355.000 GBP Tur iaht 2016 Princess V39

355.000 GBP Tur iaht 2016 Princess V39

Ar putea deveni Smuggler’s Blues 3!? Un tur foarte amănunțit al unei prințese V39 foarte minunate. Sponsorizat de: https://www.boatsandyachtswarranty.com În asociere cu: https://www.mdlmarinas.co.uk https://www.tempest4cars.co.uk https://www.intelligentmoney.com/ Cu multumiri la http://www.mooreyachts.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți-mi online articole pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv


26 thoughts on “355.000 GBP Tur iaht 2016 Princess V39

  1. What a lovely sport cruiser. You ever consider going halves on a boar with someone one you trust? I have been half owner of several boats in the past and we never had an issue. The cost of the slip, yearly maintenance and even insurance was split right down the middle. We always refueled when done boating so there was never an issue about fuel cost. We had a great twenty five year run that finally came to an end when my partner moved away. Now I’m thinking about joint ownership with another couple that we would enjoy boating with as well as with our own separate friends and family.

  2. I was getting a bit concerned there for a while…. Nearly 12 minutes and no wave… I shouldn't have been. LOL… An Aquaholic trade mark has been created.
    No pressure for details and costs Nick…. But how many watches ?

  3. I have been watching probably 50 boat videos. This boat is best deal for the money. When he showed 3rd bedroom in this 39footer I could not believe this. What a beast boat, wooow

  4. 13:12 Nick, when I watch your tours of these boats, I keep asking myself: why almost all of them have such sloping backward leaning windshield? On this particular boat, have they made the windshield more vertical, there would be another 50 cm or so of sunbathing area. So do you have an idea why is it so rare to see a vertical or almost vertical windshields? Is it only for external appearance, so the boat looks "fast"?

  5. September 12, 2022 – I just received a wrong number phone call. The call was actually for YOU. It was from a 2016 Princess V39, wondering WHEN you will paint "Smuggler's Blues III" on the stern. Well? Please?

  6. 6’2”! Sir Nick! Wow I never would’ve guessed you were that tall. It gives it a whole new perspective of what I’m watching now. I always wished I was tall lol. Great video as always.

  7. Those stairs from both sides looks like you coming in villa and there is plastic bar ones you are in, this unpleasant thing. Not many people watch tv on the kitchen table arent they ? Seats are very convenient, no comment. Your will buy this one ones you have budget and compare between offers , but someone will choose new for the same money anyway .

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