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TUR DE BARCĂ: Interiorul modern al iahtului nostru de vis vechi de 50 de ani — Sailing Uma [Step 225]
![TUR DE BARCĂ: Interiorul modern al iahtului nostru de vis vechi de 50 de ani — Sailing Uma [Step 225]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/1662313416_maxresdefault.jpg)
28 thoughts on “TUR DE BARCĂ: Interiorul modern al iahtului nostru de vis vechi de 50 de ani — Sailing Uma [Step 225]”
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Where did you buy the appliance garage door for the cooktop and microwave? I’ve been searching for the same product and can’t find it online anywhere!
I have been a Contractor for 40 years – Your Carpentery / Renovation skills are amazing, especially on a boat with no straight lines to pull from. Simply outstanding work.
Amazing! You guys are awesome! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Guys , first learned of your existence via local radio show this morning on RTE1 , what an amazing lifestyle you have , the work you have done is awesome, hope you are enjoying some nice weather in Majorca and looking forward to following your adventures around the World.

All the best from a rainy Boyne Valley, County Louth , in the Emerald Isle .
Hope you can make it to here sometime in the not too distant future .
Safe Sailing and Bon Voyage
David Keogh
Inspirational!!! Love your work!

If the wall inside your closet gets warm, make an air space between it and the backboard behind the stove. You really don't want to run the risk of charring the wall surface between the closet and the backboard. If it chars it's just a matter of time before you set the whole thing on fire. Drying your clothes a bit quicker is not a convenience that's worth sacrificing your boat or maybe even your lives for.
A nice story about your craft but such a delight to see a wonderfully happy couple. God bless you xx
The hefty Susan is the feature I like most. The wood burning stove, I’m not such a big fan of, from a safety point of view. Making your boat more functional than decorative is something that you’ve really succeeded at. A+
Wow, I love the design of your boat! Some amazing space saving ideas, it looks like an enjoyable space. So many boats look stressful inside, this is calming like an ocean!
i wish it was possible to buy a new boat with all this well thought out neat stuff
What great ideas. Amazing what you guys did.
HI, je découvre votre chaine et je m'abonne même si je ne comprends pas tout, les images parlent d'elles-mêmes. Quel enthousiasme , beaucoup de travail, de courage, d'idées et de coeur pour un très beau résultat. J'adore le petit poêle à bois et l'open space ! En plus la présentation du bateau est bien filmée. Comme vous dites "good job".

Well done guys
Enjoy life and be safe
Very very nice boat
guys I love your channel I've seen almost 4 seasons, it's in a few days. I would love to ask you for just one thing, that the chapters be subtitled in Spanish, if possible, since you used automatic subtitles and they are quite bad, I speak English very poorly, and well, I am more or less getting the idea, but yes, I would love for them to be subtitled, I know that It is something that you can do and secondly, I have not obtained the video of what the sailboat and its reforms cost you. I would really appreciate it or if you can create a playlist that would be great

That bout is beautiful
Great video, enjoyed watching !
Theres just so much smart in what you did! Boat designers are hyper traditional and most have such horrible interior designs yours is brilliant
The hefty Susan, and self draining corrian countertype are marvelous ideas. I'm surprised you haven't done a long rectangular skylight with UV filtered glass down the center of your main cabin?
What an amazing boat, ppl and design ideas. Thanks for sharing
Brilliant design!!
Lovely… wish u both all best in your future voyages in both ocean and life
Wow i'm blown away guys,what a fantastic job on the interior you could do that for a living. Most boats i like the look of on the outside are so disappointing internally, too much brown laminate everywhere like a Caravan or something. Yours is so bright and contemporary and functional, well done.
What a fabulous crib!! Btw, is it condensate or condense?

You two are like two pees in a pod. Love the dedication to the boat rework, but most importantly to each other.