Documentar de croazieră – Furtuna de ziua reginei

Documentar de croazieră - Furtuna de ziua reginei

În iunie 1994, o furtună periculoasă a prins prin surprindere zeci de marinari de croazieră în timp ce călătoriau spre nord din Noua Zeelandă. 7 bărci au fost abandonate și 3 membri ai echipajului s-au pierdut din păcate. Credite pentru Ninox Television care nu mai există și pentru toate persoanele care au realizat acest documentar Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul nostru pentru a fi anunțați despre încărcările viitoare Zoom Sails este specializată în vele de croazieră durabile de înaltă calitate. Vizitați pagina noastră web Facebook


21 thoughts on “Documentar de croazieră – Furtuna de ziua reginei

  1. Why do sailors, go on trips like this, knowing that things like depicted here, are possible? Why do other people with no relation to them risk life and limb to save them when such things happen? I am not sure I know. But I am glad they do.

  2. The sea is so strong for those blokes in the really big ship couldnt imagine being in a tiny little boats. Those blokes on that big ships, did they even sleep for those 5+days? Bloody legends true hero's. ❤❤❤❤

  3. Interesting that the catamaran didn‘t capsize. I thought in a survival situation your are safer on a monohull. But it seems i am wrong.

  4. What a bunch of amazing, exalted, and rare breed of people those search-and-rescue people are! Not to mention the merchant mariners who immediately stop their commercial duties and put their own lives on the line!
    Humankind at its finest…

  5. The strong centred women in this are inspirational ….the beautiful woman in purple ( Davinana ) who speaks of counselling her children about going back into the saltwater womb …wow !

  6. 68 years old, and I have rebuilt my Westerleigh, 33 catch? I’ll sell quite a few miles in her she’s my home … I feel for these people so much to lose somebody like that would break my heart💙

  7. Her catamaran is a vortex beacon for the etherian ships to home in upon for years to come?! Maybe those comments are a homing beacon for a thorazine prescription?

  8. We all must try to understand that anyone that goes to sea must take not only the weather forecasts, their chosen boats ability but most important the captain and crews ability to take on a angry furious storm all with a humble grains of salt. Any beautiful day on land or sea can turn bitterly dangerous. Especially at sea where aid of rescuing is absolutely the most difficult and sometimes not available. That is a real factoid. One must truly consider this before buying a boat while listening to boat show sells person lying and telling them they do not have to worry about weather because with technology and their boats top sailing speed they can outrun any storm. I am calling BS on this sales pitch. These people have their profit as their #1 goal over you and your loves lives. With Sail boats heavy to heavy-moderate displacement designed for whitewater oceans voyaging is critical in surviving the fury of storms and crashing waves. I will choose a boat base on safety and ability to handle what the ocean can pitch my way over interior ball room layout modern designed that are in fact designed for weekend worriers coastal cruising. I am not saying a modern race hull cruising boat or a catamaran or trimaran can not cross ocean or sail another the world at all. it is just one who chooses these hull designs have to accept the higher risk to them and their love ones plus always keep an eye over their should for the next gale. That to me adds a constant stress and takes the fun out of sailing. There is enough to do already why complicate your voyage even further. Jim Rodgers

  9. @1:28:28 He speaks of another strange white light but neglect to elaborate. Well if your a Jesus believing Christian that is saved again, the balls of white light are throughout the Bible! God was there in those stormy seas protecting all of you. I hope we made some new members of the FAM after that disaster. They sure seemed quite heart broken over losing their boats despite not their lives, c'mon mate's, you can always get another boat. ⛵

  10. Great documentary. The couple from the Destiny were both excellent partners in sailing and life. They seemed like they were truly made for one another and life on the high seas. So glad they both made it out alive.

    But that other couple who decided not to have a radio or locator beacon “to save money” sounded like complete amateurs with questionable judgement. Why tf would anyone cut corners with safety equipment? They were basically playing Russian roulette with their lives all to save a few bucks. Absolutely ridiculous. They’re alive because of pure luck— just look what happened to the poor family that went down with the Quartermaster who took more safety precautions.

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