#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats #starlink #ElonMusk Acesta este un videoclip pe care mi-am dorit să îl fac de multă vreme. La doi ani după ce am realizat primul videoclip pe acest subiect (vezi linkul de mai jos), unde am vorbit despre modul în care SuperyYachts intră online pe mare. Am vrut să abordez comentariile tot mai mari din acel videoclip – „Așteptați până când Starlink se lansează în 2020”. Ei bine, iată-ne. Aflați cum și când Starlink va schimba internetul pe mare. Vorbesc, de asemenea, despre cum puteți ajunge online atunci când sunteți în mijlocul oceanului. Videoclipul meu original ~~~~~~~~~~~ Costul șocant al Internetului SuperYacht! https://youtu.be/LMG6VGpp_6A Urmărește videoclipul complet Real Engineering pe Starlink aici ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ De ce SpaceX face Starlink https://youtu.be/giQ8xEWjnBs Abonați-vă acum! https://bit.ly/2Y62aQC Lista mea de echipamente din 2020 în geanta mea pentru cameră: Geanta pentru cameră LowePro AW II ProTactic 450 (Versiune 2, deoarece versiunea mea nu se mai vând) https://tinyurl.com/wv3tarq Camere Folosesc Canon EOS R https://tinyurl.com/s25jyep GoPro 7 Black https://tinyurl.com/wn2w59n Obiective Canon 16-35 2.8 Obiectiv USM EF https://tinyurl.com/sdsdm2k Obiectiv Canon 24-105 RF 2,8 seria L https://tinyurl.com/tvvzemd Adaptor Canon EF-EOS R cu filtru polarizant circular Montare filtru drop-in https://tinyurl .com/t3bmojz Drones Mavic 2 Zoom https://click.dji.com/AAcCXSn_XGfMa8598jdmiw?pm=link Microfoane Rode VideoMic Pro https://tinyurl.com/ryjqpry Microfon Lavalier cu fir https://tinyurl.com/ssxuknt Microfon Rode Wireless Go https: //tinyurl.com/skz7u9e Rode VideoMic Pro+ (Recomandat Mai scump, dar mai bun!) https://tinyurl.com/vcpxp2v Alte echipamente: Kit JOBY GorillaPod 5K https://tinyurl.com/vghf843 Set de filtre ND Polar Pro Mavic 2 Zoom https://tinyurl.com/sbcsane Hoya Variable ND Filter 77mm (Asigurați-vă că cumpărați diametrul corect pentru obiectiv) https://tinyurl.com/tn343gg Aputure Amaran AL-M9 Mini LED Light https://tinyurl.com/ wr7u49h Think Tank Photo Pixel Pocket Rocket Husă pentru card de memorie https://tinyurl.com/tbm9o6p Think Tank Photo Cable Management 10 V2.0 Geantă și husă pentru cameră https://tinyurl.com/yx5logj8 Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https:/ /www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/ Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/e_sysman Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSy om
Costuri nebunești ale SuperYacht Internet 2020 (900.000 USD pentru…)

33 thoughts on “Costuri nebunești ale SuperYacht Internet 2020 (900.000 USD pentru…)”
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Interesting video . Nice to see our price list in it
It has been improved since .
Regarding starlink beyond the technology the business model is maybe not sustainable. The expectation to get cheaper internet is not going to be matched . By the way they still don’t have the approval to operate on mobility neither an antenna for mobile platforms
Starling successfully tested satellite to satellite connectivity in late 2020. They must have watched the video and decided to get on it!
Your yachting data connection explanation was thorough and well geared for the layman, as are all of your videos. There's a reason I watch your videos. They're simply good. You know your stuff. But I do find it amusing when you show the dishes of the VLA radio astronomy observatory in New Mexico, USA as an example of land Earth satellite communications stations. I'm sure the astronomers and engineers there could jerry-rig some sort of satellite data connection given a few days or weeks, perhaps even just a few hours. But at this point, if they receive any actual data on their antennas it will have been sent by alien beings from another star system, and they aren't presently set up to reply. Thanks for the channel. I find myself curious and amused by the ways the terribly wealthy spend their money. They are fascinating people.
Now 2022, is your take on Starlink changed ?
Elon Musk and Starlink are deep in the process of connecting the world. No doubt there are governments that are researching methods to control content in their country. In parallel, governments will want to tax the service. Currently (3/2022) Starlink has more than 2000 satellites in service. Musk is launching hundreds of new satellites every month ! The satellite to satellite communication protocol can’t be far away with the geniuses that work for Elon. There are reports satellite transceivers are being sent to the Ukraine. Most NATO countries will have similar ways to communicate critical military information to with Ukraine leaders.
More, please, on the fascinating theme of flags of convenience. That's been going on for many decades, of course. Liberia was a big one case, presumably catering to many commercial ships – including US ones. What is different in principle about the case of super yachts?
As far as I understood, Starlink is stationary only. Check out Jeff Gerling’s video about it. He couldn’t even install his dish (registered to his home) to his sister’s home, for several reasons.
I suspect you will end up with higher orbit satellites acting as relays so your latency will increase as you move away from shore or shore based relays but the error rate will decrease as satellite to satellite is not going to be weather affected.
2 years is a long time in tech. SpaceX are launching a batch of 50 laser-equipped Starink satellites per week, and by July 2022 should be able to provide a reliable fibre-speed global maritime service. The base service for smaller yachts costs $500 US for the antenna, and $100 per month, and the premium service for larger yachts costs $2500 for the antenna and $500 US per month.
Starlink is also working with airlines and authorities to provide the same services on airliners. To describe this as revolutionary for the yachting, shipping and aviation industries is a massive understatement, and the VSAT companies that depend on the maritime industry for the bulk of their business will be wiped out overnight.
Just before Russia invaded Ukraine they hacked and bricked all the Viasat VSAT terminals that the Ukraine military were using for battlefield comms. Within two weeks SpaceX had supplied Ukraine with 5000 Starlink terminals that can be operated anywhere from a vehicle 12V cigarette lighter port, and the Russians have not been able to hack or jam them.
Typical of Musk. Say something interesting but impractical at today`s tech.
Industry professional here… Whether it is 4/5G, fibre, satellite or Starlink – there is a common point here which must be noted. It is considerably more cost effective to service clients in built up areas. The more remote, the higher the cost. Starlink may well bring the price down but theirs is still not a mobile service (their client terminals are fixed to a location). Anything mobile – cellular or moreso satellite – where they need to provide a service over a wide area is going to be expensive.
Who needs internet all the time? I can go weeks without.
Rain fade isn't surprising. Radio signals too are subject to weather conditions.
As of end 2020, v1.5 satellites featuring laser-based satellite-to-satellite communication are operative and SpaceX plans to enter the maritime market, though no timeline was provided.
The full starlink constellation probably is still another 9 years away because the 2nd generation satellites haven't even launched yet.
were do we stand today (June 2022) with Musk plan?
This was the very best internet ship video I sawZ none of the rest even close
I really enjoy your channel. This episode was very informative as well as being dirt easy for anyone to comprehend. Thank you so much.
I never knew how expensive internet could be on a yacht!! But if you could afford the yacht you could afford the vsat.who could live without internet today.
I just watched a video that Starlink launched a Maritime section. Just enter the shipping address to check for coverage.
"another decade"
this didnt age well
I understand the next tranch of satites will communicate via laser light.
Very Small Aperture Terminal
The cost of Internet is based on your proximity to the content you are viewing so with VSAT the content has to be sent up to the Sat then down to your roving location. No bandwidth has 2 cost the size of the file of information than how fast you want to receive it. With terrestrial based Internet say using YouTube from Alphabet. They cache content thru thier data centers( cloud) and edge servers hosted in ISP networks.
Now looking at Elon starlink the cost will be affected by distance to the content as well. Now if you have sat tv im sure you have experienced rain fade when it rains the Sat frequency are subjected to environmental attention. This is why your 730 hours per month you pay for per month is worse then best effort terrestrial Internet is always better.
Actually, Starlink satellites will communicate via laser, thus radically reducing the number of land terminals required. Please refer to Spacex for correct info.
Great job explaining …I get that Mbps and Mbps mixed up, I can't imagine why.
A solution, or base idea of a solution, if all vessels (Trans Atlantic certified at least, including yachts, cruise ships, cargo vessels) could all have an antenna to relay the information. Instead of a satellite being in space, the 'satellite' would be an antenna on every vessel.
This would work in the same way repeaters work with Amateur Radio. The signal would keep getting repeated from vessel to vessel til it reached the land based station where it would connect to landline internet.
APRS in amateur radio works this way as well. It sends the signal from repeater to repeater to repeater.
Radio signals travel at the speed of light. Talking on HF frequency from Chicago to Europe is instant. I think they could explore this idea for maritime vessels. It'd be a heckuva lot cheaper than $900,000/yr!
Excellent video!!
Lol, I use more than 160 GB per month and I am 1 person.
It is now December 2022 almost 2023, does Starlink work for Super Yachats yet?
Great show.