The Happy Fits – Sailing (Audio oficial)

The Happy Fits - Sailing (Audio oficial)

Noul album „What Could Be Better” ÎNFLAT ACUM: Urmărește The Happy Fits: Facebook: Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/thehappyfits Twitter: Magazin: Performance by The Happy Fits. © 2020 The Happy Fits Records – Mă doare corpul Nava mea a părăsit malul Ochii tăi așteaptă Genunchii mei pe podea A trecut atât de mult de când am un prieten A trecut atât de mult De ce nu ne putem preface? Îți simt râsul Privirea ta caldă și deschisă. Caut după Ceva care nu există A trecut atât de mult de când am un prieten A trecut atât de mult De ce nu ne putem preface? Inima mea va fi trasă de această emoție trecătoare Mintea mea va fi influențată de această devotament atentă Sirenele sună și sunt atât de alarmante Dar nu voi fi mișcat până nu te țin în brațe draga mea Începe să simt că sunt te pierd acum În timp ce mă întind spre cer și te implor coboară, încep să simt că asta nu poate fi real Începe să simt că asta nu poate fi real A trecut atât de mult de când am un prieten


21 thoughts on “The Happy Fits – Sailing (Audio oficial)

  1. this song reminds me of spending the evenings of late july with friends in a field somewhere, laughing softly and being caressed by the setting sun

  2. Does anyone else think this song fits Winter from Wings Of Fire? Like how he deeply feels about Moon? animatic idea intensifies

  3. [Verse 1]
    My body's achin'
    My ship's left the shore
    Your eyes are waiting
    My knees on the floor

    And it's been so long
    Since I had a friend
    And it's been so long
    Why can't we just pretend?

    [Verse 2]
    And I feel your laughter
    Your warm, open stare
    And I'm chasin' after
    Somethin' that isn't there

    And it's been so long
    Since I had a friend
    And it's been so long
    Why can't we just pretend?

    My heart will be pulled by this fleeting emotion
    My mind will be swayed by this careful devotion
    The sirens are sounding and they're so alarming
    But I won't be moved 'til I hold you, my darling
    It's starting to feel like I'm losing you now
    As I reach for the sky and I beg you come down
    I’m starting to feel this can't be real
    It’s starting to feel this can’t be real

    And it's been so long
    Since I had a friend

  4. there is no words to desrcibe how i feel every time i listen to this song,wait lemme try,reminds me of a warm summer evening with my friends laughing softly,blasting music,and letting the sun warm us.

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