Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii – Navigație cu normă întreagă cu un buget – Ep.79

Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii – Navigație cu normă întreagă cu un buget - Ep.79

Cum ne finanțăm visul și ce a fost nevoie pentru a începe să navighezi în jurul lumii. După 4 ani de călătorii cu normă întreagă în jurul lumii, vă explicăm cum finanțăm această viață de vis acum, la 30 de ani, în loc să așteptăm până la pensie. Detaliem cât de mult ne-a costat să navigăm în jurul lumii în ultimul an, unde s-au cheltuit banii și de unde vin banii. Răspunsul este una dintre întrebările care ni se pun cel mai des. Cum ne câștigăm banii ca nomazi digitali în afara rețelei, navigând cu normă întreagă cu un buget redus. Suntem un cuplu britanic care a pornit din Anglia în 2016 pentru a ne îndeplini visul de a naviga în jurul lumii cu barca noastră cu vele de 37 de picioare, Florența. Pe parcurs, împărtășim stilul de viață la bord cu înaltele și dezavantajele călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca pe mare, pe ocean. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: Ne poți urmări și prin blogul nostru la Muzica în ordinea în care este redată: Keep Walking – Alvaro Angeloro – www. – Creative Commons – Atribuire A Hopeful Tomorrow – Nick Petrov – – Licențiat Cinematic Fall – sound2ears – – Funky Motion cu licență – Nazar Rybak – – Licențiat


21 thoughts on “Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii – Navigație cu normă întreagă cu un buget – Ep.79

  1. You are both a inspiration to take the plunge early in order to follow your dreams. Kudos to making your travels last far longer than you initially expected. Thanks for sharing and for making such entertaining, high-quality videos.

  2. I know you are both adults in your thirties, but this comes from a retiree in his late sixties, so please take this as the complement it is intended to be. YOUR PARENTS SHOULD BE SO PROUD! You are the young adults every parent hopes they raised. You are humble, humourous, engaging, and delightful without being trite or obnoxious. Your videos are beautifully shot, insightful and well edited to provide the mix of relaxing travel footage, interesting commentary, and lighthearted adventure. This video in particular was just wonderful. The introspection needed to realize and then reveal your "trust fund" was perfect. The best gifts in life aren't things, and you got that in spades from your parents. They gave you the greatest gift of all, and you are using it to explore your world and live your dream. They must cry with joy when they watch every video. Well done, Amy and Matt. Well done, indeed. You guys are fantastic.

  3. Thank you for answering so many questions! The approach you took to this video was wonderful. Now, if I could only find episodes 1& 2 to fulfill my binge watching. Lastly, now that you have us hooked, you’ll need to do another circumnavigation!

  4. I didn't see anything about the trip to Vietnam. But as I requested a while ago, two random episodes were missing.
    Now at nearly no. 80, everything seems to be following nicely.

  5. Yes, two things about food in the third world. –
    1) ridiculously cheap, even if you sometimes eat out (as you mention).
    2) both quality AND quantity are unlike anything comparable in Europe – many foods and fruits are unknown in Europe, plus the natural advantages of sun and ripeness.
    The only omission is wine, as grapes don't grow well in the tropics.

  6. Its good info. Of course, you still need like 200-300k for the trip, know how to sail, be an engineer and great at fixing things etc. They are also very good at living within the budget. Hats off totally. It helps also if you have no dependents that you have to care for. But all im amazing job and very inspirational to show how a lot is possible if you really want to do it.

  7. Many thanks for explaining your journey. Yes redundancy is actually positive energy to asses and change your life for the better. Happy days and love your down to earth attitude.
    Safe travels from NZ.

  8. That was brilliant. Thanks. Only discovered your channel about 18 months ago and now check out youtube for at least 24hrs before each video is due. Have not yet caught up with all your videos. A pleasure to come. Thank you Matt and Amy for so much enjoyment .

  9. You two are so practical and wise beyond your years. Sailing can be expensive, but some costs are controllable, and you do it well without sacrificing the simple pleasures of life. Great video.

  10. My 2 favourite sailing channels now become 3 favourite sailing channels
    Sailing Millennial Falcon
    Sailing Zatara
    and now adding Sailing Yacht Florence to the list!

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