Gianni Russo despre dormitul cu Marilyn Monroe, răpită de Escobar, crima JFK (interviu complet)

Gianni Russo despre dormitul cu Marilyn Monroe, răpită de Escobar, crima JFK (interviu complet)

Gianni Russo a venit pentru primul său interviu cu VladTV și a detaliat legăturile mafiote ale familiei sale în Italia, inclusiv unchiul său șeful mafiot fiind spânzurat în Italia. După ce a vorbit despre poliomielita în copilărie și că a fost pus în carantină, Gianni a vorbit despre mutarea în America cu familia sa și despre munca pentru șeful mafiei Luciano, Frank Costello, când avea 13 ani. În timp ce lucra cu Costello, Gianni a cunoscut-o pe Marilyn Monroe, pe care Gianni. și-a pierdut virginitatea când el avea 16 ani, iar Marilyn avea 28. Cei doi au rămas apropiați pentru tot restul vieții lui Monroe, iar Gianni și-a amintit că a fost alături de ea cu zile înainte de moartea ei, despre care Gianni spune că a fost o crimă comisă de fostul iubit al lui Monroe, Bobby Kennedy. . În timpul conversației, Gianni a vorbit despre rolul lui Carlo Rizzi în The Godfather, care a fost primul său film, și a detaliat despre amenințarea lui Marlon Brando la prima repetiție pentru film. El a continuat să explice cum a fost răpit și bătut după ce Pablo Escobar l-a lovit și cum Escobar a oprit lovitura după ce și-a dat seama că Gianni era în The Godfather. Pentru a afla mai multe, inclusiv despre prieteniile sale cu Frank Sinatra și Bill Clinton, accesați clipul de mai sus.


45 thoughts on “Gianni Russo despre dormitul cu Marilyn Monroe, răpită de Escobar, crima JFK (interviu complet)

  1. He said he had a transistor radio however they weren't around until around 1954. Why would he tell a falsehood about having a transistor radio.


  3. "I pulled Columbus aside and said, 'We gotta turn this ship around. India is that way!' Next thing you know we're landing in the Bahamas. Can you believe it?! All because of my dumb mistake."

  4. LOL. Said he was shocked it was Marilyn Monroe because he'd seen "Some Like It Hot" about a hundred times. Claims he banged her in 1953. Sorry Gianni, but "Some Like It Hot" wasn't made until 1959. Try again with your lies.

  5. So, I told Noah, we're gonna need a bigger boat! That was originally my line before before Spielberg used it in Jaws! Can you believe it? Gianni Russo

  6. There's such a line between truth and lie here…. A lot makes sense, a lot doesn't. Either way, lotta love here. Love the video too.

  7. So I'm in the desert with the devil and he says to me worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms on earth and I say nah all I want is to play Carlo in the godfather,that's crazy right.

  8. So after I killed the guy when I was 9 years old I went to sleep and had sooo many dreams. I to this day can tell you each and every one. I just did.

  9. I don't understand why people think this guy lies…he might confuse a few dates or so but he's right on the money with all his stories

  10. Watch the interview years before when he was young-he says he grew up on Staten Island ….and sorry his speech impediments are noticeable ….And to those who don’t know its NOT /Gee-anni/ it’s Johnny !! You don’t emphasize or stress the /i/ ….also it’s Anello /anyellow/ DeLa Croce ..he can’t pronounce Italian properly ….its not unbeknownst to me not unbeannounced

  11. The problem with social media undortunately allows too many unscroupulous paresitical bull shit artists to profit on its back.disgraces the whole italian community, pathethic.

  12. He's refering to "Neil" Dellacroce as O'Neal Della Croco lmao. Damn, I was ready to believe all his stories, but he massacred the facts in the first 2 minutes 😸

  13. So I goes up to Albert and I says:
    "Hey, Albert. I developed this thing I calls the 'theory of relativity.' I don't really need it. You can have it."

  14. Early in the interview he said he was never arrested in his life. Later he told the judge he was on the front page of the newspaper when he was arrested. He is full of cool stories and full of it!

  15. Russo: one time i went to Agrabah to do a deal and i sold Aladdin a frying carpet 👳🏽‍♀️ but before i sold it i made him eat mushrooms 🍄 and now theres a movie about it

  16. “So I says to Paul Revere, Im setting up a high stakes poker game with some friends from across the pond. In the meantime, if you’re going back out, bring back some beer and smokes.” – Gianni Russo

  17. Ok i don't know much about DNA but how the hell would crushing a person inside a vehicle get rid of DNA. Crushing a body inside a vehicle would splatter DNA all through that vehicle i would think

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