BOATING 101 – Cum să conduci o ambarcațiune și să folosești lamele de tăiere | Gemenii Gale Force

BOATING 101 - Cum să conduci o ambarcațiune și să folosești lamele de tăiere |  Gemenii Gale Force

BOATING 101! Există câțiva pași simpli, dar foarte importanți pentru a te simți încrezător pe barca ta. Indiferent dacă sunteți un proprietar nou de barcă, doriți să cumpărați o barcă sau pur și simplu doriți să obțineți mai multe cunoștințe, acest videoclip vă va oferi asta! Vom începe cu urcarea pe barcă, pornirea bateriilor și pornirea motoarelor. Apoi vă vom ghida până la coborârea de pe debarcader, la apă deschisă și la urcarea în avion! Nu uitați să vedeți câteva dintre celelalte CUM FĂRȚI cu barca noastră sunt de mai jos! CUM SĂ ANOCARE ÎN STRIBUȚI ÎNCHIS: CUM SĂ RETORNĂ ÎN-UN SFER: CUM SĂ UTILIZAȚI UN ANCHOR BALL: 🛍Shop Gale Force Gear🐠 🥶 Cumpărați Igloo Coolers 🎣 Urmărește SUA 👩‍✈️👩‍✈️ Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Website |


33 thoughts on “BOATING 101 – Cum să conduci o ambarcațiune și să folosești lamele de tăiere | Gemenii Gale Force

  1. I recently purchased a boat that has trim tabs. leveling out the boat side to side was explained but this is the first I have heard about using it to control bow bouncing. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Watched you from a few years back, Dade County. There was so much sheeeeit in this shhhhclapp of an advert that I’m going back to crabbing.

  3. I don't own a boat.
    I don't fish.
    I don't live near water.
    HELL I don't even know how I got to this video.
    BUT…I love it.
    new sub.

  4. I grew up on the water and on boats, but am here looking for pointers on helping new boaters. I have friends who just bought their first boat and are looking to me for some boaters training. This video was helpful to watch to make sure I covered all the basics for them thoroughly. Thanks for the help.
    My only critique would be to either cover docking or mention that you're going to cover docking in a separate video and then provide the link to that. Docking is one of the things most messed up by new boaters… that and boat ramp fails.

  5. I subscribed to your channel because you guys do more than teach, and explains things very well. You tell a story you give a beginning, middle and end as to what’s going on why it’s going on how it’s going on what to do about it and you make it easy to understand… so thank you

  6. amazing how the English language seems to be sooooo difficult for a bunch of Young-uns! All this stuff all of us knew by age 12 – we had Fathers at home every day and Dad would share his Guy activities with his kiddos! …. and both Boys and Girls were generally in Scouting! Camping, chopping firewood, knowing edible fruit & berries from all the local trees and bushes, most everyone knew by the time you are 10 or 11! TVs were OFF except for an hour or two a day. There was only ONE tv and everyone in the family ATE together and WATCHED tv together. No TVs in bedrooms of kiddos!

  7. It is inappropriate to call a piston powered machine a "motor". A "motor" is an electrical device. The proper nomenclature would be "engine". It may seem a trivial distinction, but if you ever have a client that has experienced 8th grade science, they would know the difference and may question your credibility. You're welcome.

  8. Well obviously I’m here bc I’m “not opposed” to buying a center console 💀 the fact that y’alls last upload was 3 days ago got me hype. Thanks for delivering some knowledge. You will be telling me bedtime stories for the next couple months 😴

  9. I’ve had inland boats for 40 years “ski boats, pontoon” This last year I bout a 25’ center console for the Tampa Bay area. These two ladies are very clear on the videos. Good job!!! My favorite deep water captains

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