Navigarea cu rechinii

Navigarea cu rechinii

Continuând din Everglades, facem o oprire în Marathon înainte de a ne îndrepta spre recife. Înotăm cu niște pești colorați și un rechin mare face o apariție surpriză. Dacă ești interesat să contribui, link-urile pentru patreon, venmo sau paypal sunt mai jos: https://www.paypal. eu/soarsail


43 thoughts on “Navigarea cu rechinii

  1. i have never heard of someone using the heave to method to drift just enough and switch the direction of the drift to arrive at a destination. Thats pretty awesome!!! ill have to keep that in my bag of tricks

  2. Copper tubing in front of a fan, circulating either freon, or ice water, through heating duct. with ice water it

    is connected to an ice maker which dumps ice into a container filled with water. the container has an

    automatic overflow hole to keep the water at the right level. The fan is plugged into a fuse extesion chord

    which is connected to a thermostat, then the power source. the ice maker could continuously work (be

    plugged in) or be plugged in with the fan as well. Cn add additional fans as needed.

    How To Turn Your Fan Into An Airconditioner AC

    5 Best Ice Cube Makers To Buy Online

    The BEST DIY Off Grid Air Conditioner – SUPER Efficient/Battery Powered #vanlife

    5 Best Folding Electric Bike 2021

  3. Love the footage Love you on the bow With that Caribbean water!! just awesome slicing through the ocean

  4. a scraper is to scrap not bang on them sam top tip i wake boarded. and how we used to clean the hull was put the boat in neck deep water one hold it other clean. as it saved money getting the boat out.

  5. Could you sail to Saint Kilda sometime?i d like to hear your thoights on how the islanders managed to live on such a desolate spot,
    Love your vids

  6. Sam what’s that funky song at the end? Amazing to see the shadows of the boat and dinghy on the sea floor through the water. The funk suits it.

  7. Sam, Wait until the O-Ring inside by the button goes bad on that gas can, It will pour gas regardless of using the button or not!
    I have a shop and sell this brand, I thought the same as you when I came across them. The O-Rings used can not handle gasoline, Go Figure?
    If you keep a few O-Rings around, you should be fine!

  8. So loving these videos. We bought our first sailboat and I'm getting great information from all your experiences, especially on repairs and enhancements. What app are you using on your iPhone for navigation, wind and current. I've been told ActiveCaptain is a good one but would really like to know what you're using as it looks great.

  9. What a trip I have one of those big frisbees from the concerts in the '70s they don't sell them anymore and I've never seen any of them around beside the one I have and there's one in Zoe's hand wow

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