Buddy Sailing cu un CATAMARAN CLASIC – Ep 119 Sailing Luckyfish

Buddy Sailing cu un CATAMARAN CLASIC - Ep 119 Sailing Luckyfish

Navigați din nou în Belize, în sfârșit, după 60 de zile în autoizolare și alte 2 săptămâni pe hardstand. I-a plăcut asta? Urmăriți cel mai recent videoclip LIVE filmat ieri „Search for a hurricane hole” la https://youtu.be/F3RU6PiJrNk Îl întâlnim pe Jeff, Theresa, Deon și Vaughn de la Daytripper Charter Catamarans (https://www.facebook.com/DaytripperBelize /) și vizitați Scipio Cay. Luckyfish are nevoie de sprijinul tău! 2 dolari pe lună de la tine fac toată diferența. Deveniți PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/luckyfish Noua marfă Luckyfish și cea mai recentă actualizare de sindicat. Vizitează noul magazin Luckyfish, ia un tricou sau un tanc pentru femei și spune lumii că ai prefera să navighezi! https://bit.ly/2TqDtOy Vă rugăm să lăsați comentariile voastre și să acordați un Like videoclipului dacă v-a plăcut. Abonați-vă la canalul nostru și sunați la clopoțel dacă doriți să vedeți mai multe. Pentru a lăsa o donație prin PayPal – trimite la tocană la svluckyfish dot com SPRIJINUL TĂU ESTE PRIMIT CU RECUNOAȚĂ – MULȚUMESC Urmărește Luckyfish pe Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/svluckyfish/ Urmărește Zaya https://bit.ly/2JJHMBm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingluckyfish/ Zayas Insta: https://www.instagram.com/zaya_roza/ Ariun Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ariunoyun Leos Insta: https:// www.instagram.com/leo.luckyfish/ Videoclip de realizare a hamacului: tutorial autentic de legare a hamacului din al doilea război mondial al Marinei SUAhttps://youtu.be/E3uteMav0Jg CREDITE MUZICALE 15:25 Tatono – Revolving Feeling https://soundcloud.com/tatono/revolving -feeling #sailiingbelize #belize #catamaran


17 thoughts on “Buddy Sailing cu un CATAMARAN CLASIC – Ep 119 Sailing Luckyfish

  1. Looks like a great cay to quarantine at. LOL. Clear water, plenty of fish and shell fish. Not a bad location. Are you looking into sailing charters there now? It's not a bad gig. I'm sure once all this COVID nonsense is lifted, it should be a booming industry. People will be chomping at the bit to get away.

  2. Good morning Stew, Zaya and Leo. I really enjoyed the live stream yesterday. Was really fun to watch and be able to chat with you guys and other Luckyfishers. I'll say it again and keep saying it lol I really envy you guys and someday after retirement or who knows maybe before I can join the cruiser community. That's a goal anyway. Stay safe and healthy!

  3. Nice to see a fountaine pajot louisiane, I have one also (year 1988). If you want to see my boat look me upp on Instagram @sy_tyra cheers Rickard

  4. Aye m8’s, those bubble algae looks like really interesting stuff. Unicellular organisms in big format. And that vintage Fountaine Pajot would be nice to get a tour of.

  5. You mentioned that the other cat was only about 3 tons displacement due to its fiberglass construction. I don't remember if you mentioned it before but whats Luckyfish's Displacement Dry and loaded? I think you said before that Luckyfish's draft is 3 1/2 feet?

  6. Hi Stuart and lucky fish and the fam I can't find that tour you gave of your wind vane I wanted to see you comment on the steering wind vane and how it hooks up to your trim tabs if you wouldn't mind doing something like that in the slow time and hope you stay safe and stay well! Thanks G

  7. Please consider putting all your Videos on Rumble.com also . the platform is soo much better then YouTube . And you wont get canceled for using the wrong word five years ago.

  8. Ямар гоё юм олоод үзчихвээ 🇲🇳🇲🇳🇲🇳
    I'm so enjoyed watching your videos. Thank you guys. Waiting for the next episodes. Sailing in open ocean is definitely in my bucket list from now on 🤿⛵

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