Cum să bobineți liniile de acostare | Această metodă simplă pune capăt frustrarii frânghiei încurcate | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Cum să bobineți liniile de acostare |  Această metodă simplă pune capăt frustrarii frânghiei încurcate |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

Bobinarea și depozitarea frânghiilor poate fi una dintre cele mai simple, dar cele mai frustrante sarcini pe o barcă. Instructorul nostru rezident de barca Jon Mendez explică cum se face… Seria video How To de la MBY vă este adusă în asociere cu ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a YBWTV acum – https:// ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook: https:// ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ai părut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


25 thoughts on “Cum să bobineți liniile de acostare | Această metodă simplă pune capăt frustrarii frânghiei încurcate | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. you spend all that money on a boat and don't look after one of the thing that keep the boat safe
    If you don't mind Mr Mendez .
    When saltwater evaporates its leaves the salt still on and inside the rope ,to get rid of the salt wash it out with fresh water as the salt is an abrasive and is inside the rope and will cause damage over time

  2. Seriously…if people can't cool rope they shouldn't be at sea. Also with regards to which way to cool it depends on wether the rope is left hand or right hand twist

  3. I don’t have a boat, but I have been coiling my extension electrical cords like this for over 30 years. It drives me batty trying to get people to do this. It saves so much time in the long run

  4. Figure 8 coiling for the long braided line is the only way to go if you don't want a knotted mess when you're ready to use it. Thank goodness for editing, your first coil wrap looked like a real mess. Other wise, not too bad. First days are the toughest! You'll catch on.Lol

  5. Good tutorial but at the same time a bit ropey. My boat only has sheets, lines, warps and halyards on board. My garden has a rope for the washing line.

  6. My opinion never wrapp the rope round the coil, it can create kinks and a mess, personally I teach and use the method once coiled create a bite, twist and thread through the coil then thread the tail through the bite (loop), then secure the coil with the tail. Each to their own but that's the way the old school boi s showed me when I was a deck boy!

  7. You could totally nail a Michael Caine impression…imagine, "Seamanship With Michel Caine"…hilarious, you have to do at least one video like that!

  8. imparting twist into the rope to coil and store it will mean it will have twist in it when you uncoil it. Try it with an even less forgiving garden hose and you will see what I mean. Rather than introducing twist – let the rope follow its own path as you coil it to your left hand. Still stores the same but wont end up wanting to kink as you try to use it next time.

  9. Any suggestions when your solo pulling out of your slip/Well at the marina specifically when the wind is pushing you into the boat next to you. What lines do you take off first bow? Stern? Very informative.

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