Olanda este cea mai proastă țară din Europa. Iata de ce

Olanda este cea mai proastă țară din Europa.  Iata de ce

*Țările de Jos sunt cea mai proastă țară din Europa Partea 2* https://youtu.be/lRLrZiehhz0 Iată cum am simțit eu despre Olanda. Am petrecut două luni în Amsterdam și am vizitat și Rotterdam, Eindhoven și Utrecht. Vă mulțumesc foarte mult și din suflet nu m-aș întoarce în Olanda și nici nu l-aș recomanda nimănui. Muzică: Day I Met Her – David Cutter Avertisment: Dragă echipă YouTube, În ceea ce privește conținutul acestui videoclip intitulat „Țările de Jos este cea mai proastă țară din Europa. Iată de ce,” ofer o critică și împărtășesc experiențele mele din Țările de Jos. Vreau să subliniez că am depus toate eforturile pentru a adera la principiile „utilizarii loiale” privind conținutul terță parte în munca mea. Folosesc fragmente limitate de la un alt creator pentru a-mi susține argumentele și experiențele. Videoclipul meu se încadrează în „utilizare corectă”, care permite utilizarea materialului protejat prin drepturi de autor fără autorizare directă. Conform clauzei de declinare a responsabilității privind drepturile de autor în temeiul secțiunii 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din 1976, „utilizarea corectă” este permisă în scopuri precum critică, comentariu, știri, predare, burse și cercetare. Utilizarea loială este o utilizare permisă de legea dreptului de autor care altfel ar putea încălca. Utilizarea non-profit, educațională sau personală înclină în favoarea utilizării loiale.” Îmi propun să ofer critici constructive, să-mi împărtășesc perspectiva și să îmbogățesc discursul public despre Țările de Jos. Puncte cheie de reținut: 1. Natura educațională și critică: videoclipul meu este o analiză critică, oferind informații, opinie și analiză pe un subiect relevant. Acest lucru întărește considerația sa în cadrul „utilizarii loiale.” 2. Cantitate și esențialitate: Fragmentele folosite din conținut extern sunt minime și limitate la susținerea punctelor mele de vedere. Nu folosesc materialul de bază, demonstrându-mi intenția de a folosi numai ceea ce este esențial. Sunt încrezător că videoclipul meu respectă „utilizarea corectă”. Solicit cu amabilitate o reconsiderare a oricăror revendicări privind drepturile de autor. Scopul meu este să contribui la dialogul public, să încurajez dezbaterile, și împărtășește cu responsabilitate experiențele mele. Cu stimă, Josefina.


33 thoughts on “Olanda este cea mai proastă țară din Europa. Iata de ce

  1. The Netherlands Is The Worst Country in Europe Part 2


    Let me clarify a few important points:

    1. Some argue that when locals say "Hallo," it's a sign of socializing. However, what I meant is that they often use it in a rather impolite manner, often accompanied by an angry expression. It's not meant as a friendly greeting, but rather as a way to get your attention and push you out of their way on the street. Polite phrases like "excuse me" or "sorry" (as the British do) would be a more polite choice.

    2. When i mention that "You can't have access to basic services as a foreigner", I'm talking about essential needs like emergency shelters, access to medical care, or assistance from food banks. Sadly, these services are often beyond reach unless you're either a Dutch citizen, an EU citizen, or possess a valid resident permit. This situation leaves undocumented immigrants, who are just as human as anyone else, without the crucial support they desperately need.

    3. When I say that "there's nothing left for us," my intention is to show empathy for my fellow immigrants. Even though I'm now a Spanish citizen and I have Spanish ancestry, I was born in Chile, and I truly understand the immigrant experience. For most non-EU immigrants, such as Americans, for example, you essentially have no rights unless you fall into the category of highly skilled migrants who endure years of bureaucratic processes to obtain a residence permit.

    4. Some have suggested that the police may not arrest you but instead take you to a homeless shelter. However, going back to point number 2, these services are primarily reserved for a select group of migrants who are registered for welfare assistance with a social worker and hold either a resident permit or EU citizenship. They aren't accessible to everyone in need.

    5. Feel free to create your own perspective on the other aspects discussed in the video, as they are open to interpretation and subjectivity.

    I hope these clarifications shed light on the challenges faced by immigrants, particularly non-EU immigrants, and why these issues are significant and worthy of consideration.

  2. You could not understand the English of the Dutch people? NEWSFLASH! Your own English must be terrible. The Dutch are among the best non native speakers of English in the world!!

  3. Yes, yes, the Netherlands is terrible. All you foreigners please stay away!!! I love this video! Greetings from Amsterdam! (And stay the freg where you are!)

  4. When I went to the states it was very hot, which wasn't mentioned. The lastvtime I checked they were walking through a mwter of snow, which I'm accustomed to. I got approached with suspicion and racism by the local cops.
    Also there were very much people living on the streets, some even because they couldn't pay the hospital bill.
    Also there were very much school shootings which seemed to be nothing to be upset about to the locals. We have our own customs like we use to skate on the canals to work for example, but this seemed very weird to me.
    I suggest to bring a lot of cash when you want to visit the USA, because they'll drain your ass and leave you bleeding in the gutter.

  5. What would yoy expect that the place should adjust to you? You came there refused to adapt with them that's your problem not theirs. I hate scums like this entitled subhuman oppressive hierarchist the world don't revolve around you Elena. Get the fuck out you don't matter.

  6. Why should the socialise with you, if you are not open to them?
    Well if you to work in the EU you’ll need a working visa. Like if an European wants to work in the states.

  7. 😂😂😂 a comedy-Karen…. lady go back to where you came from … what's the point of watching this, the sight of her already made me puke… it must be comedy, otherwise she's a big big freaking Loser 😅🤮🤯

  8. This is satire right? Who spends two months in a hotel and then complains about the costs? And lady, of course you can't just show up in a foreign country and get a job there. Such is the law everywhere

  9. So you went to a different country without a job offer, no plans, just your hopes that people will give you things for free? You got one thing right, the dutch are greedy. You won't see any free shit from them.

  10. hey Dutch tourist here, this is actually completely wrong, I enjoyed the Netherlands! I plan on studying college there and so I visited. Everyone spoke beautiful English, I loved the cold(despite living in the UAE lmao) Everything was perfect! I am currently learning Dutch to speak to the Dutch people on a better level when I apply for UvA! Please DO NOT listen to this person.

  11. wtf hour englis is the best in europ (whitout england ofc) And ofcourse on every airpord everything is exspensive. Your point ''Car free country'' that issn't even truh. ''I never found a job'' We need people to work in every single streed you YES you can get a job. Wait and you said I can't do anything here and at 4:40 you say you spend alot of money going out 🤔''There are not many shoping places to go shopping'' That might be mc AMSTARM is a Shopping place every cneter streed is full whit shops of all kinds.

  12. Well, i apologise for it being cold in the winter. And i understand that your old grumpy arse can't handle temperature. Also i'm verry sorry for speaking our own language, things being expensive in the dutch capital and also for things not being your personal liking. And it is indeed verry dissapointing that they do not let retards like you pay less. After all, you do have a dissability for also not knowing about certain nations before looking on the internet. We are sure it is a lot better in ur communist homeland china with no freedom of speech🤗 also, it looks like someone may have dubbed ur voice becouse maybe your thick down syndrome thoung could not speak english like a normal being, although you said u where anoyed about the dutch language and becouse people sayd hello.

    So i hope xi jing ping finds you better😊

    -A normal being with a brain

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