough seas, they don't guzzle fuel and they have tremendous range. True, a trawler is not for everyone, but that would also not be good, we would all be buying the same boat and I don't see that happening. We have a 50' trawler, use it 8 months per year, travel in the Mediterranean to go from one beautiful location to another. For us the destination is not the only goal, it is also the journey to the destination. And while doing that I only take on fuel once per season (about 3000 liters), while I see the fast boats going from one fuel station to another. Fine if you have that amount of money to burn, but I would rather spend that on a good meal, bottles of wine etc.
Please youtube bring the thumbs down back
What a lode of crap
What are you talking about? TRAWLERS ARE DESIGNED TO BE SLOW AND LONG RANGE. That is one of the main reasons people purchase them. Why not caution people who are looking to purchase high en d sports cars? They tend to be fast! LOL
Sound advice.
Hi Chris. I love your videos. They're a valuable resource for someone that is shopping for a trawler. Do you have any videos similar to the Kadey-Krogen and Nordhavn ones that you did for the Beneteau Swift Trawlers? What do you think of them? Also, it has the speed that you are talking about, but I believe it compromises on the seaworthiness. Thanks for sharing this information with your subscribers.
No one buys a trawler for day trips to Bimini! You buy a Trawler to spend 2 weeks on the hook at all the keys! With a single tank of fuel! Try that in your center console! If you must get to the Bahamas fast, buy a Hysucat as a pull behind Tender and book a Captain to transport your Trawler while you take you family in the Hysucat in about 50 minutes! Spend the day shopping and dinning and meet him as he ports!
reading comments on the internet is like listening to salesmen.. mostly BS and always steer you in the direction THEY want YOU to look.. excellent points.. Hope folks listen
Awful, silly, useless advice from someone
You got to know what you are doing
What's your idea of a fast trawler 10 0r 11 ?
I'm seeing preferred cruise speed today is 12-14. Couple years ago 8-10 was the norm.
Interesting information but there is a lot more to this than just speed , there are a lot of yachts out there that claim to be trawlers and can go fast but if you look at the underwater sections their nothing more than planing hulls with a trawler styled deck house . When you get to the lumpy stuff their struggling to keep headway comfortably and slamming and banging all over the place , many are only classed as CE cat B which means righting moment and downflooding angles are much less than a cat A boat , hull laminations are bare minimum , deck gear is not up to spec for an ocean going yacht . There’s a reason the likes of Fleming , Outer Reef , Grand Banks etc have stellar reputations as off shore cruising yachts , their over built , massive stringers and runners , heavy laminations and deep forefoot’s for into weather handling , being semi displacement they can also have a turn of speed if needed albeit you’ll burn more fuel although who cares if you can out run the weather . I would argue that for the vast majority of people a full displacement trawler is not the answer either , they are built for ocean crossing which if that’s what you want fair enough but for 99% of people that’s a very rare use yet you will be restricted in speed to a max of 8 knots before the fuel burn goes through the roof and even the your lucky to hit ten knots on a bigger one and range falls off a cliff . A semi displacement can do ocean cruising if needed (I believe an Outer Reef went around Cape Horn several times ) but for the vast majority of time people are coastal cruising or short hops to the Bahamas etc . In my view and experience semi displacement is the best if both worlds but the current crop of ‘fast trawlers’ from Europe are nothing more than planing boats with a trawler top , zip around if you want just don’t get caught in a blow or you’ll soon discover why it nearly all of them can not pass CE cat A certification .
You worried about speed on a trawler? At least the trawler can weather the storm in most cases as opposed to a sailboat that would love to go 7-9 knots all day. Cruise captains typically know the right of way. The captain of a trawler should always be aware of their surroundings, regardless of their experience.
Speed is true. My trawler will go 3000 miles at 6 kts. But I would gladly trade some of that distance for speed.
The chew was more distracting than anything else relevant.
To save the viewer 3 minutes – he basically says 'trawlers go slow"
Your comment also applies to the sailboat.