Navigarea în Golful Panama | Episodul 61

Navigarea în Golful Panama |  Episodul 61

După aproape o lună de familie și prieteni la bord, acum navigăm singuri prin Golful Panama. Acum în Oceanul Pacific și nimic altceva decât mări în față. Părăsim portul sigur din Panama City în drum spre Costa Rica, într-o navigație epică peste noapte către un ancoraj de-a lungul coastei Panama și ne întâlnim cu prietenii noștri navigatori. Împreună ridicăm pânzele și caravana în apus. Alătură-te aventurilor NOI! Nu uitați să vă abonați și să vă gândiți să deveniți unul dintre Patreonii noștri.


26 thoughts on “Navigarea în Golful Panama | Episodul 61

  1. Fishing, racing, and sunsets can't beat it. Awesome fish. Great video. The time to upload in some spots must be super slow. Thanks for doing all you do to keep us living the dream through your sailing.
    Until our adventures cross, fair winds and full sails ⛵

  2. Damn, I finally caught up to your latest video and I was trying to draw it out longer. Great shots as usual guys. Remember, "if you're not first, you're last" so sail it like you stole it. Can't wait for your next snorkel. Oh, BTW, fishing with pants on is highly overrated. Cheers and fair winds from Chicago

  3. You deserve a much wider audience… I hope they come and find you. Excellent video and thanks so much for sharing your adventure with those of us still stuck on land. 🙂 Fair winds and following seas.

  4. Great video guys thanks, just something I noticed you seem to be running about 2.6 grams heavy in the aft section I recommend pants off again glade to help .

  5. Loved the vid. Did you like eating the skipjack? I found myself throwing Jack's back and waiting for more of my fav Sierra. Further up the coast, after your first Marlin thrill, we'll want to know how you can stop donating such expensive bling to the fish. I swear they are partying down there showing off those dangling lures. Loved seeing Parlay revealing their mad racing skills.

  6. So glad I just found this channel. If you guys can ever do a video on the whole learning to sail, insurance, aspect I'd dig it.

  7. Really well put together guys. Loved every minute. Nice to see the Parley crew. A thrill to be racing together. Even if it’s a slim chance of winning.

  8. We just discovered your channel and must say that you guys do a great job….very fun. We were drawn to you because we used to own a Lipari exactly like yours and have since exchanged it for a Saona. The Lipari is a great sailing boat! We look forward to following your adventures through the Pacific!

  9. Dude… Just noticed you broke your collar bone bad! Care to elaborate? I'm a 47 year old arborist and I've witnessed a few falls, a few clipped by widow makers… Never seen a scar as profound as yours. Must be a hell of a story

  10. Nice catch on the drone! I just ordered one yesterday to film our sailing adventures lol. Great video! Passes my time at work wonderfully!

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