Cardi B o trântește pe Candace Owens după ce o numește „Rapper analfabet”

Cardi B o trântește pe Candace Owens după ce o numește „Rapper analfabet”

Cardi B a renunțat la Candace Owens după ce comentatorul conservator a numit-o „rapper analfabetă” la „The Ben Shapiro Show”, după întâlnirea rapperului cu candidatul la președinție Joe Biden.


43 thoughts on “Cardi B o trântește pe Candace Owens după ce o numește „Rapper analfabet”

  1. Anyone see the video of Cardi glitching on the red carpet like Mitch McConnell ?
    I wonder how many if these folks are even real. 😮

  2. Candace is very nasty and doesn’t have the heart, to have enough sense not to be so ruthless, and insensitive. Many smart minds and hearts can FIND WAYS to get together and make good things possible. Free universal healthcare, ….better pay for foreigners making products made by American companies. Many people might find both of them indecent. I understand if she doesn’t like the raunchiness of some female musicians. But Candace is so toxically high on herself and recklessly caustic. Black people need so much better than the poison from entities like her and Wendy Williams. 🙏🏽💖

  3. Sadly, Candace didn't complete her thought…Cardi is ILLITERATE…ON POLITICAL, AND SOCIOECONOMIC issues. The DEMS have always used "black" step-and-fetch-its" to persuade those that only look at issues on the surface. And sadly, it worked again this time. How long will my people suffer from a lack on wisdom?!

  4. She is an illiterate rapper. So what if she has money. A lot of stupid people have money in the music industry. It’s not based off talent that’s for sure

  5. Cardi B is the definition of illiterate. candace is right, cardi is soo uneducated it's cringeworthy. you can hear it the second she opens her mouth

  6. Cardi B is not helping the black community by getting into politics…sorry, but I can’t take her seriously. Sure she pays taxes, but her music has cost a whole generation of black men and women their dignity

  7. I agree Candice, entertainment and politics is not the same. White supremacy uses black entertainers to manipulate black people to score elections

  8. Candace Owen’s is so dumb. Cardi is not illiterate she’s literally bilingual. And politics isn’t rocket science it’s actually so easy to understand?

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