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Cum să instalați o velă de umbră cu balustradă de cablu DIY și câteva sfaturi pentru ca aceasta să meargă fără probleme | Tutorial

25 thoughts on “Cum să instalați o velă de umbră cu balustradă de cablu DIY și câteva sfaturi pentru ca aceasta să meargă fără probleme | Tutorial”
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One thing to note about triangle shade sails: They work totally fine, but you'll need 2-3 shade sails for total coverage of an area. The spacing on my deck did not allow for it, so I replaced my original sail with a rectangular shade sail and haven't looked back
If your glasses are polycarbonate they are essentially safety goggles
How well do they handle wind and last time wise? I am in Tijuana and would like to put one up and leave it up year around, but I don't know if these shade sails can handle that.
Where do you get your posts? I know those can be pretty pricey.
Funny dude. Awesome thanks (:
I will have to drill a couple pieces into my outside house wall like you. then into the cinderblock wall because I am not able to insert any standing poles into the back yard. thats what I was most worried about.
“This can be done in less than an hour” (haha only if every pole and hook were previously installed)
Helping my mom install her sade shails…errrr…shade sails next month. GREAT video! REALLY appreciate the supply links. Also…your friggin' hilarious! Thank you!!
Are we all going to ignore the UFO in this video at mark 7:46? Lol thanks for the tips though! Great video
This just popped up on my feed… this was my very 1st Robuilt video…3+ years ago…
Yeah we're good
I really enjoyed your video. This info will be very helpful for me to hang my first shade sun sail (I believe that's the way ya say it)
Liked, Subscribed and plan to watch others; for I'm about to build a not so tiny TinyHouse.
Thanks again
and o ya turnbuckle
Where did you get the crimps?
love this!! However, I am stuck staring at your railings… did you build them yourself?
Looks to me like you failed twice both shades are way too small for your patio
Good job man , now I know to hang that shade

Add your triangle back in an overlap for aesthetic touch

Eyeglasses, sunglasses are safety glasses. The only time I put on safety glasses is when I'm using the chainsaw on certain types of trees and when using the circular saw especially when cutting particle board.
I bought the non-water proof one so water doesn't stand in middle of it.
You are very funny and I cracked up throughout this tutorial!
Why not put turnbuckles on all 4 corners?
Wrong tool, you should use a swagging tool to crimp your ferrules correctly.
Annoying video!
Just saw a video of a guy putting one up that used springs (like for a porch swing) between posts (or structure) and cable ends. Allows for a bit of "give", while still being under adequate tension. Also, using carabineers between between cable loops and turnbuckles allows for easier connect/disconnect.
Great video, but I notice that you have it sloped so that rain runs off onto your barbecue. I presume you put that away or cover it when weather is bad.