Pistoale pe barca??? – Episodul 102 – Lady K Sailing

Pistoale pe barca???  - Episodul 102 - Lady K Sailing

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46 thoughts on “Pistoale pe barca??? – Episodul 102 – Lady K Sailing

  1. how to keep friends..lol the only weapon worth having…. is a weapon that nobody knows you have. until its a dire emergency and needed to be brought out into the open. and thats the way it should be done…..show offs go to jail… preppers, are friendly survivors…

  2. Sounds like one of those situations where an honest mistake can get you in a lot of trouble 😵‍💫.

  3. Fast forward 2 years… Bud Light (ya, no controversy on this channel) and talking about guns. Way too funny. Spit my coffee out! And sirens too. Lol. Great videos.

  4. Guys do not risk it most countries are not 'murica and don´t share the obsesive love with guns and are highly ilegal, on the other hand i always have a pack of "Redneck C4" ready to go, is very effective against poachers as well as orcas!

  5. Always get to know what skippers don't carry on their boat. It makes it easier to get pirates to go there first before them dying at your boat with all the other skippers (now yours) stuff.

  6. For civilian guns and boats, watch "Beneath the Twelve Mile Reef". A pistol on a boat is pretty silly in a civilian situation.

  7. As a Europian there is something very wrong with a society that feels it needs to carry a gun onboard. Just about every developed country in the world will lock you up if you carry a gun into their waters and rightly so.

  8. Seems like you're saying that the consensus with other sailors is that firearms are just more hassle than they're worth. Nobody wants to be wasting their time in paradise at customs. They got repairs to make, potlucks to go to, and beers to drink. Honestly I'd think with all the fiberglass hulls that there is a greater chance of an accidental or intentional discharge damaging the boat than hitting with any accuracy on a moving deck.

  9. That's exactly what I tell people. You are only a threat to them if you are armed. If you are armed, you better shot everyone before they shoot you. I prefer to be alive and call the insurance.

  10. Personally, I am wealthy enough to pay off the thief. Pirates just want money. I am not putting my family at risk of a firefight for a few thousand dollars. I do live in a rich and safe country, and my calculation might be different if I lived in an unsafe neighborhood like some parts of South America or the US.

  11. Would love an episode about useful means of boat self-defence other than guns. Us Brits are not allowed as much as a sniff of a gun, so clever alternatives are needed.

  12. Your woman should absolutely ask permission to go shopping. Especially when 90% of the money she is spending is yours anyway. This whole strong independent woman nonsense is bs and you sound like a cuck supporting it. Thats probably why she left you, acting like a little girl. Other then that love your videos

  13. The only place i feel like i would really wan t to carry one is if i was sailing/ hiking/adventuring in areas where there was a possibility of encountering bears or moose. I would love to sail Alaska but wonder how hard it would be to get through Canada customs with a handgun.

  14. Being a crime victim once makes most people a believer in defense methods. However, I would say a flare gun with a good supply of refills should do the trick. No one wants to be on the receiving end of a white hot ball of Phosphorus.

  15. You talk about the LEO as well trained and responsible and he was allowed. I might be missing something but as a LEO in the US soon as you cross a boarder you are just like everyone else. Also I would like to add is, my guess is you probably met several sailors packing heat, but they are responsible and do not tell people they are packing. That is the biggest mistake you can make is letting anyone know you are packing. Personally I think it would be a pain to carry on board and deal with the bureaucracy. I am glad that people do though.

  16. Trigger pullers don't talk about what they have. It's better that nobody knows what you have. Plus, people steal guns. There isn't any way I would go to an unknown place without a way to protect myself and/or others. I'm a SWAT guy, and you want guys like me armed around you.

    The type of weapons would be dependent upon known local threats.

  17. What about pirates? There are plenty in the Caribbean uncertain areas, and plenty in Eastern Africa. How do you fend them off without a gun?

  18. My wife's uncle woke up in his boat in South America with a knife at his throat.
    He had two guns on his boat. Coast guard boarded and asked about guns. He said yes. Arrested, jailed. A retired judge took the case. Got off because this was his home, retired. But kept his guns! Between NJ & Pa fight over whose state he was in. Crazy!

  19. I’m seeing this three years after the initial posting as I am considering getting back into sailing. As a “Gun Owner” the context of this video is spot on. Owning/possessing a firearm for self protection is a very different animal from general gun ownership. Mistakes are often permanent as are the consequences. There can be no place for misplaced bravado in your decision. Great video!

  20. Great video, and sober take. Lots of disappointing comments of a nature Lady K Sailing was specifically hoping to avoid. The first step should always be risk assessment, and Americans in particular have difficulty grasping that most of the world out there is a lot safer than they imagine. Regardless of how one feels about owning a firearm in a country where it is legal, the considerations of travelling to other countries run deep and will not be served by knee-jerking to one's default Stateside take on the matter. Just soberly assess whether your gun is most likely to be a solution or create bigger problems than you would likely ever encounter, when you take it to a place with completely different circumstances, people, customs (both in terms of customary behavior and border control, LOL). This one is difficult for Americans, because we tend to believe we know better especially when it comes to entrenched politicized issues. Leave the politics behind and be practical about the fact that 99 times out of 100, if there's a place you actually might need a gun, you probably simply shouldn't cruise there. Responsible gun owners know that the best policy is to avoid ever having to use one's firearm in a confrontation. Avoidance starts with avoiding those situations. So talk to people from the places you plan to visit. And listen to what they tell you.

  21. If you’re dumb enough to travel unarmed there’s not much help I can offer you as you’re clearly one of the “It will never happen to me” crowd. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  22. I have lived in Thailand and a lot of SE Asia for over 10 years and it is way safer than living in the UK!. If you have a gun or knife etc then be prepared to use it first. To have a brain is a big advantage over having a gun etc.

  23. If you carry a gun to SE Asia then honestly be prepared for a long stay in a local prison or pay a huge fine / bribe to your local friendly police man. DON'T do it! Leave guns at home. If it is that bad why go there in the first place?

  24. Few points here. The carribean doesn't report the majority of its crime, its much less safe than people know. They hide crime to keep tourism heavy. Seems odd you say its safe but strip the deck lol. I get your point though. Most local smaller areas are safer. There are countries that allow being armed. My advice to sailors is do research, plan, know before you go! If world sailing, be equipped with backup everything, rescue, power, water, food, everything back up. Stay away from dangerous areas noted for pirates and heavy crime, no sense in asking for trouble when there are 1000s of places with none. I carry around US only. Outside of that there are other options, spear guns etc. Be friendly to locals immediately!!! Great vid!

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