Cum să: ancorați un iaht în siguranță – Yachting Monthly

Cum să: ancorați un iaht în siguranță - Yachting Monthly

Folosind aranjamentul corect al liniilor și nodurile corecte pentru a ancora ambarcațiunea dvs. alături de un ponton, aceasta și alte iahturi vă vor proteja de daune și o veți menține în siguranță fără uzură excesivă. Rubicon 3 ( Bruce Jacobs îi arată lui Matthew Sheahan cum să o facă. Seria How To a Yachting Monthly vă este adusă în asociere cu GJW Direct oferă unele dintre cele mai cuprinzătoare polițe de asigurare pentru bărci de pe piață, la prețuri foarte competitive. Cu peste 175 de ani în asigurări maritime, ne-am dori să credem că atunci când vă asigurați iahtul cu noi, puteți fi sigur că aveți de-a face cu specialiștii în asigurări de bărci, lăsându-vă liber să vă bucurați de timpul petrecut pe apă. –- Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Yachting Monthly la: Abonați-vă la reviste la: Citiți mai multe articole de navigație la: Apreciați pagina noastră de Facebook la: Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: ne scrieți pe Instagram la:


11 thoughts on “Cum să: ancorați un iaht în siguranță – Yachting Monthly

  1. One advantage of having both ends on the boat and a bight of rope free to run on the shore cleat is, the line can be undone and retained onboard. Handy if you are single handed or your crew/passengers are not working the lines.

  2. That showing a bowline loosely draped over the cleat should have been edited out. You fixed it later in the video, but you never should have shown that in the first place. You also didn't show tying to poles which is very common in the Caribbean.

  3. Another one downside of using a spliced loop is that you can't release the mooring line if two boats use the same cleat.
    Personally, I prefer the bowline for a long stay on cleats. But the round turn and two half hitches easier to release from pontoon side.
    On the Baltic sea that is also popular using big carabiners with mooring line compensators for mooring to cleats and rings.

  4. I actually prefer to have the free end on the dock. This way the line lengths can be adjusted from the dock. Could you say something about the diameter of the nylon lines for the size/weight of the boat?

  5. I prefer bowlines or spliced loops on the boat cleats, and OXO on the pontoon cleats – that's how you would generally be tying up if short handed. It's also more practical to depart that way if shorthanded, otherwise you need 2 crew to release one line as loop around the pontoon cleats will be under load. That probably happens more of the time than having someone to take lines on arrival / release lines lines on departure from a pontoon.

    You could also do a video on attaching fenders to the boat – you can see at that the fender is attached to the top guard wire, is under load and stretching the guard wire. Not what the guard wires are there for! It should be tied off at the base of a stanchion – much stronger.

  6. As a newbie to sailing, I gotta say that this was excellent information. I was taught to use OXOs on the dock cleats, but I like the idea of the bowline, especially through the centre and then around the legs. That seems very solid and secure. 🥰

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