Navigați prin Florida în 9 zile (Take the Waters) S1:E2

Navigați prin Florida în 9 zile (Take the Waters) S1:E2

După ani de visare și luni de pregătire, în cele din urmă navigam cu Shonto către mare într-o călătorie de nouă zile de la St. Petersburg, Florida, la Cape Canaveral, Florida. Este pentru prima dată când navigăm pe un ocean, pentru prima dată când navigăm peste noapte și pentru prima dată când navigăm în ape și porturi necunoscute. Anxietatea este mare și stresul călătoriei poate pune capăt visului nostru de navigare înainte de a începe. 0:00 1:39 Mandi este operat 3:23 Navigație St. Petersburg Florida către Insula Marathon 6:35 Navigație către Rodriguez Key, Florida 8:02 Navigație către Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 9:35 Navigare cu furtuna spre Lake Worth, Florida 11:00 Navigare către Cape Canaveral, Florida 15:41 Realitatea pentru noii marinari 17:42 Visul nostru de a naviga – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

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[[ MUSIC CREDITS ]]Dezactivat – Privind cu privirea pe Stephen Weight – Chill_Sounds of Zen Destins – În aval – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

[[ CAPTAIN Z ]]Agent de broker de iahturi și instructor de navigație pirateforehire dot com


27 thoughts on “Navigați prin Florida în 9 zile (Take the Waters) S1:E2

  1. I was stationed in Key West, Ponce de Leon, Port Canaveral (where cruise ships dock) and Key West from 63-73 in the Coast Guard. Enjoyed your videos.

  2. You guys have inspired my wife and I to learn to sail. We bought a 1977 30' Pearson ⛵ and sailed the Florida coast, but decided to sell it, because we wanted something a little newer with more room. We are open to feedback on our videos, if anyone has time to check out our channel. I found filming while sailing is a lot of work. Good for you guys for making it happen. Hope to see you out there soon. 😀

  3. You guys are fantastic. I have to admit my eyes started leaking when you got down on your knee and proposed. Congrats and good luck. Clear sky’s and fair seas.

  4. Wow this is one of the best sailing channels I have seen!! I just bought an S2 7.3 to learn to sail and it’s been an amazing experience.
    This is sooo inspirational!! Definitely subscribed. I hope our paths cross some day.

  5. You may be inexperienced at the posting of this video, but honestly, neither of you strike me as being knuckleheads. I personally think you did a fine job. With experience comes confidence and confidence requires getting out there and getting experiencing. I taught myself how to sail on a tiny Snark having never read a book about sailing or having ever touch a sailboat before the Snark. Well, it was a good thing I started on a Snark because I grounded it several times that first day and even nearly knocked myself unconscious with the boom. Thirty years and Six small sailboats later and I'm ready to live the dream you two have already started.

  6. I so much wished i had the oppotunity to do this in my 30's – 40's!!! BUT hoping to do this in my 60's? never sailed but never to old?

  7. Bro! It’s not fun. It’s accomplishment.
    It’s the suck that makes it all worth while.
    Welcome to the life of a soldier. The journey makes it worth while. Otherwise, why live?

  8. That alarm Beeping. I thought it was the hospital monitorand not the boat starting up..I was like oh no…can you imagine after so close to your dream something health related stops you in your tracks…life is so unpredictable….I stress daily over small things and sometimes i have to remind my self im not in control of anything…not even my own life.

  9. I've had the same dream my entire life but thanks to a CNS disease, have no money to make it a reality. Trying to find a sailboat owner that will work with me with payments or some abandoned boat to restore. I have no house to sell, nothing to use to make my dream happen. You're lucky. You've got plenty. Easy to make this dream happen for you. I get that everyone's struggle is their own, but come on, you guys are rich compared to me, you have a newer, nice boat. Everything is in your favor. Think positive.

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