Modelul Nordhavn Walk-through: N56MS cu Valerie Weingrad

Modelul Nordhavn Walk-through: N56MS cu Valerie Weingrad

Reprezentantul de vânzări Nordhavn Southeast, Valerie Weingrad, oferă un tur al REGULILOR DE TEMPORUL N56. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să vizitați


26 thoughts on “Modelul Nordhavn Walk-through: N56MS cu Valerie Weingrad

  1. Being moderately handycapd, (no legs) I would not hesitat one second to buy this adventure. If only I had the resources. Go forth and dream freely.

  2. I am very surprised that Nordhavn have not sold alot more of the N56MS! A great World motor/ Sailing Boat. Easy to single hand. Good walkthrough Valerie! BUT RELAX, we won't bite you! LOL!

  3. Count how many times she says “our” when it is clearly neither hers or mine. Detracts from a really good idea of a sailable trawler.

  4. She did noe mention weather or not the vessel had a ssb radio or radar or weather the boat can be hgv handled single handed or do you need a crew.

  5. Too much exposed teak… And those warping drums in the cockpit used to run the gennaker? Why would you use a stern mounted warping winch on a sail on the bow?

  6. Great boat but clumsy presentation. Still, it wouldn't put me off buying the boat but I think the presenter needs to put a bit more polish into her spiel.
    I really like the class of boat and would seriously consider buying this or any other good second hand example of the 56MS.

  7. TV?
    What a nonsense.
    This ship you can sail without actualy sailing it.
    To slick for me, i am more a wooden deck and brass kinda guy.
    Heck you can buy a bluewater vessel for a couple of grands where i live.

  8. Can the sails be handled completely from within the pilothouse without even stepping out? Because you for sure won’t want to open the doors when the sea is heavy.

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