Cumpărarea unei barci cu pânze de croazieră – Ce trebuie să știți! | Sailing Balachandra E074

Cumpărarea unei barci cu pânze de croazieră - Ce trebuie să știți!  |  Sailing Balachandra E074

În acest videoclip, Cumpărarea unei barci cu pânze de croazieră – Ce trebuie să știți!, intrăm în detalii despre procesul de cumpărare a bărcii pe baza propriei noastre experiențe de cumpărare a bărcii noastre de #croazieră #cruising, Balachandra începând cu finanțarea unui împrumut de ambarcațiune până la lansare. și să-l navigheze acasă. Sperăm cu adevărat că veți găsi aceste informații utile și, dacă aveți întrebări, nu ezitați să lăsați un comentariu sau să ne contactați pe Facebook. #buyingaboat #sailboatshopping Dacă îți plac videoclipurile noastre și vrei să vezi mai multe/mai bune videoclipuri, mai des poți deveni un susținător Patreon: Dacă încă nu te-ai ABONAT și vrei să vezi mai multe dați clic pe butonul SUBSCRIBE de mai sus și asigurați-vă că dați un like acestui videoclip! În august 2017, ne-am vândut totul și ne-am mutat la bordul Balachandra, o barcă cu pânze C&C44 din 1986, apoi am navigat peste 300 de mile marine până în Halifax, Nova Scoția, pentru a petrece o iarnă rece canadiană în apele înghețate ale Atlanticului de Nord. Sailing Balachandra este vlog-ul nostru de navigație pe YouTube, inspirat de alte canale grozave, cum ar fi Delos și La Vagabonde, care documentează aventurile mele și ale partenerului meu Nawal, în timp ce navigăm pe glob. De asemenea, ne scufundăm în multe proiecte de ambarcațiuni DIY atât deasupra, cât și dedesubtul punților și împărtășim cu tine toate avantajele și dezavantajele trăirii la bord cu normă întreagă. Sailing Balachandra este publicat săptămânal, așa că vă rugăm să vă abonați pentru a nu rata videoclipurile viitoare! Acest videoclip a fost filmat cu echipamente de la Optrix de către Body Glove, Nikon, Apple, GoPro și Polaroid. .com/track/beautiful-story LICENȚĂ N: TTEXTENDED157339559892860327 EXTINSĂ Mulțumiri speciale prietenilor noștri cubanezi Grupului Nucay pentru că ne-au dat permisiunea de a folosi albumul „Tropicalissimo” în seria noastră YouTube. Altă muzică: Biblioteca muzicală YouTube Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: Urmărește-ne pe Facebook: Instagram:


33 thoughts on “Cumpărarea unei barci cu pânze de croazieră – Ce trebuie să știți! | Sailing Balachandra E074

  1. It is a very helpful video. Thank you!
    I'd like to add for others buyers many of this deal killers almost do not exist when looking for a still or aluminum boat. They are generally speaking much more robust but you have to accept this more bulk shape – often great for cruising boat 🙂

  2. You say that the loan on the boat is small and your only debt. What about refitting, upgrading, and provisioning? I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I have a couple points that I have to have answers to. Income source? Apparently it's not that reliable or the banks would not hesitate to give you a loan. How do you expect to get from Canada to wherever? Bearing in mind about fuel, docking/mooring fees, lock/transit fees, etc. Yes I enjoyed your anti-bank rant, what about the practical aspects of owning a boat?

  3. Very thorough and well thought out rundown. I really appreciated your intro wisdom, right on the money. First video and I'm an instant subscriber. May see you one day in the south………..

  4. I really appreciate your honesty and experienced joy hearing your thoughts on this matter thank you kindly ,I am looking forward for more videos from you

  5. Yeah i can't for the life of me understand why a bank wouldn't feel comfortable giving you a loan. No attachments or assets other than a boat you plan to sail off on, after they give ypu a bunch of money. 🤔
    I get what yr saying, but you wouldnt loan a bunch of money to someone either unless you were sure you were gonna get it back.

  6. My best friend and I came back to the US from our year in Korea. He went to Florida and I to New Mexico. 10 months later I caught up to him. He found a 42 something Beneteau from an elderly couple. They wanted $$79,000.00 for it. This was 1991-1992. He said they wanted to move back on land. He offered them $42000.00…………..they accepted. He passed away in 2003. I was in a unit that had just invaded Baghdad. My grandfather passes away the same day………

  7. I get the "I'm a victim-borrower and you are all plugged in to the matrix" POV, but bottom line you are asking to borrow someone else's money to buy a high-risk underlying asset, high risk from the perspective of loan default without collateral and high risk of a deteriorating future value on the boat and it's overall illiquid market value. It's a high risk loan far and away before it's an example of "the establishment" suppressing alt-lifestyle seekers or "the system" trying to keep you down. Your choice to sail is great and you should do it if within your means, no need to package your message with virtue signaling and victimhood. You made another comment that was great advice, recommending that "you should have your finances secured before the deal goes through." Ya. It doesn't seem like you were going to let anything get in the way of doing what you wanted, including negotiating a deal you couldn't settle only to figure it out after the fact under immense stress both for you and those you negotiated your deal with.

  8. There is nothing a pro Engine inspector can really inspect that you can't inspect. It is not like they can take it apart and check the bearings and internal wear. They will look at oil. look at fittings look at coolant lines look for fuel leaks & look at the overall condition of the paint, fuel line, etc. Everything is external except for the oil and fluids. . You can do the same thing. The best thing is to do research on the model of engine life expectancy. Then look at the hours of the engine and the maintenance logs of the engine. I think spending on a motor inspection is a cost that is not needed unless you are paying to have the motor pulled apart and inspected then you should just do a rebuild.

  9. It's all about you are looking for and where you have your expectation bar. I assumed less thinks you have less thinks can break and you need to maintain. Bucket on line instead of water plum mig, is perfect ! You have water plum ming you need houses, then fittings, house clamps, connectors, conversions, valves, pumps. You have pump 🙂 electric you need electricity, so you need batteries so charger then solar panel. O fuse, switch,….
    If you fine with bucket on line you can start with close to nothing 🙂 Stop thinking that boat is a house. It's different way to live. You have bucket not a tap. Not mentioning that if you are fine with that no spare parts for that. o.O think about that for a moment 🙂
    I got retired racing boat, after 5 Sydney to Hobart and it's from 1985. it's the best boat for me !

  10. So you trash anybody who works a job, and call them slaves. Then turnaround and buy a boat built by people working those jobs you trashed, financed by another mindless drone working in finance. You were so happy to take from all these "slaves" to your own benefit and call yourself "enlightened", but you're actually a walking contradiction. If you don't want to subscribe to "the system", you should have just built your own boat.

  11. With real estate…the "collateral" appreciates…bank likes having their risks covered…and if they can get over…so much the better

  12. You can ask your parents to be your cosigner, so if you default, they can secure the loan against your parent's house or frozen assets like RRSP GIC, etc. A boat is a depreciating asset, the bank cannot loan you this money if that's all you have, and especially so after 2008.

  13. I am at 02:50 in the video and I have to comment. Banks do not want to finance boats not because of you "nomadic" ambition. they do not want to sell you a boat because boats are worth nothing and then they depreciate, further more when you are found in default you might be in a different country halfway around the world where the the boat has no <value> . Value… that is what banks will loan you money for.
    03:22 we do not disagree here but again when you buy a house banks land you money but really what they evaluate is risk and land… location, location, location of that land (a finite quantity on earth) is a big factor in getting that loan.
    How much <land> are you buying when you buy a boat??? Nobody "needs" a boat, a boat IS a luxury, especially the plastic C&C 41 (a primarily luxury racing/cruising boat) you wanted to buy. If you wanted the nomadic life you would not take a loan, you would build a boat or buy what you could afford and go simple, go small, go now.
    we live in a capitalist system, blame the system not the banks. In fact imagine you end-up in a none capitalist country and cannot pay your loan, what on earth will the bank do?? Your parent were absolute right buy a house in fact don<t sell your house it can be a source of income AND financial security. You seem to just not understand the world we live in. There is (unfortunately) no "out" it is play or get played.
    05:00, ouch. Missing the basic here, boats are market driven, during the pandemic we had boats selling within hours got as much as 18% above normal fair market value. Historically we also had times when boats would not sell for months (think 1990s), again why banks won"t give you loan on boats…
    You only need to visit many boatyards if you are on a timeline (that contradict your nomadic idea) otherwise "the boat will find you".
    Any size boat can "cross oceans" if you choose wisely and know what you are doing. The boat should always be stronger than you…
    A racer/cruiser is NOT going to get you through a passage faster, that is totally incorrect.
    10:00. "one year is a long time…" you have to be kidding, finding "your" boat can take a decade and during that decade you try many different boats to find what "you" want.
    If you buy a boat in a different country AND intend to cruise buy the boat anywhere and use a flag of convenience.
    Definitely do your due diligence on the boat you are interested in, before hiring a surveyor.
    Hiring a surveyor so he can tell you you missed a gaping hole in the bilge is wasting money.
    Your surveyor should be able to start where you left-off (or where you provided him the information).
    Of course the surveyor is a generalist and our prime duty, in my view, is risk assessments.
    Is the boat safe? A question needing an answer for you AND your Insurance/financial institution…

    After that, mechanical, rigging, inspections might be needed.
    Many surveyors do just a cursory inspection, that "might" meet financial and insurance requirements.
    It IS an unregulated industry.
    The onus is on YOU to find a competent one… SAMS, ABYC, NEC, NFPA will help you find someone competent and you will have to pay for his knowledge… Or just hire the guy that hanged a shingle above his door. Your choice.
    At the end of the day, you should use a surveyor, regardless if it is for you to learn about the boat you are considering or the financial institution or the insurance underwriter.
    Who do you think otherwise will believe you when you come with a claim and say "my boat was perfect and I want you to pay me for all repairs…"
    I am a surveyor. And wish you all the best!

  14. No, your a risk. It's nothing to do with what the world wants. Would you lend money to someone you don't know with no guarantee you will get your money back. Enough with the political lectures, if you can't afford to pay cash, you haven't worked hard enough to deserve it.

  15. The only debt I'll have is student loans, but thanks to not being American those are dependentant on your income and will cap out at 4% of your total net income for repayments. After 35 years whatever is left goes up in smoke, gotta love not paying debts when you don't have a larger income than say what you need to live on a boat

  16. Couldn't listen to more than 2 minutes of this guy. The bank doesn't want to make you a slave, they want to cover their own butts in case you decide to sail away and stop paying on your loan. Same thing you would do if you aren't stupid. Grow up!

  17. This was a nice video however the diatribe about waking up from the matrix fell flat. The economic system you deride is the one that provides you diesel, boats, engines, YouTube, etc. I would be shy to put people down by saying they’re slaves and being controlled when an honest days work carries honor and value and provides a system for society.

  18. Of course, selling your house to buy a boat is financial suicide. You only need the fulltime job to keep the banks happy, so you can secure the home loan. If you are patient, you mortgage payments will become less than your costs, and then you passive income as soon as you rent out your home. That's when you have freedom to do what you want. Otherwise your options are : 1. Live off your savings? 2. Continue working but live on the boat 3. Work nomadically, from home, on your boat? The cheapest finance is revolving credit from your house loan.

  19. Easy tiger. – CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE NOT MEANT TO INSULT – Society is not conspiring to make you buy a house. You do realize that you are a bit nuts, right? Remember, there is a difference between yachting and being a homeless bum on a boat and at some point in the future, if you have poor finances and a lifetime of sticking it to society, you become just another white trashy dude with missing teeth, dirty clothes, living in some cheap plastic boat or trailer park as you bang on about "society's rules" tried to "trick you into working and investing" and how you said, "screw off to the man". Trailer parks are full of people who thought and spoke just like you do now. I can assure you, that it is a horrible look. When you are young you think it can't happen to you, or more likely don't think it at all. If you don't make money wisely at your age then will never make it later. For instance, you may not have realized it, but you probably could not repurchase the house that you sold – you are probably too far away from that now and will never – not ever – be in as strong a position as the one you threw away. The right move would have been to rent it out and try sailing for a few months. Now what are your options??

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