Am navigat spre NORVEGIA! — Sailing Uma [Step 231]

Am navigat spre NORVEGIA!  — Sailing Uma [Step 231]

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45 thoughts on “Am navigat spre NORVEGIA! — Sailing Uma [Step 231]

  1. an old pirate walks into a bar near the harbor with a Giant belt buckle made of a ships wheel. After a while the bartender comes up to him and says, " sir, i will buy you a round if you tell me the story of your belt buckle" the old pirate replys " Me ships wheel here?, Aye its driving me nuts"

  2. The last time i saw Norway was from the deck of an aiircraft carrier as we sailed up a fiord on our way to Oslo.
    It was an incredible sight as the ship was so wide it was like sailing into someones back yard you could actually look down into peoples gardens. A really lovely place and we were lucky enough to be doing this in summer so everywhere was green and new looking in the sun.
    I enjoy watching these videos but often wonder how anyone can afford to do what you are doing, its one thing to live on a boat but totally different to move around, as there are always thing to repair or replace, and for a boat nothing is cheap, i did own a small boat good enough for costal trips but sailing oceans is a different story , good luck to you both.

  3. Watched this video recently. Today, on the 1st of November, I saw your boat in my city, Trondheim, and went down to have a closer look at it. It was late, like 9 pm, I suppose you were sleeping. My own boat, the blue "Jazz", a Gladiateur 33, is also in the channel, on the other side, longer up, 200 m from your boat. I have followed your journey during the last couple of years and like it a lot. Bought my boat 4 years ago, at 65, and went up to Bodø and back this summer. Would like to take the boat to Portugal later. I might pop by your boat tomorrow. Kind regards Roald

  4. A joke, as well as a good lesson from my father :
    "Son, when at sea there are two rules you must follow.
    1. Never ever step inside a loop of rope.
    2. When you puke, never do it windward."

  5. After watching many of your vids I've come to the conclusion that ..Uh…Kika's kinda Hot. No Offense Brother…Youre a great sailor, just say'in. (;

  6. I realy like how you both show how beautyful the Netherlands can be. Even for those who live here. Nice to see how you can handle anything together. Good luck , greetings John.

  7. Graduated college during the pandemic and haven’t been able to find a job. I’ve been confined to a small apartment in Ohio. Your videos are my getaway, thank you.

  8. Love your channel, such a great mental escape.  Cute couple. Reminds me of northern Minnesota, Duluth/Lake Superior, beautiful but dreary at the same time.

  9. I know, it's too late for the swag bags, but I will leave my preferred nautical joke here.

    One guy asks to another:
    – What do you work with?
    – With the mood to go sailing.


  10. Hi I am a man almost 60 years old from Sweden
    who has followed several of your travel adventures. enjoys great and follows episode after episode. wish that I too will have the opportunity to sail across our seas, unfortunately it will be without my dear wife who does not share my interest in such adventures.,. took care of you both
    / uncle Björn🙏❤️🇸🇪

  11. Do any of those big ships ever signal you in any way or vice versa? I ask because I was a signalman in the U.S.N.( 1959-1963} and exchanged call signs and other info with merchantmen( Courtesies). Had I the opportunity I certainly would have done so with a small craft if they could exchange either Morse code or Semaphore signals. Naval joke: This is an old one but I like it still today:

    A full scale naval confrontation is just avoided off the Kerry coast.
    Radio transcript:

    Irish: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a collision.

    British: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North, to avoid a collision.

    Irish: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

    British: This is the captain of a British navy ship. I say again, divert your course.

    Irish: Negative. I say again, You will have to divert your course.

    British: This is the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible. The second largest ship in the British atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, two missile cruisers, and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course, 15 degrees north, I say again, that is 15 degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

    Irish: We are a lighthouse. Your call.

  12. I have to say thank you for sharing more of your relationship with us as time has gone on. It’s wonderful and heartwarming to get to see some of your little talks, sweet gestures toward each other, and the comfortable familiarity that is one of the perks of a long-curated relationship. You two are positively thrumming with love and it’s a beautiful thing!

  13. Late to the party, but my opa had a plaque over the nav station on his boat that said: “our captain is never wrong. He may be stubborn, bullheaded, Misinformed, and even stupid. But he is never wrong!”

  14. Here is a joke. How do you kill a marine? Give up? Throw sand at the hull of a ship and tell him it’s a beachhead. Marines are trained to attack a beach head going all the way back to usa’s continental congress .

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